The fate of the world's beauty

Chapter 345 Isn't it just a mask?

Chapter 345 Isn't it just a mask?

Because of fear, tears rolled down from Situ's big eyes...

At this moment, Feng Tianying suddenly took two steps back, while Hua Chenqing and Ying Ying attacked one after another.

On the other hand, He Ziling was like a wild beast, strangling Situ Xin's neck tightly with one hand, while the other hand was wrapped around Situ Xin's iron hook chain, waving it vigorously, Hua Chenqing and Ying Ying couldn't get in at all. his body.

Seeing that Situ Xin's face had already turned purple, she would die if this continued.

Feng Tianying turned around suddenly, and turned around in a moment.

He Ziling's frantic body suddenly stopped, and the strength in his hand was involuntarily loosened.

Situ Xin finally regained his composure, opened his eyes slightly, and was stunned when he saw the face of the person standing in front of him...

I saw Feng Tianying's original handsome face, but at this moment it was replaced by another alluring face, coupled with Feng Tianying's hair, she looked like a charming and handsome girl.

Situ Xin was stunned for a moment, and immediately felt how this face was so familiar. After thinking about it for a while, she finally remembered that this face was none other than the woman Feng Tianying called her Ruo'er.

He Ziling's hand movements slowed down, and the hand holding Situ Xin also completely relaxed, throwing her aside like throwing trash, and then walked towards Feng Tianying with eyes full of obsession.

Hua Chenqing and Ying Ying wanted to seize the opportunity to catch him, but they were stopped by Feng Tianying's gaze. The two followed He Ziling to prevent him from suddenly going crazy and attacking their master.

And Feng Tianying glanced at He Ziling's face, and threw a charming look over him, He Ziling immediately froze, and took two steps in his direction.

Feng Tianying smiled and waved to him, and He Ziling giggled a few times, and immediately ran over happily, opening his arms to hug Feng Tianying.

Naturally, Feng Tianying would not let him really hug him, he dodged his embrace with a flash of his figure.

Feng Tianying turned back three times and led He Ziling forward, until he came to another cell, Feng Tianying turned his head and smiled at He Ziling, turned around and entered that cell.

He Ziling followed in foolishly, Feng Tianying stood on one foot, and waved to him with a smile.

He Ziling yelled in a low voice: "Ruoer..." while walking towards Feng Tianying.

When He Ziling walked to Feng Tianying's side, Feng Tianying suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed his hand with one hand, and put the iron ring on his hand with the other hand, and with a snap, the iron ring was locked.

He Ziling was still immersed in the joy of meeting Nan Ruo, when Feng Tianying suddenly locked his wrist, he was slightly taken aback.

At this time, Hua Chenqing immediately ran in, took out a silver needle, and pierced his eyebrows, He Ziling paused slightly, and fell to the ground in an instant.

At this moment, Shadow stepped forward and locked He Ziling's other hand as well.

Only then did Feng Tianying come out of the prison cell, stretched out his hand to wipe his face, and restored his original handsome face, but in his hand, there was a transparent thing as thin as a cicada's wing.

Situ Xin on the side also recovered at this moment. She was very surprised to see Feng Tianying's face changing like a magic trick, and rushed over immediately, reaching out to snatch the transparent mask from his hand.

Feng Tianying's eyes sank, she stepped back, her movements were quick and neat, and Situ Xin couldn't please him at all.

Seeing that he couldn't grab the mask, Situ was very unwilling, and said, "Isn't it just a mask? So what if you take a look?"

(End of this chapter)

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