To Youth: Secretly Falling in Love with You

Chapter 14 Going to the Amusement Park

Chapter 14 Going to the Amusement Park
Tian Yuan found a chair and sat down to wait.Fu Jiani is not a person who likes to stay in bed, she is washing up now, and after 5 minutes, she saw Tian Yuan's text message, and immediately ran downstairs.

Tian Yuan kept looking at the door of the dormitory building, and as soon as he saw Fu Jiani coming out, he immediately went up to meet her.Fu Jiani looked at Tian Yuan apologetically and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't see the text message while I was washing up, did you wait for a long time?"

Tian Yuan smiled and said, "It didn't take long. You came down after a while. I bought breakfast for you. Look at milk sandwiches, soy milk fritters, what do you like?" Although Fu Jiani was a little embarrassed, she still had A warm current.

"Thank you, you don't have to buy me breakfast."

"It's okay, just by the way, I just got up early today and thought that you might have bought it before you had breakfast. Come and see what you like to eat."

Fu Jiani smiled, "Thank you anyway, I still like Chinese food, soy milk fritters."

Tian Yuan silently noted that Fu Jiani likes Chinese food. "Okay, then I'm leaving, and don't keep saying thank you to me, we are friends. Goodbye!"

Fu Jiani felt warm in her heart.

"Well, bye."

Seeing Tian Yuan leave, he turned and went back to the dormitory.

It's been a long time since I left school. After Fu Jiani came to this new school, because of her personality, she just had a good time with Cai Yilian. Even if she was a classmate, she still didn't know the name, but she would not take the initiative Dealing with people, so in the eyes of others, Fu Jiani seemed a little withdrawn.

Fu Jiani seemed very disapproving of these discussions.

In Fu Jiani's eyes, school is a place to learn, so don't waste your precious study time on things like making friends.

Cai Yilian observed Fu Jiani carefully, and began to try to change Fu Jiani slowly, for example: take Fu Jiani to greet some classmates, or introduce some classmates to let Fu Jiani know.

For these, Fu Jiani just nodded and responded lightly. She really has no interest in engaging in diplomacy.

But after all, these people were introduced by Cai Yilian, and I had to give them a little face.

This is beyond doubt, after all, it was Cai Yilian who helped him in the first place!

People have to know how to repay their kindness, and the kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring. This sentence has been taught by my mother since I was a child.

What's more, they are also kind, so I can't take their kindness as a donkey's liver and lungs, can I?
If so, he is too heartless, isn't he?
Soon, the hope of the students-Friday arrived.

On the small road after school, the students happily discussed: where to play this weekend, what to do...

Maybe the teacher is sympathetic to them for their hard work this week, or maybe it is because of some other reasons that there are not many homework this weekend, or even less.

Because of this relatively small amount of homework, Fu Jiani, who has always been a top student, completed all of them on Friday.

At this moment, Fu Jiani was lying on the bed, and she was very comfortable under the warm-colored lighting. Who would have thought that in school, Fu Jiani, who was extremely withdrawn, would choose warm colors for her room, while Not a cool color?

The lamp on the ceiling was flickering slightly, and the ceiling was covered with a hazy yellow, but thoughts were racing through his mind. After thinking about it for a while, he finally decided to call Cai Yilian to play tomorrow, as a reward for his help.

She picked up the phone that was on the bedside table.

After flipping through the densely packed text, she pressed the number that had been saved for a long time but had never been touched. After connecting, Fu Jiani cautiously said "Hello."

"Fu Jiani?"

Fu Jiani could still feel the incredible voice of the person on the other end.

"Well, it's me, Teacher Cai, do you have time tomorrow?" Fu Jiani's voice was very soft, as if she would fall if the wind blows.

"You... What's the matter?"

Cai Yilian asked very puzzled.

"I invite you to the amusement park tomorrow. After all, you helped me back then."

There was a coquettishness in Fu Jiani's tone, which she didn't even notice.


Cai Yilian agreed without hesitation.

"Then I'll see you at the playground tomorrow morning." Fu Jiani frowned slightly, and the corners of her mouth curled up, and she didn't even notice this, but a look of joy covered her brows.

Fu Jiani put the phone back on the bedside table again, and the bright lights dimmed instantly.

With a snap, Fu Jiani pressed the switch, and the room was plunged into darkness.

Fu Jiani was tossing and turning on the big soft bed, unexpectedly bringing a little bit of joy to make her nerves so clear that she couldn't stop the rotation of her brain cells at all.

White fingers lightly pressed the temples, rubbed them casually, just enough strength to make the mind full of miscellaneous things empty, took a deep breath, and fell asleep with a smile in the free thoughts.

