The fate of the world's beauty

Chapter 287 Please Accept Zhang Erchen's Crown Prince

Chapter 287 Please take back the position of the crown prince
The corner of the emperor's mouth slightly curved, he turned his head and said to Baili Hong: "Hong'er, it seems that General Nan is very troubled."

Bai Lihong turned around and bowed to Nan Jiye, saying: "General Nan, the engagement between me and Ruo'er was made a year ago, besides, based on the time I spent with Ruo'er, Ruo'er Lively, graceful and charming, how can you be a bit wild, General Nan, don't be too self-effacing."

As Bai Lihong said, a gleam in his eyes swept across Nan Jiye's face.

Nan Jiye nodded with some trepidation, and said: "His Royal Highness is too well-known. If her son can get His Royal Highness's care, it is a blessing she has cultivated in her previous life. Your servant, how can you not allow me?"

The queen mother also stood up at this time, took Nanruo's hand with one hand, and the prince's hand with the other, and said: "My son, the Ai family sees that these two children are very suitable, why don't we take advantage of today's day to marry the two children?" The child's marriage has been settled...the palace has not held a happy event for a long time."

The empress dowager had already spoken, the emperor naturally couldn't say anything more, he turned to the empress dowager and said: "The empress mother is right."

The Empress Dowager looked at the prince, then at Nan Ruo, the more she looked at the two children, the more she felt that the two children were a good match, and she said: "Okay, this matter will be decided by the Ai family." She turned to look at Zijuan, and said: "Zijuan , you choose the nearest auspicious day, so that the two children can get married early."

Zijuan smiled and said: "Yes, Empress Dowager, I will do it now."

The crown prince smiled, stretched out his hand to pull Nan Ruo, then knelt down in front of the queen mother, and said, "Hong'er thank you grandma."

Nan Ruochu was there, momentarily at a loss.

Although she promised Feng Tianying earlier that she would fight for the position of Crown Princess, she never expected that the position of Crown Princess would come so easily, it was effortless.

It was so easy and so fast, which made her a little panicked.

At this time, Nan Ruo felt a cold gaze on the top of his head, his heart skipped a beat, and he immediately kowtowed to the queen mother, and said in a panic, "Ruoer, thank you grandma."

Afterwards, Nan Ruo realized later that she didn't know when she had become so afraid of Feng Tianying. Just a simple look in his eyes made her feel a little confused.

It's a bad feeling, very bad.

Nan Ruo stood beside the prince with some annoyance... Her marriage was settled like this...

Seeing that Nan Ruo agreed to this marriage, Feng Tianying's heart sank. This woman, let her do things, is really worried... But, why, there is a feeling of irritability in her heart that keeps spreading... …

The way the prince and Nan Ruo stood side by side became more and more an eyesore, Feng Tianying's dark eyes became deeper, as if dripping ink.

The marriage between the prince and Nan Ruo was finalized, everyone returned to their seats, the prince glanced at Wei Bing next to him, and the phoenix eyes flickered coldly.

The prince walked up to the emperor, knelt down, bent over and made a big salute.

The emperor's eyes moved slightly, and he said softly, "Prince, what do you want to say?"

The prince knelt up straight, looked up at the emperor, and said, "Father, my son wants to ask my father to take back my son's position as prince."

For a moment, a thousand layers of waves were stirred up. The words of the prince made the scene that had been quiet just now become bustling again.

The emperor frowned and said: "Prince, you did not make a mistake, why did you ask?"

(End of this chapter)

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