Optimization System of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 112 Puyang Offensive and Defensive Battle

Chapter 112 Puyang Offensive and Defensive Battle

Temporary peace doesn't mean anything, so Zhang Lan has devoted herself to developing and training the army during this period of time.

Today's Zhang Lan also has experience in leading and training troops, and the training can be regarded as handy, but now that the number of people is too large, they are simply divided into three major armies.

First Army: Greedy Wolf Army

The army has all the cavalry, but the number is the smallest among the three major armies, only 2000 horses. After all, these horses are basically captured. In addition, they have to ask for some from Bao Xin, so they can barely make up enough;

The Second Army: God's Frontier Army

Strictly speaking, the Shenfeng Army should be called the Shenfeng Camp, because its number is smaller than that of the Tanlang Army, only 500, but each of them is a selected elite, temporarily becoming Zhang Lan's personal troops.

Third Army: Bathed in Fire Army

The army of fire means that the phoenix is ​​reborn from the ashes, and it also implies that Zhang Lan must survive a catastrophe and be sublimated again to gain glory.

And this Luhuo army is divided into four small battalions. The first battalion has a very strange name, that is, it is called MT. This battalion uses swords and shields as weapons and is armed with heavy armor. It is definitely a defensive team; The name of the second battalion is more normal than that of the first battalion. It is called the Wild Area Camp. This battalion is fully equipped with long spears and swords, bows and crossbows, and light armor. I don’t know who you love. The whole army is dominated by archers, and each person is equipped with a short knife as a means of long-range output. You can also use short knives to protect yourself in close quarters; the fourth battalion is the most normal one. Battalion, all of them are spearmen, and their names are quite famous——Shangdanying, the first-class bravery, it sounds very domineering.

I can’t stand it anymore when I write this, this is the rhythm of not supporting the dead beat, no, it’s digressing.

The supreme commander of the three armies is naturally Zhang Lan, and the position of the second commander is naturally Yu Jin, and the commander of the Yuhuo Army falls on Su Yi's head, which also makes him firm in his heart to follow Zhang Lan.

At the beginning, Yu Jin was puzzled by Zhang Lan's arrangement of dividing each battalion into the same unit, but Zhang Lan replied indifferently, "Soldiers depend on skill, and each team has something that he is good at. It's not special. Is it powerful? Moreover, the battle does not rely on a team to fight, but to cooperate."

Yu Jin couldn't understand this answer. It wasn't until later that he realized that Zhang Lan's military talent was beyond his own.

This incident tells us that sometimes it is beneficial to play games. Of course, friends who are still in school should also play games in moderation.

Sending charcoal in the snow is undoubtedly much more important than adding flowers to the neck. Many people saw Zhang Lan rising again, and brought their younger brothers to seek refuge. The first batch of people had already arrived in Zhuiyang.

The leader of this group of people is called Mu Biao, and he is a bit fat, but he can still be seen as a Lianjiazi. He was originally a remnant of the Yellow Turban Army. Seeing this opportunity, he wanted to take a gamble and summoned many former comrades in arms Come to join Zhang Lan.

Mu Kui is a power player who uses a mace, a native of Qi County in Qingzhou, who was directly assigned to MT by Zhang Lan. After testing his skills, he was directly promoted to the commander of MT. Cannon fodder captain, this has become a resounding title in the future. Whenever people mention this team, a name will appear in people's minds—Cannon fodder captain MT, but there are not many people. I personally know what the captain's real name is.

After MT had a commander, only the Shenfeng Army remained without a commander. After all, there was no suitable candidate, so Zhang Lan didn't arrange any more people. Anyway, they were his own soldiers, so he just took care of them.

Zhang Lan did not let go of government affairs while focusing on the military. Now Zhuiyang is his base, and he cannot join forces with Guo Jia and others for the time being, so the logistics work must be improved. Fortunately, there is still a Pang Tong here. It was still very easy to govern Zhuiyang with Pang Tong's ability, so soon Zhuiyang was on the right track and began to develop upwards.

During the next period, Zhang Lan kept going to chat with Ji Ling who was locked in the small black room, and it could be said that she was talking to herself.

He believed that after brainwashing him over and over again, Ji Ling would eventually surrender one day, and Ji Ling could be counted as Yuan Shu's number one general.

Just when Zhang Lan was enjoying himself to stabilize his strength, Liu Bei in Luoyang City also took action.

Taking advantage of the battle between Cheng Yu, Guo Jia and Yuan Shu, they raided the rear, occupied the two small towns of Hongnong, and then led the army to merge with Yuan Shu. Obviously, they wanted to take advantage of the chaos and share a spoonful. of foothold.

Fortunately, Cheng Yu and Guo Jia were not ordinary people. Although they didn't have any generals to use, they still stabilized the battle situation.

Anyway, now that they have confirmed Zhang Lan's safety, they are not in a hurry to seek revenge from Liu Xie, and they will keep the existing city safely.

When Zhang Lan received the news, she didn't react too much, but speeded up her pace, planning to march into Dongjun.

This Eastern Commandery belonged to the feudal prince Liu Dai, so it stands to reason that Bao Xin was also his subordinate, and the Eastern Commandery was Wang Gong, who was not very famous.

Zhang Lan stayed in Suyi and led 3000 troops to guard Zhuiyang, and together with Bao Xin assembled an army of [-] troops to attack Dongjun. Bao Xin's current status is actually a bit embarrassing. Lord, if you say no, you still follow Zhang Lan's orders. The reason for this problem is still what Pang Tong said. The specific content is unknown, but the central idea is that Zhang Lan has great potential, and if the rescue of the emperor fails If it is, then Zhang Lan will definitely stand on his own, and it will not be easy to become a king by then.

The army advanced all the way to Puyang in the East Commandery, but Wang Gong stayed behind closed doors and waited for rescue.

At this time, Zhang Lan hadn't made perfect preparations, and the only siege tools were ladders and rams, so he naturally chose to start with an opening remark.

"I am an old minister of the Son of Heaven. Today, the Son of Heaven is trapped in Luoyang. If you don't submit to me, go to Luoyang to rescue the Son of Heaven together."

Wang Gong said disdainfully at the top of the city, "Who is your son of heaven? I only know Tianzixie, but not Tianzidebate."

"It's hard to be stubborn. At this time, Kaesong surrendered and you can still survive. If you wait until you break through the city, you will lose your head and your family will be hard to save."

"You are here to attack the city, why bother talking?"

"Hum..." Zhang Lan snorted coldly, and said to Jin, "Wen Ze, attack the city"

"The end will obey the order"

The offensive and defensive battle of Puyang is just about to start.

 Arrange a trick for yourself, don't mind everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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