Chapter 232
Nan Ruo was troubled by strange thoughts in her heart, suddenly there was a sound in her ear, but Feng Tianying bit her ear lightly, and a warning voice came: "Quickly call..."

Nan Ruo instantly felt itchy all over her body, giggling coquettishly, she didn't know that her ears were so sensitive and ticklish.

Feng Tianying seemed to have found her weakness, and bit her ear again to punish her for being so hesitant.

"Okay, ok, huh, huh, huh...can I just call you?" Nan Ruo begged for mercy while smiling.

Feng Tianying stopped moving and stared at her seriously, welcoming his new title and identity.

Nan Ruo pursed her lips, and wanted to speak, but felt a little embarrassed. She suddenly couldn't understand how she could chase him so carelessly before and call him Brother Ying.

Feng Tianying looked at her expectantly, seeing that she was still hesitating, her expression darkened, and she pretended to come and bite her again.

Nan Ruo was startled, and hurriedly stretched out his hands to protect his ears, begging for mercy: "I'm yelling, I'm yelling, don't bite me again..."

Feng Tianying's black eyes sank, they were full of expectation, but also slightly dissatisfied and impatient.

Nan Ruo also knew that she was dawdling, but in her heart, she always felt that Brother Tianying at this time was like a contract of prostitution, and if she called, she would no longer be herself.

But seeing his look full of expectations, she seemed unwilling to let him down, she pursed her lips again, and said in a low voice: "God..."

Brother Ying hadn't uttered the three words yet, suddenly a few cold and strange laughter came from outside the cave.

Nan Ruo turned around in surprise, and those three words were swallowed into her stomach.

Just listening to the voice said: "Unexpectedly, the upright and upright King Yun has such a hobby, likes to flirt with girls from good families in the wilderness, unexpected, unexpected..."

Feng Tianying's face darkened instantly.

What kind of blind guy dares to disturb him!
Feng Tianying stood up abruptly, pulled Nan Ruo behind her, and said, "Stay here and don't move, I'll go out and have a look."

Nan Ruo grabbed his skirt and shook his head vigorously: "I don't want it!"

Feng Tianying stopped talking, reached out to hold her hand, and the two walked out of the cave holding hands like this.

Coming out of the cave, Feng Tianying immediately returned to his original sternness, and his dark eyes often swept away.

On the left, directly in front, and on the right, three men in black can be seen.

However, in this dense forest, there is an overwhelming evil spirit. He knows that there are many killers hidden in places he can't see.

Ying Ying, who was originally ambushing outside the cave, has disappeared at this time. With his martial arts, it is absolutely impossible to eliminate a master like Ying Ying in front of him.

The only possibility is that when he was bitten by a poisonous snake and fell into a coma just now, the snake did not appear by accident.

The three men in black didn't seem to be ready to act immediately, they just looked up and down carefully at Feng Tianying and Nan Ruo beside him with their eagle-like eyes.

Only one person said: "So far, no one has survived after being bitten by the Jade Fire Snake King!"

Jade Fire Snake King!Unexpectedly, the little green snake was called the Jade Fire Snake King. Nan Ruo secretly thought that although it was small and thin, it was so poisonous that it deserved the title of the Snake King.

Feng Tianying snorted coldly, and said: "It's just a small broken snake, you wouldn't be so naive as to think that a small snake can kill this king, then you underestimate this king too much."

(End of this chapter)

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