The fate of the world's beauty

Chapter 286 Are you willing?

Chapter 286 Are you willing?

Many people couldn't help walking towards the direction where Nan Jiye and Nan Qing were, and surrounded them densely.

"General Nan, I didn't expect that your love would be blessed by misfortune after being missing for a year, and learn such a superb skill. It's really gratifying!"

"...The so-called famous teacher produces a high-level apprentice. I don't know where Ling'ai learned such a skill..."

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, General Nan, be honest, did you send your daughter to some famous teacher to learn art a year ago, but claimed that her daughter disappeared..."


All kinds of voices almost drowned Nan Jiye and Nan Qing.

Nan Jiye was at a loss, all he knew was that when Nan Ruo returned to the general's mansion this time, his temperament changed a bit, and she ignored them when she was asked to learn piano, chess, calligraphy, painting and female celebrities, and went out early and returned late every day, not knowing what she was busy with.

Because he dotes on this daughter very much, and because he knows that her reputation outside the world is not good, it may be very difficult to find a husband's family, so he simply let her go, but he didn't expect that in just a few days, she would actually make such an astonishing move. Things are simply unbelievable.

However, this is a good thing no matter what, I was afraid that she would not be able to get married, but now that it is all right, the crown prince personally proposed marriage in front of the queen mother, and finally all the face lost by his Nan family has been recovered.

For a moment, although Nan Jiye was at a loss, his eyes were narrowed with a smile, and he had a look of surprise on his face.

Nan Qing was dizzy from being squeezed, her eyes fell on Nan Ruo who was being held by the queen mother, and she felt a strange feeling in her heart, bumping like a deer.

He knew that this was not his sister, and he was even more fortunate that she was not his sister. However, seeing the prince's hand tightly protecting her, he silently lowered his head.

At this moment, he hopes that she is really his sister, so that there is still a solid and intimate relationship between her and him. If this relationship does not exist, then the relationship between her and him Time, isn't it nothing?

The emperor's eyes fell on Nan Ruo's face, and he felt that her eyes were as bright as the bright stars in the sky, dazzling and dazzling.

He suddenly remembered the rumors about the Goddess of Destiny Empress that had been widely circulated in Los Angeles...

The emperor's eyes flickered slightly. Based on his countless experience in reading people, this Nan Ruo is by no means a simple woman. Could it be that she is really the Empress of Destiny...

Perhaps this matter can only be concluded after the national teacher returns...

After hearing Nan Ruo's answer, the Queen Mother suddenly smiled and said, "Girl, Grandma Huang likes you."

She stretched out her hand to take the prince's hand, and said: "Hong'er, since you and Nanyatou have a long-standing engagement, now that Nanyatou is back, you should get married as soon as possible, Huang'er, don't you think so?"

The emperor's eyes sank slightly, and he said: "Mother, as the saying goes, the parents ordered the matchmaker's words, and we haven't asked General Nan yet?"

As the emperor said, he glanced at Nan Jiye and said, "General Nan, are you willing?"

Nan Jiye was taken aback for a moment, obviously feeling the deep meaning in the emperor's eyes looking at him, but what is the deep meaning in the emperor's eyes?Could it be that the emperor didn't want the crown prince to marry Ruo'er...

Nan Jiye hesitated for a moment, pushed aside the crowd in front of him, and said: "Reporting to the emperor, Ruo'er has been away for more than a year, and his temper has become a bit wild. I am afraid that Ruo'er will be ignorant and anger Tianwei, so... "

(End of this chapter)

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