Optimization System of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 111 Capture Ji Ling Alive

Chapter 111 Capture Ji Ling Alive
"Hehe, there is no one else." Zhang Lan poured the wine cheerfully, "I see that General Ji Ling is a man, and he intends to persuade him to surrender."

"Pa" Ji Ling slapped the table and shouted sharply, "Daydreaming, my [-] troops are here, hum, I want to see who surrenders to whom"

After speaking, he turned around and left.

"Shua, Shua, Shua" I saw the people brought by Zhang Lan pull out a crossbow-like weapon from behind and aim at Ji Ling and the others.

Ji Ling and the others immediately drew out their swords and said, "What does this mean?"

Zhang Lan said calmly, "If General Ji Ling doesn't surrender, he will die."

But Ji Ling sneered and said, "Just this crossbow arrow can't kill me."

"This is a continuation crossbow"

"Shua..." Ji Ling's expression finally changed. He had heard of Zhang Lan's army having a continuous crossbow that could fire ten arrows in a row, and its power was a bit stronger than ordinary crossbows.

"Kill!" There was a shout of killing from a distance, and Ji Ling's army was already in disarray. No one in Zhuiyang City came out, but an army came from the rear, and Bao Xin's army was also on the side. Charge towards his own men.

Ji Ling's face finally turned pale.

"General Ji Ling, Yuan Shu is immoral and incompetent, so how about submitting to me? You see, the army is about to come, so you don't have much time to think about it."

"Huh..." Ji Ling snorted coldly, but didn't dare to move.

"Hey, if that's the case, then I'll send you on your way, let it go"

"Swish swish swish" a round of crossbows shot out, and Ji Ling's subordinates were shot dead by several arrows, and Ji Ling was also hit by an arrow and survived by hiding behind the horses, but all the horses they brought were also killed. The arrow fell to the ground, and at this time Zhang Lan had already got on her horse and rode over.

"I'll ask you one last time, to surrender or not to surrender?"

"One minister does not serve two masters, don't talk too much." Then Ji Ling closed his eyes, waiting for the arrival of death.



Zhang Lan did not kill Ji Ling, but tied him up, so that even if he was trapped by Ji Ling's troops, he would have an extra bargaining chip.

"Get on the horse and go"

Zhang Lan took a detour back to the city with a few people.

After being held by Zhang Lan in the city, Ji Ling suddenly realized that there were no troops in the city, and the other three gates were just a few soldiers guarding the gates, and the people on the top of the city where he was located were only people in the city pretending to be Zhang Lan's troops. He had already been lying in ambush outside the city for a long time, just waiting for him to get into the trap, and Bao Xin had already worn the same pair of pants as Zhang Lan. If the people stay far away from the army, the army will inevitably have no leader and become a mess. At this time, the ambushes are fighting out, so facing an army of [-] is just a massacre.

But now that Ji Ling understood it, Zhang Lan's schemes were interlocking, and if she counted on herself, even if she made a mistake, there would be no such result.

If Ji Ling attacked the city recklessly at the beginning, Zhang Lan would have been captured basically without spending much force. Even if he didn't attack the city, but stayed away from the army without listening to Zhang Lan's words, he would still be able to win the final victory .

Then I went back and said, I don’t believe that Bao Xin chose to come alone, and if I go to the meeting alone if I am bolder, then I will only be captured, and the [-] army will still break through Zhuiyang, Zhang Lan will not dare to kill at that time I can still win the final victory, but all of this has lost its meaning. No matter what, I still lost, completely defeated, and I still have nothing to say.

The battle of nearly 3 people did not last for a long time. An army without a general is undoubtedly fragile and collapsed almost immediately. People, apart from the dead and wounded, the remaining nearly 5000 troops were divided between the two.

Yu Jin escorted the [-] troops into the city, and Zhang Lan estimated that he would do it again, and started the brainwashing work, and the surrendered soldiers also expressed their willingness to surrender.

Sure enough, the name of the government is easy to use. Zhang Lan, the "National Prime Minister" and the "Commander-in-Chief of the Military Region" of Qianliang, Si, and Bingzhou, is indeed very useful.

Zhang Lan was very happy with the comfort of fighting to support the war. After dismantling the soldiers and reorganizing them, Su Yi also gave birth to an official smoothly, became General Yamen, and finally officially entered the rank of general. Among the ranks, the other two commanders are both officials and students.

Not to mention Yu Jin, who was directly assigned the title of General Fenwu by Zhang Lan, which is almost equivalent to the rank of an army commander in the 21st century.

On the other hand, Pang Tong, although he was the greatest hero, Zhang Lan did not reward him. The reason is very simple. Pang Tong is already a military adviser. If you pay for a reward, you can only keep this account in your heart and reward it later.

When Yuan Shu learned that Ji Ling was defeated and captured, he was naturally furious, and immediately stopped to care about Luoyang's nonsense, and asked his teachers to return to help, but this is all for later.

Zhuiyang is a small city, but Yuan Shao has a lot of soldiers and horses, so Zhang Lan ordered people to build a moat immediately after rectifying the army. It was too late to repair the city wall, so he could only prepare some city defense supplies.

After arranging all the affairs, Pang Tong went to Chenliu again, but this time Pang Tong did not meet Zhuiyang, but chose to stay in Chenliu.

Time passed quickly, but they waited and waited, but they did not wait for Yuan Shao, but received another message from 007.

Gongsun Zan marched into Fanyang, Yuan Shao led his troops to rescue, and the two armies faced off in Fanyang.

Hearing this news, Zhang Lan didn't know whether to be happy or depressed.

He worked so hard to prepare for another series of tricks to eat up Yuan Shao's army and use the battle to strengthen himself, but he didn't expect Yuan Shao to run away in despair.

Originally, Zhang Lan planned to "redeeme" the Chuanguo Yuxi from the optimization system, first use the trick of defeat to make Yuan Shao relax his vigilance, and then use the Chuanguo Yuxi to lure Yuan Shao into an ambush, kill him for a while, and if he wins, he will pursue the victory , if Xiao wins, then negotiate with Yuan Shao again.

But it was good that Yuan Shao didn't come, because with such an arrangement, even Pang Tong didn't have the confidence that Yuan Shao would join in.

Looking at Yuan Shu again, he was going to lead troops eastward to seek revenge on Zhang Lan, but was stopped by the originally stable Hongnong raid, so he had no choice but to give up his plan to advance eastward.

With the help of 007, Zhang Lan finally got in touch with the main force, and 007 also brought some news from Luoyang. The first news was that Dong Yu and other Zhang Lan's family members were not in any danger, but were picked up by Liu Xie. Entering the palace, the clothes and food are still relatively safe.

The second news was not so good, and it made Zhang Lan feel bad. It was Liu Bian.

Liu Xie is ready to attack Liu Bian.

(End of this chapter)

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