Chapter 107 Bonfire Party
Pang Tong’s voice is not loud, but his deterrent power is huge. For ordinary generals, the name of Zhang Lan is undoubtedly a mountain-like existence. As Pang Tong said, no one dares to pretend at this juncture. Zhang Lan, the consequence of impersonating Zhang Lan is that he will be hunted down by countless people, and the only benefit is just a deterrent.

Although Jiao Touch's face changed slightly, he still said, "Everyone is their own master. 5000 people should be sent to Prime Minister Zhang. Prime Minister, please go back."

Zhang Lan didn't respond immediately, but turned to Su Yi and asked, "Is it possible to find a ship here?"

"You can find them, but they are all fishing boats"

"No problem" Zhang Lan then shouted at Jiao Chu, "Save people to the end, send the Buddha to the west, why don't General Jiao Touch be so beautiful, and give me some food and grass? No need to give more, just the ten-day ration of my thousands of horses and horses is enough." Can"

Jiao Touch's face turned dark, and Zhang Lan was too shameless, asking for food even after talking about it.

"Don't be too deceitful"

"No problem, then I will go to Wuchao to get it myself."

Both Jiao Touch and Zhang Nan's expressions changed drastically, and they looked at each other with some doubts.

"Even if there is food in Wuchao, is it possible for the prime minister to get it?"

"General Jiao, did you know that I burned all the food and grass in Guangzong City during the war against the Yellow Turban? I, Zhang Lan, have always been respected by people, and I will be paid back by others. If you push me, I will die."

There is indeed food and grass in Wuchao, and all the food and grass needed by Guandu are obtained from Wuchao. Although the reserves are not large, it is also the foundation of Guandu, and the defenders in Wuchao are only 5000. Looking at Zhang Lan, Relying on one thousand men and horses to defeat Chun Yuqiong's 5000 army, and taking the rest of his subordinates for his own use, the two generals, Jiao Touch and Zhang Nan, have no intention of fighting. Thinking about Zhang Lan's past achievements, it is true Not allowed.

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree, in fact, after their own analysis, they will find that Zhang Lan's method is not feasible, not to mention other things, the problem of food and grass alone cannot be solved, but from the beginning their Zhang Lan's thinking has been restrained, so he didn't take this into consideration.

Jiao Touch and Zhang Nan discussed for a while, and then said, "Okay, I will give Prime Minister Zhang ten days' food, and I hope the prime minister will keep his promise and leave quickly."


Not long after, Jiao Touch sent people to escort several grain trucks out, Zhang Lan asked Su Yi to send people to take them over, then he bowed his hands at the top of the wall and waved away.

"My lord, where shall I go?" Yu Jin asked

"Going to the north is Yuan Shao's land, it is not feasible, and there is also Yuan Shu at Sishui Pass, so the only way to go east is to avoid Chen Liuxing and go to Zhuiyang to secure himself."

Hearing Zhang Lan's words, Pang Tong felt a little bitter in his heart, wondering if he had followed the wrong person. Zhang Lan's performance was completely different from his resemblance, and his talents had nothing to show.

But Pang Tong was just whining in his own heart. First-class counselors like them don’t easily recognize their masters. Once they recognize their masters, they should help them wholeheartedly. Otherwise, they would be slapping themselves in the face. Of course, Jia Xu was an exception.

After walking towards Zhuiyang for a while, the sky had already dimmed. Zhang Lan directly ordered to "set up camp" to rest. They should have marched in a hurry, but they were recruited just now, and the morale of the army was still unstable.

But the biggest problem is that they originally followed Chun Yuqiong out to chase, and they didn't bring any belongings, and the only things they brought were those on Yu Jin's subordinates. Some people were destined to sleep in the countryside this night.

Zhang Lan asked Su Yi to arrange some people to find some firewood, and then asked him to choose a few people with good bow skills to hunt some prey with him.

When Zhang Lan came back, Pang Tong and Yu Jin had already brought other people to cook in a pot.

"Well, it's very fragrant, come here, give me a hand"

Yu Jin took the prey from Zhang Lan, and called a few soldiers to come over to pick it up and wash it. Then he said to Zhang Lan, "My lord, I have ordered 170 tents to be handed over to them, but it is still far from enough."

"Hey, that's all we can do tonight. We'll walk along the avenue tomorrow and buy some supplies along the way."

In fact, when Yu Jin talked about this matter, his subordinates were more or less dissatisfied. It should be that in front of them was the person who had just fought with them. The forbidden army was strict and there was no disturbance.

Zhang Lan, Su Yi and others built a fire together, and then put the prey on it to roast. When he was in college, Zhang Lan often went outside to barbecue with his friends and gangs, so he directly started it himself. Roasting also chatted with the three commanders, that is, Su Yi and the three of them, to learn about the situation of this team.

The barbecue is ready, but the taste is average. After all, there are a lot of seasonings missing, so it is impossible to make the real taste of barbecue, but it is still meat, and everyone eats it with relish. After eating, Zhang Lan directly ordered everyone to form a circle , set up bonfires around and in the middle, intending to hold a bonfire party to promote harmony.

The party started, the hosts Zhang Lan, Pang Tong, Yu Jin, Su Yi.

Zhang Lan and Pang Tong gave speeches on the central idea of ​​the party, and then because of the ban, Su Yi stepped forward to deliver an 'Award Acceptance Speech'.

After the two made their speeches, the program officially began.

"Next, our general Yu Jin will bring you a spear show, everyone is welcome"

There was a burst of applause.

Yu Jin had never experienced this kind of thing before, and he was still a little nervous. He walked to the middle, fisted all around, and started his performance.

After a martial arts performance, Pang Tong received the matter from Zhang Lan, and stepped forward to give a preface, "Next, our Prime Minister Zhang Lan will bring you a song. Welcome everyone."

"Papapa" was another round of applause, and some people shouted "Okay" below

"Prime Minister Zhang, come here for one"

Zhang Lan walked to the center, raised her hand slightly to make everyone quiet, and then the music started.

"How many times have you fallen on the road
How many times have I broken my wings
Now I don't feel hesitant anymore
I want to go beyond this ordinary life
I want to live in full bloom

like flying in the vast sky

like walking in the endless wilderness
have the power to break free
How many times have I lost my way
How many times have I extinguished my dreams
Now I'm no longer confused
i want my life to be set free
I want to live in full bloom

like flying in the vast sky

like walking in the endless wilderness
have the power to break free
I want to live in full bloom

like standing on top of a rainbow

It's like walking through the bright galaxy
Possess the power beyond the ordinary"

A "Declaration in Bloom" sounded in the air, accompanied by Zhang Lan's hoarse voice. Since everyone didn't feel uncomfortable in the silence, and even some younger people had rosy eyes, they might not be able to understand this. The melody, and maybe not even the lyrics, but they understood the longing in the voice.

Who doesn't desire to bloom in their own lives, even after Zhang Lan finished singing, the scene was still calm, Zhang Lan scratched her head in embarrassment, and bowed to the surroundings.

It was Pang Tong who was the first to react, and took the lead in applauding.

"Papa papa" This time the applause was extraordinarily warm.

After Zhang Lan returned to her place, the atmosphere became awkward again, because there was no show, which was originally thought up by Zhang Lan on the spur of the moment, without any consideration in advance, so it was difficult to proceed later.

(End of this chapter)

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