The dark darkness was covered with pure blue, and the sky was so clear that it seemed to be able to reflect light. It was still very early, and the sun was shining gently on the earth. The crowd was sparse, and most of them were still deeply asleep amidst the orderly snoring.

But Fu Jiani woke up, naturally, even she didn't know why.

When I opened my eyes, the sunlight filtered by the curtains entered clearly. I brushed my messy hair with my hands, stretched my waist, and felt the rare urge to fall asleep. I looked around suspiciously, but there was no difference. I didn't think about it anymore, I was worried, turned over and left the soft bed, stepped on the slippers, and kicked into the bathroom to wash up.

The self in the mirror is the same as before, with plain eyebrows and foamy mouth.

Wipe it hard with a towel, then turn on the faucet, let the splashing water wash over the towel, wring it dry, and hang it back up.

He stepped on his slippers and sat on the side of the bed, picked up the cell phone that had been left overnight, flipped through it casually, and suddenly remembered that today, he asked Cai Yilian out.

Looking at the time, it was already 8 o'clock, and I made an appointment with Cai Yilian at 8:30.Ignoring other things, she changed her clothes and shoes and went out, but she forgot her mobile phone by the bedside. Panting, Fu Jiani finally ran to the playground, but she didn't see Cai Yilian's arrival. She was about to make a phone call when she remembered, Put your mobile phone by the bed, so just wait for him.

Huoshaoyun, dyed from one side of the sky to the end of the sky on the other end, is angry red mixed with a little bit of blue. It is a relative color, but it seems to complement each other. A piece of cloud, the gaps are all faint yellow, gently Yes, causing ripples in every girl's heart.Fu Jiani looked at the time and it was already 5:30 in the afternoon. He probably wouldn't come. Disappointed, what can she do, or is she qualified to make him come?
What Fu Jiani didn't know was that at eight o'clock in the evening, the boy, out of breath, ran to the playground to find Fu Jiani, looked around for a long time, sighed, and sat on the ground.

It's really shameless to ask others to wait when it's obvious that I missed the appointment.

Fu Jiani on the other end held the phone tightly and dialed Cai Yilian's number, but she hung up again and again. She didn't know why, it seemed that at that moment, something broke out of the shell.

After a long time, she knew, that thing is called: Lost.

"Jiani, what are you doing?" Fu Ma came over and asked.

"Mom, I'm fine, really." Fu Jiani didn't know why, but she said it with certainty, as if answering Fu's mother's doubts.but
It also seems to be denying the most true thought deep in my heart.

"You little girl, you won't have a relationship outside behind your mother's back, right?" Fu's mother was puzzled, so she had to ask.

After hearing Fu Ma's words, Fu Jiani's hand holding the phone tightened.

Fu Ma, who was very observant, saw it, and wanted to speak, but Fu Jiani took the opportunity.

"Your daughter is plain-looking, and she's not a talented girl known to everyone. How could anyone like her?"

Yes, how could such an excellent person like him fall in love with her?
Listening to Fu Jiani's self-deprecating words, Fu's mother sighed softly: "What, my precious daughter has unlimited charm, huh?"

After hearing this, Fu Jiani couldn't help but smile wryly. I'm afraid that only Fu's mother in this world thinks so.

Fu Jiani smiled twice to express her response to her mother and returned to the room. After returning to the room, she sat upright on the bed and tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep.The lights in the room went off and on, on and off.After going through several rounds, Fu Jiani couldn't stand it anymore and was upset.Her mind was in a mess, and Fu Jiani finally realized why she was bothered.

She would be upset and bewildered because he didn't keep his promise.

Is this still her?She is not like that.

Fu Jiani thought about the reason, but in the end there was no result.

She hugged the teddy bear who was sleeping on the bed with her, and hugged her lovingly in her arms. Every time she was unhappy, she would talk to this bear.

"Little bear, little bear," because Fu Jiani has always been single-celled, so she didn't even think of naming her as little bear.

"What did you say about Cai Yilian? He clearly agreed to go to the amusement park together, why did he miss the appointment now?"

Then she lowered her voice and imitated another person in a rough voice: "Jiani Jiani, he must be busy, right? How can such a good man like Cai Yilian break the appointment so easily when he promised?"

When she was about to refute by herself, the phone rang after waiting all night.She didn't know why she had to wait for someone to call, maybe it was just for a reason.

She immediately dropped the bear in her hand, moved her body forcefully, and the poor bear had already been thrown to the corner of the bed.

Fu Jiani grasped the phone tightly, but saw an unfamiliar number, but it was not Cai Yilian's call at all, and suddenly realized why she had to wait for Cai Yilian's call, was it just for an explanation?

To be honest, Fu Jiani doesn't know either, really doesn't know

(End of this chapter)

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