To Youth: Secretly Falling in Love with You

Chapter 15 Amusement Park Play

Chapter 15 Amusement Park Play

The phone call was still going on, she hesitated a little, and answered the phone.

The bear at the corner of the bed was lying crookedly there. If it had human consciousness, it would definitely despise Fu Jiani angrily. At any rate, it has been by his side for so many years, and now it is just for a phone call. lost!I really want to cry.

Let's take a look at Cai Yilian again. He searched the playground for a long time but found no results, so he felt very uncomfortable.After all, he had promised Fu Jiani to accompany him to the playground, and now he broke his promise and released Fu Jiani's pigeons, and he felt guilty and remorseful.But then he finally realized that the most important thing for him now was to apologize to Fu Jiani.

But when I was about to make a call, I realized that the phone was out of battery and turned off automatically.He hurriedly stopped a taxi and hurried home to recharge it. The taxi driver was frightened by his anxious tone and thought that someone had died. He heard him say that the phone was out of battery along the way, and laughed so hard.Fortunately, the driver was very kind-hearted. He said to Cai Yilian: "It's nothing, my girlfriend. Although I missed the appointment, it's fine to coax her. For this kind of thing, you must put down your airs, say sorry and coax her more. , it is best to accompany her again."

Cai Yilian explained that it was not a girlfriend.

The driver rolled his eyes when he heard this, and said with a smile: "It seems that your condition is pretty good. You look good, and you shouldn't be poor. You haven't chased other girls yet?"

Cai Yilian was even more embarrassed when he heard that he and Fu Jiani didn't have that kind of relationship at all, but the driver didn't believe it at all. After talking for a few rounds, Cai Yilian didn't bother to explain.

Cai Yilian sat restlessly in the taxi, looking anxiously at the street outside the car window, thinking to himself that the road is not far away, why is it so long today, and when will he be able to get home?What should I say when I get home?Will Fu Jiani forgive herself? This is a great opportunity to start reforming her. If she just missed it, it's all her own fault.How can this teacher continue to be a teacher in the future?
The driver in front saw the anxious Cai Yilian in the back seat through the brightly polished mirror and said, "Dude, if you are really in a hurry, take my mobile phone." He took out the phone and handed it back.When Cai Yilian saw the phone, he was overjoyed and thanked the driver repeatedly.

But when the mobile phone was in front of him, he remembered something, he couldn't remember Fu Jiani's phone number...

Now he was embarrassed again. He racked his brains and couldn't think of Fu Jiani's phone number. He only remembered that it should be the phone number of China Mobile.The driver asked him why he didn't call, and when he was about to hand over his mobile phone and say that he forgot the number, he suddenly remembered the note with the phone number written on it by Fu Jiani last time. in the wallet.

He quickly took out his wallet to look for it again, but after looking through it, there was no note except the money and the bank card. He was wondering why he couldn't find the note in the wallet, and finally found it in a small interlayer. found it.

On the white note is beautiful handwriting, although it is all numbers, but it also has a special beauty.Cai Yilian quickly dialed that number.

But after dialing for a long time, no one answered, and when he was about to hang up, the call got through, and a crisp voice came from the phone, "Who are you?"

Cai Yilian replied, "I'm Cai Yilian, Fu Jiani, I'm sorry about what happened today."

"Cai Yilian? Teacher Cai? This doesn't seem to be your phone number?" There was a doubtful voice from the opposite side, but Fu Jiani was just rejoicing that she answered the call. It seems that sometimes, strange calls have to be answered.

"It's a long story. I'll talk to you tomorrow. By the way, do you still have time next week? I think I will invite you out to the playground at that time as compensation for today's missed appointment."

"Okay... okay."

"Well, I'm really sorry about today's incident."

"it does not matter."

"Then I hang up."


The night is getting late, and the dark night sky is dotted with gem-like stars, and the moon's light shines on this feasting city.

At the same time, Fu Jiani and Cai Yilian have fallen into a dreamland peacefully and contentedly.

Fu Jiani got up early the next morning. She had a good night's sleep yesterday. She stretched comfortably, and suddenly saw the abandoned bear in the corner of the bed, crawling on it again. He took it back and put it in his arms.She happily looked at the cute brown bear, and gently rubbed the plastic triangular nose with the pen tip, it was cool.

The dark darkness was covered with pure blue, and the sky was so clear that it seemed to be able to reflect light. It was still very early, and the sun was shining gently on the earth. The crowd was sparse, and most of them were still deeply asleep amidst the orderly snoring.

But Fu Jiani woke up, naturally, even she didn't know why.

She looked very excited, because Cai Yilian said yesterday: Next week, he will take her to the amusement park.

Looking at her energetic self in the mirror, for some reason she was extremely excited when she heard the news yesterday.

It's a pity that there is still a week to wait, she wants to go out with him now!

