The fate of the world's beauty

Chapter 344 You Stupid Pig!

Chapter 344 You Stupid Pig!
Before Hua Chenqing finished speaking, Feng Tianying had already stood up and walked quickly to the dungeon.

When the three of them arrived at the dungeon, He Ziling had already bent the iron bars of the dungeon to the sides, and on the ground beside him was Situ Xin's iron hook that he tore off.

Situ Xin was running out of the dungeon when she ran into Feng Tianying, she dodged and hid behind Feng Tianying, grabbed her clothes, and said, "His Royal Highness, you are here, look at him, even I The hooks are all torn."

Feng Tianying felt the clothes behind her being grabbed by her, frowned slightly, and waved her hand that was holding her clothes away with one hand.

Situ Xin pouted, but still hid behind him.

At this time, Ying Ying had already drawn his sword and stepped forward, fighting with He Ziling.

Seeing that even Shadow was no match for He Ziling, Feng Tianying walked forward.

"His Royal Highness, no!"

"His Royal Highness, don't!"

Hua Chenqing and Situ Xin spoke in unison.

Feng Tianying said in a deep voice: "Let's go together, we must restrain him!" If he is allowed to go out, the consequences are unimaginable.

He didn't say the latter sentence, but everyone understood it in their hearts.

Hua Chenqing and Situ Xin nodded, each showing their own weapons, Situ Xin pulled out the soft braid around his waist, Hua Chenqing squeezed a few silver needles in his hand, and together with Feng Tianying, rushed towards He Ziling.

He Ziling had already lost his mind at this moment, his eyes were covered with red bloodshot eyes, and the veins on his face and neck were bulging like earthworms, making him look horrifying.

His strength is so amazing that even the iron bars of the cell can be bent by him.

So none of the four dared to get close to him, they could only attack him from a distance to trap him, and when he was tired, it would be easier to deal with him.

But even so, the four of them did not dare to neglect at all.

While beating, Situ Xin scolded: "You stinky old man, what do you feed him all day long? He's not even afraid of my iron hook now."

With a bitter face, Hua Chenqing said, "Isn't it just the antidote? He must have been poisoned by some strange poison to become like this!"

"Detoxify and detoxify." Situ Xin scolded: "You stupid pig! You detoxified the poison that could restrain him, and made him even more powerful."

"You!" Hua Chenqing suddenly became angry. In this world, no one dared to call him an idiot. He almost tore this woman's heart.

Seeing that Hua Chenqing didn't answer, Situ Xin didn't say anything anymore, and whipped the long whip towards the top of He Ziling's head.

Unexpectedly, he grabbed the whip.

"Let go!" Feng Tianying said.

But before it was too late, He Ziling pulled violently, and Situ Xin flew over with the whip.

Situ Xin wanted to let go again, but He Ziling had already strangled her neck severely.

Situ scratched and hit hard, but it was of no avail. After struggling, a silver chain fell out of his neck and fell to the ground with a clatter. The pendant under the chain broke in two.

Situ was furious, it was the only thing her mother left her, and it was torn to pieces by this guy at this moment, and immediately grabbed and beat her hands.

The three of Feng Tianying also stepped forward, attacking He Ziling's head, shoulders, and legs respectively, trying to force her to let go.

But He Ziling grabbed Situ Xin's neck tightly and refused to let go.

Situ Xin felt that it was difficult to breathe, and she suddenly became frightened.

She doesn't want to die, she is still so young, she loves King Yun, she still has so many things to miss, she doesn't want to die...

(End of this chapter)

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