Chapter 110 Unexplainable
"It's nonsense, what does Zhang Lan's death have to do with me?" Bao Xin snorted disdainfully

Pang Tong ignored him and said, "May I ask the general if the Yuan brothers' army arrives here, will Chen Liu be spared?"

Bao Xinxin's head trembled again. He still knew everything about the Yuan brothers. He thought that Yuan Shao's letter was already on its way to Chenliu.

At this time, Bao Xin was thinking about countermeasures in his heart, but Pang Tong was not idle, but continued to say, "If General Bao and the other don't help each other, then I will die, and Chen Liu is a fishbone pinched in his throat, and he will die." If General Bao wants to help the Yuan brothers.” Speaking of this, Pang Tong paused and glanced at Bao Xin, and seeing Bao Xin looking at him very seriously, he continued to say, “Then I would like to ask the general , who can help?"

Bao Xin was speechless again. Yes, although Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu were brothers on the surface, there had always been conflicts. This was a well-known fact, but no one had ever said it.

If Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu only come to one side, he can still rely on one side to protect himself, but if both sides come, it will be a bit difficult. In fact, he is still not very optimistic about these two.

However, although Bao Xin didn't intend to take refuge with the two of them, he couldn't lose face. After thinking for a while, he said, "Whoever arrives first, I will take refuge with them. What else do you want to say?"

"May General Bao take a step to speak?"

Bao Xin frowned and said, "Speak directly."

Pang Tong smiled again, "Is General Bao still afraid of me, a Confucian scholar?"

'Are you a Confucian scholar?Why didn't I see it?" Bao's confidence was low, but he still signaled his subordinates to untie Pang Tong out of face, and followed Pang Tong to the corner.

After a while of whispering, Bao Xin's face kept changing, and then finally returned to the original, and then the two returned to the original place and respectfully said to Pang Tong, "Mr. Pang, please go back and tell Prime Minister Zhang. Xin will naturally send troops to help you." .”

Bao Xin's subordinates are looking at me and watching you, no one knows what happened, since Bao Xin has changed so much.

"Naturally, I thank General Bao on behalf of my lord."

"General Pang, you are welcome. Come and prepare a banquet. I want to treat Pang Junjun."

Pang Tong waved his hand and stopped Bao Xin from saying, "It won't be too late to have a banquet on the day of victory, and Pang will leave first."

Bao Xin didn't stop him, and said cheerfully, "I'll send the military division."

After being sent outside the city, Pang Tong got on his horse, clasped his fists at Bao Xin, and galloped away.

Back in Zhuiyang, Pangtong saw Zhang Lan, but he saw Zhang Lan frowning, thinking that he was worried about him, so he couldn't help but smiled and said, "My lord, you're done, just wait for the bandits to come."

However, Zhang Lan's reaction was beyond his expectation, and he still had that distressed expression.

"Shiyuan, 007 is here"

Pang Tong said in a daze, "This is a good thing, why is my lord frowning? Could it be?"

"En." Zhang Lan nodded, "Yuan Shao led [-] elite troops to march towards us from Xindu, and Yuan Shu also sent Ji Ling to lead [-] troops to Zhuiyang."

Pang Tong's expression finally changed. The two brothers Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu had a total of 2 troops, while Bao Xin and his own troops combined were only [-] to [-]. Fighting together, then only [-] people can contain it, and at that time, [-] people will advance to Zhuiyang, then, Zhuiyang will basically fall.

But before Pang Tong thought about it, Zhang Lan said, "Fortunately, Xin is far away from Zhuiyang. Yuan Shu will come here first and eat Yuan Shu first, so it's easy to say."

Hearing Zhang Lan's words, Pang Tong seemed to be inspired. He glanced at the corner, thought for a while, and said:
"My lord, what is that?"

Zhang Lan also took a look and said, "That's Liannu, but the number is too small, only ten."

Pang Tong's eyes lit up and he said, "It's better to use a series of tricks."

"Oh? The plan will be released?"

"My lord comes with my ears"

Zhang Lan immediately listened to her, and after a while, Zhang Lan's eyes brightened, "Shiyuan is worthy of the name of Fengchu."

"My lord is overrated"

At this time, Pang Tong finally found his sense of belonging, and his talents and learning were finally able to display.

The next day, Pang Tong went to Chenliu to see Bao Xin again, explained the plan to Bao Xin, and then returned to Zhuiyang.

In less than half a month, Ji Ling's [-] troops finally arrived.

Bao Xin warmly received Ji Ling, and Ji Ling had no doubts about him, because both Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu had sent letters to Bao Xin, and Bao Xin's attitude at this time was also understandable.

Arranging for the soldiers, Ji Ling entered the city with his confidants, and was warmly received by Bao Xin, and Bao Xin promised to go to Zhuiyang with Ji Ling to crusade against Zhang Lan. Bao Xin's people acted as cannon fodder, so they did not refuse.

The next day, the army set off, arrived in Zhuiyang at night, and set up camp.

One day at the beginning, Ji Ling led an army to Zhuiyang City, and saw crowds of people crowded on the top of the city, flags flying, and Zhang Lanyi standing on the city gate and said to Ji Ling, "General Ji, I know what you want to do." It's only for me, Zhang Lan. I don't regret Zhang Lan's death. I only hate that the big revenge has not been reported. If Brother Gong agrees to my conditions, not only can I give Zhang Lan's head with both hands, but I will also help him with all my strength. , General Ji Ling, can you convey it to me?"

"Hmph, Zhang Lan, please don't confuse me. Watch me break through the city, and your head will naturally be presented to the lord."

"Hahahaha, I'm afraid General Ji Ling won't be able to be the master. If General Ji Ling has the guts, how about you and I lead our confidants over there?"

It's true that Wen Wu is the first and Wu Wu is the second, but Ji Ling has never seen Zhang Lan's martial arts with his own eyes, so he is not afraid in his heart, and the direction Zhang Lan is pointing at is empty, there is no possibility of ambushes, so he simply agreed for the sake of face down.

"Why don't you dare"

"Okay, have the guts, General Ji Ling, please." Zhang Lan led a few people down the city gate and out of the city from the other side. Seeing this, Ji Ling hesitated, but still did not lead the troops to kill, because Zhang Lan walked slowly, and was very close to the city. Zhang Lan had already fled back when his men killed him.

So Ji Ling led a few of his confidantes to applaud him.

When they arrived at the designated place, there was a distance of about 2 kilometers. At this point, both of them stopped. This position happened to be the distance that both of them could escape if the troops from both sides rushed over, so Ji Ling had nothing to worry about, just Some wondered why Zhang Lan had to go so far. When he saw the table in front of him, he was relieved. It turned out that Zhang Lan had already made preparations.

There were several dishes and two jars of wine on the table. Seeing this scene, Ji Ling once again became puzzled, "What the hell is Zhang Lan doing?"

Zhang Lan dismounted and made a gesture of invitation to Ji Ling, "Please, General Ji."

Ji Ling got off the horse, handed the rope to his confidant, and strode over. The distance between the two tables was a bit far, with a distance of 30 meters. Even if he rushed over on horseback, he still had time to react.

The two sat on the ground, Zhang Lan picked up the wine glass and said, "General Ji, I offer you a toast, let me do it first" and then drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

Ji Ling didn't dare to drink the wine, firstly because he was afraid that it would be poisonous, and secondly, because he was afraid that drinking it would delay the battle.

"What on earth do you want to do?" Ji Ling finally couldn't help it, the things in front of him were too inexplicable.

(End of this chapter)

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