You really have no sense of shame, and people don't like you.

A villain who resembled himself growled in his heart.

After hearing her words, Fu Jiani wanted to cry very much. For some reason, she just wanted to cry, very, very much.

Have you fallen in love with him?

Could it be that I really fell in love with him?

Fell in love with a man much older than himself?
Fell in love with your teacher?


How can I fall in love with this kind of person?
Thinking of this, Fu Jiani threw herself on the sofa and pinched her hard, as if she wanted to use the pain to relieve the pain in her heart.

But my heart still inadvertently looked at that thing and thought about it.

She scratched her messy hair again.

Fu's mother came over and asked Fu Jiani: "Jiani, are you really in a relationship? Is this a quarrel with a young man? Or is it a crush on nothing? Just tell your mother and satisfy your mother's curiosity. "

"Mom, do you read too many romance novels? Old boy!" Fu Jiani, who was in an extremely bad mood, naturally couldn't say anything good.

"You, if you're in a bad mood, go mountain climbing. I'll tell you that it's the best way to vent your mood." In this world, which mother would be angry with her child, so Fu's mother simply ignored Fu Jiani's words A paragraph, say.

climb mountains?It's a good idea.

Fu Jiani thought about it for a while, and felt that Fu's mother had a good idea.

He went back to his room and changed into a set of sports clothes, and went out with sneakers on his feet.

Came to the foot of the mountain by bus.

Looking at the mountain that went straight into the sky, Fu Jiani couldn't help but start to doubt whether her decision was right or wrong, and finally became cruel and embarked on a road of no return.

Before halfway through, Fu Jiani fell to the ground and yelled, some old people who climbed the mountain together shook their heads and sighed, "It's true that every generation is no different from one generation to the next. Today's young people can't even compare with us old men."

Unconvinced, Fu Jiani got up again and walked up.

In the end, there was a sea of ​​people on the top of the mountain.

Only then did Fu Jiani know that climbing the mountain is not the only way to go up the mountain, so she couldn't help but want to swear.

Why no one told her.

But the scenery here is so beautiful!
If there is a chance in the future, she must bring Cai Yilian to see it.

Fu Jiani patted her face, as if trying to wake herself up.

After admiring the scenery for a while, Fu Jiani was ready to go down the mountain, but she didn't think about going down by herself. Since there is a cable car, why not take it?

Fu Jiani is not so stupid.


At this moment, Fu Jiani was already lying on Simmons.

Tomorrow, we will go to school, can we see him again?
Thinking of this, Fu Jiani hugged the little bear, and soon went to play chess with Duke Zhou.

In the morning, Fu Jiani was woken up by a living "alarm clock".

.And this alarm clock is Fumu.

While washing, Fu Jiani looked at herself in the mirror.

The self in the mirror was the same as before, with plain eyebrows and mouth full of foam.

However, what I thought in my heart was not as good as usual.

At the school gate, Fu Jiani met her classmates, but no one came to say hello to her.

Fu Jiani knew that her popularity was not good.

She met him at the stairs and quickly lowered her head.

I didn't even dare to look at him, I just lowered my head and walked towards the class.


Soon, a week passed.

Fu Jiani was very excited when she thought that she and Cai Yilian could go to the amusement park soon.

Fu Jiani hugged Xiaoxiong and said, "Little Xiong, Xiaoxiong, do you think Yi Lian will miss the appointment this time like last time? Surely not, right?"

In the midst of confusion, Fu Jiani went on a meeting with Zhou Gong, but this Zhou Gong was going to be changed to Cai Yilian.

Fu Jiani suddenly discovered that she would wake up naturally whenever it was related to Cai Yilian, which is really strange.

After washing up, Fu Jiani walked out.

Not far away, Cai Yilian with a sunny smile on his face was walking towards her.Fu Jiani curled her lips slightly, thinking about whether she should take the initiative to say hello.So there was a charming smile on the corner of his mouth, "Yi Lian, good morning."

Cai Yilian was stunned for a moment, and then laughed heartily. "morning."

Playground, which is always full of laughter.The worries on people's faces seemed to be released here. Through the door, Fu Jiani looked at the slowly rotating Ferris wheel from a distance, and the colors reflected in her eyes were so beautiful.

Cai Yilian, who came back from buying the tickets, looked at Fu Jiani, who looked yearning, and smiled slightly, and held her hand.

"Let's go."

Fu Jiani, who was being dragged, was stunned for a while, and when she came back to her senses, she wanted to break free, but she didn't move.

"Let's go ride the Ferris wheel." Cai Yilian's smile spread in the sunlight, causing Fu Jiani's mouth to smile unconsciously. "it is good."

The slowly rising Ferris wheel, the scenery in front of you is constantly changing, and the mood seems to be flying with the increase in height.

"Yi Lian, do you think this is the highest point in the city?"

"I suppose so."

(End of this chapter)

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