The fate of the world's beauty

Chapter 61 As long as I like it!

Chapter 61 As long as I like it!
Nan Ruo followed the prestige, and saw an eighteen or nineteen-year-old woman in white clothes appeared at the door. Nan Ruo suddenly felt his eyes light up, and saw that her skin was as thick as snow, as if she was fat, her eyebrows were like distant mountains, her eyes were shining like stars, and she was straight. With a delicate bridge of nose, slightly raised red lips, and a faint indifferent smile, her whole body seems to be shrouded in a thin layer of light mist, giving people an unreal and otherworldly glamor .

"Oh my God, it's so beautiful. It's the first time I've seen such a beautiful woman." Nan Ruo admired in her heart, forgetting that she was in a dangerous situation.

The woman in white seemed to be used to the astonishing expression when others saw her face, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, her eyes were raised, and she didn't take Nan Ruo into her eyes at all.

At this time, a woman in green clothes in her thirties came out from behind the woman in white clothes. She looked at Nan Ruo who was standing alone in the field, and said, "Palace Master, let me catch her and ask her clearly."

Lan Baiyu nodded lightly, and said, "Auntie Lao Yin."

Nan Ruo only felt a gust of wind blowing around him, and in an instant, the woman in Tsing Yi grabbed her waist and took her to Lan Baiyu's side. Lan Baiyu saw her clearly, and felt that although she was still young, she was still beautiful and moving , especially those dark eyes, flashing a seductive aura, Lan Baiyu's heart skipped a beat, she never thought that there would be such a beautiful woman in this Yunv Villa, if two or three years later, this girl would definitely be born. As beautiful and charming as herself, thinking of this, Lan Baiyu felt cold, pulled a chair and sat down, and said, "What's your name? Why aren't you afraid of my 'Wuhenxiang'?"

Hearing what she said, Nan Ruo finally understood that the sisters in the Jade Girl Villa were poisoned by her. She looked at her beautiful face and asked instead: "You poisoned me? Why did you do this? They are all good people. You are so beautiful, why do you want to be such a bad person who harms others?"

Lan Baiyu looked at her upright little face which was very moving, couldn't help "giggling" and said, "Why? Because I like it!" Lan Baiyu stood up, took the long sword from Yin Jiugu, the woman in Tsing Yi, and said : "As long as I like it, let alone stun them, even kill them, it doesn't matter."

As she spoke, she stepped forward, raised her sword and stabbed a fainted woman. The woman died without even groaning.

Nan Ruo didn't expect her to be so disregarding human life, she was furious, she ran over, trying to grab the long sword in her hand, but who knew that woman's figure was as fast as a ghost, Nan Ruo didn't even use her clothes After a while, Nan Ruo stopped chasing her and leaned over to push the stunned women, hoping that they would wake up soon and resist the enemy together.

Lan Baiyu saw that she didn't beg for herself, but tried to wake up the fainted women, thinking it was amusing, she said: "Hey, what did you ask them to get up? Seeing how my companions died under the cold sword Is it?" As he spoke, another sword stabbed in the chest of a woman, and the woman died the same way, without even making a sound, Lan Baiyu raised the sword, and lightly touched the sword with green fingers With a flick, a string of blood drops fell like red jade, shining softly in the sun, Lan Baiyu smiled happily: "Look, it's so good, it doesn't hurt at all."

Nan Ruo only felt heartbroken. The girls who were still active just now turned into cold corpses. Although she had never gotten along with them, it was not a deep relationship, but facing Lan Baiyu so unreasonably Killing, she couldn't bear such a strong impact both visually and psychologically.

(End of this chapter)

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