Optimization System of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 108 I hope you will be together for a long time

Chapter 108 I hope that people will live together for a long time
Seeing the embarrassing scene, Zhang Lan had an idea, and secretly said "I have".

He immediately got up and came to the center, saying, "Who can tell me what kind of people we soldiers are like?"

Everyone is looking at me and looking at you, but no one makes a sound. With the embarrassing experience before, Zhang Lan smiled slightly and said, "For the sake of the country's peace, we hold the guns tightly, longing for glory and winning glory. Next, I will teach Let me sing your military song, "We Serve as Soldiers", and then I will teach you sentence by sentence."

"Papapa..." Everyone didn't speak, but just expressed their agreement through the applause they had just gotten used to.

The applause subsided, and Zhang Lan sang, "We soldiers, what's the difference?
Just because we all wear, plain military uniforms
What's the difference between us soldiers?
Ever since I left my hometown, it is difficult to see my parents.

It's not the same, but it's the same.
They are all youthful years, and they are all passionate children.

It's not the same, but it's the same.
The same footprints are left to the high mountains and long rivers.

We soldiers are different,
The bright moon at the frontier is resting on the head, and the body is covered with rain, snow and wind and frost.

We soldiers are different,
For the sake of national peace, we hold hands tightly.

It's not the same, but it's the same.
All longing for glory, all striving for glory,
It's not the same, but it's the same.
The same style flies on the flag of the Republic.

What's the difference between us soldiers?
Just because we all wear, plain military uniforms
We soldiers are different,
For the sake of national peace, we hold hands tightly.

That's what we soldiers are like. "

After the song was sung, warm applause broke out again, and some people shouted, "Prime Minister Zhang, come one more!"

"Prime Minister Zhang is doing well"

Zhang Lan waved her hand, signaled for everyone to be quiet, and began to say, "This is our soldier. This is our glory. From now on, this will be our military song. I will sing it, and you will sing it after me, okay?" ?”

"it is good"

The answers finally came together.

I don't know how long it took, Zhang Lan finally handed over the whole song to them, and then he announced that the first bonfire party was successfully concluded.

After the dissolution, Zhang Lan called Su Yi and the three of them to stop and asked them to arrange the tent and sleep instead. Then, he also divided the tent that Yu Jin had left for him and gave it to Su Yi.

"Prime Minister, how can this be, you are a man of gold, how can you leave your tent to us?"

Zhang Lan laughed and said, "Why not? I am no more valuable than anyone else. If you can follow me when I am down, how can I enjoy myself and treat you badly? Needless to say, let's make arrangements."

"This is..." Seeing Zhang Lan's firm gaze, Su Yi finally stopped persuading him.

However, Su Yi is very good at doing things, and immediately told the whole army like a secret. Zhang Lan's prestige in this team has once again increased a bit. In fact, he did this out of selfishness. This team is not stable yet, after all, they followed Zhang Lan in a moment of brain fever, so doing so will help stabilize the morale of the army; secondly, it is because he has been appreciated by Zhang Lan, if this team disbands, let alone himself What will happen, just leave Zhang Lan, and his status will change back to its original state in an instant.

It was night, hundreds of soldiers were patrolling, and the rest of the people without tents were lying in groups beside the fire, while Zhang Lan was leaning against a big tree, looking at the sky I was in a daze.

"I don't know what happened to Yu'er, Chan'er, and Chen Xi"

Yes, Zhang Lan has maintained a state of self-confidence during this period of time. In fact, he is uneasy in his heart. How can he feel at ease because his family members are still in Luoyang City? Fortunately, there is news in Luoyang City. Liu Xie just brought Zhang Lan's family members into the palace, and did not kill them all.

"Master, what's the matter, my lord?" Yu Jin asked Pang Tong not far away.
Pang Tong also took a look at Zhang Lan, shook his head slightly and said, "During this time, my lord has been pretending to be calm. After receiving such a big blow, it is very rare to be able to do this."

"Then let's go over and persuade the lord." After Yu Jin finished speaking, he wanted to go over, but was stopped by Pang Tong.

"Leave him alone"

At this moment, a beautiful poem came out from Zhang Lan's mouth, "When will the bright moon come? Ask the wine to the blue sky. I don't know the palace in the sky, what year is this eve. Unbearable cold. Dance to find out the shadow, why is it like being in the world.

Turn to Zhuge, low Qi household, according to sleepless.There shouldn't be any hatred, what's the matter of long-term goodbye?People have sorrows and joys, and the moon has cloudy and sunny waxes and wanes. This matter has never been complete in ancient times.Nung, moon and new moon. "

Hearing this song Fu, Pang Tong was a little surprised. He didn't expect Zhang Lan to be so outstanding in literary talent.

"Hey, let's go"

Yu Jin nodded and wanted to turn around and leave, but saw that Pang Tong was very depressed since he was walking towards Zhang Lan, and thought, 'Didn't it be agreed to let the lord be alone? '

Want to go back, but he also followed.

The two "lords" bowed their hands to Zhang Lan
Zhang Lan heard the reputation, smiled and said, "Shi Yuan, Wen Ze, why don't you go to rest? What's the matter?"

Pang Tong returned to "I just heard the lord sing and sing Fu, and I couldn't help feeling sad, so I came here uninvited"

This time it was Zhang Lan's turn to be a little dazed, "Why, Shi Yuan also has feelings?"

But Zhang Lan was relieved soon, because he thought that this is no longer the 21st century, and Pang Tong, who is only 21 years old, should also start a family and start a business.

But what Pang Tong said later almost made Zhang Lan vomit blood, "My lord is sad and misses her beautiful woman, but I have no one to think about. Wouldn't it be more desolate?"

In modern terms, it would be "Boss, you still have someone you miss. I'm single. You're abusing me with integrity!"

There is no harm without comparison. After hearing Pang Tong's words, Zhang Lan really felt a little better.

"It's Lan's fault." Zhang Lan shook her head with a smile, "I think the Emperor Liu Bian can't escape this disaster."

They knew very well in their hearts that it was very difficult for an emperor who was forced to step down to survive, and there was an existence like Zhang Lan behind this emperor, so Liu Xie would not let Liu Bian continue to exist in the world, but Now that Liu Bian has just been forced to abdicate, the foundation is not stable, and it is not the time to kill Liu Bian.

Pang Tong knew it well. Although he already knew that Liu Bian and Zhang Lan had a good relationship, Zhang Lan had always been forced to become king because of Liu Bian's reign, but now Liu Xie directly rebelled against the palace. It also made Zhang Lan less worried.

"My lord, don't worry, I think the news of our coming has already reached Cheng Taishou and the others. Although they can't meet with the army, they can help secretly. At this time, Qingzhou is empty, but it is also just developing."

(End of this chapter)

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