Chapter 60

Feng Tianying said with a faint smile: "Director Zeng, take Mr. Duanmu and others down the mountain, I'll go and have a look."

Zeng Ling agreed, and took Duanmuqi and others down the mountain through the secret path.

"Young master—" Yang Yi's voice came from behind, Feng Tianying turned around, and saw Yang Yi was rushing over by himself.

Feng Tianying waited for him to approach, and said, "Just you?"

Yang Yi said: "I wandered around the bottom of the lake for a long time, but I didn't see any sign of Nan Ruo. There is one more important thing." He approached Feng Tianying, and said in a low voice: "The Jiuye Mingzhi at the bottom of Xuning Lake are all gone. !"

"What?" Feng Tianying frowned slightly, so many Nine-leaf Mingzhi, how could it be possible to say no to see it, just now at the bottom of the lake, didn't you see that white and glistening Nine-leaf Mingzhi forest?
Yang Yi saw the doubt in his eyes, and said affirmatively: "It's absolutely true! Originally, the bottom of the lake was shining brightly, as bright as day, but this time, the bottom of the lake was pitch black, and there was no one left. I don't know who it was. With such a great ability, can you pull out so many Mingzhi in such a short period of time?"

Feng Tianying frowned and said: "This matter must be kept a secret, we will talk about it later, let's go to the Shenwu Pavilion first."

Yang Yi followed Feng Tianying, raised his eyes, and saw the huge golden dragon flying towards the Shenwu Pavilion. He opened his mouth wide and shouted: "Young Master, look, that dragon is It's not the one that attacked Nan Ruo at the bottom of the lake just now."

Feng Tianying turned her head and booed softly: "Don't talk too much about this, just follow me."

Above Shenwu Pavilion in Yunv Mountain Villa, a huge golden dragon volleys down from the sky. The girl sitting on its back is wearing a light yellow dress, with long black hair hanging around her waist. The scales on the golden dragon are reflected in the sunlight. The eye-catching brilliance further sets off the girl's sacredness and extraordinaryness like a goddess descending to earth.

The golden dragon hovered over the Shenwu Pavilion for a while, and landed in a huge courtyard outside the Shenwu Pavilion.

"Ah——" There were loud exclamations in the courtyard. There were hundreds of women in costumes holding long swords standing in the courtyard. The gentle and beautiful woman in military uniform crossed her arms to protect everyone, and said, "Everyone, don't panic!" As she spoke, she looked at the giant dragon in the field vigilantly.

Nan Ruo heard that the voice sounded familiar, and followed the sound, it was Huang Li who brought her up the mountain that day. She was so happy that she jumped off Jinlong's back, ran over and said, "Sister Huang, it's me."

Huang Li took a closer look, breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Sister Nan, why is it you?"

Nan Ruo was about to speak when suddenly two women fell down beside Huang Li. Huang Li was startled, and hurriedly squatted down to check, only to see that there was nothing unusual about the faces of the two of them, but their breath seemed to be there, and their eyes were closed tightly, as if they had lost consciousness Normally, at this moment, the people around her fell to the ground one by one, and Huang Li said in shock, "It's poisonous! Everyone, hurry up and hold your breath!"

But it was too late, the people around her fell down one by one, and finally even she herself fell down.

Nan Ruo stood in a crowd of people, her face was pale with shock, she didn't know if they were fainted or dead, she had never seen such a scene in her lifetime, she exclaimed, turned her head and showed Jinlong Xiang ran, but saw Chengxiang's body staggering a little, Chengxiang writhed and rushed into the sky, looking very painful, it gradually drifted away, and said to Nan Ruo with his heart words: "Wuhenxiang is too powerful, I will The spiritual power is sealed, so I can't take you away, but you are carrying a thousand spirit beads, which are invulnerable to all poisons, so quickly find a place to hide."

Nan Ruo froze on the spot, looked around, saw a cabinet in front of him, and was about to run to hide in it, at this moment, a soft and charming sigh sounded from outside the door: "Hey, why is there a person standing awake?"

(End of this chapter)

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