Chapter 114

"This is a plain, wide and boundless, and you can find traces at a glance, but there are mountains and forests here. If my army is defeated, I will retreat from this road and use the terrain to stop the pursuers. If our army lays an ambush again, wait for the Black Mountain If the thieves are defeated so far and rush out, the leader of the thieves will be punished."

"This plan is very good, come here, please come and discuss with General Bao Xin"

The guard outside the door took the order and left.

Seeing the guards leave, Pang Tong said, "My lord, Bao Xin can only win his heart if he can be reused."

"Yeah." Zhang Lan nodded, "I know, but he hasn't really surrendered yet, it's not the time yet."

After a while, Bao Xin arrived, and Zhang Lan said straight to the point, "General Bao, the bandit reinforcements are coming, and the army's morale will be scattered. I want to sneak a sneak attack tonight to destroy the bandit soldiers. I don't know what General Bao wants?"

Upon hearing this, Bao Xin cupped his fists and said, "Listen to the prime minister's arrangement"

"Okay, Bao Xin listens to the order"

"the end will be"

"I order you to arrange for the soldiers under your command to rest immediately, and when night falls, follow me to personally lead the troops to attack the Montenegro camp."

"The Last General Takes Order"

Bao Xin was about to leave after finishing speaking, Zhang Lan hurriedly stopped him and said, "Brother Yuncheng, how about creating a great cause with me?"

Hearing Zhang Lan's words, Bao Xin was taken aback for a moment, then clasped his fists and said, "I would like to help the Han Dynasty together with the prime minister."

A few simple words, but one can see Bao Xin's perfunctory heart.

After this period of experience, Zhang Lan still feels that she has underestimated the heroes of the world. Bao Xin does not need to be poor in the ability of some famous historical generals. To win Bao Xin to be loyal to him, now he lacks generals like Bao Xin.

"What if I can't save the emperor and become king on my own?"

Zhang Lan still said such a sentence.

Although Bao knew it in confidence, Zhang Lan's words undoubtedly hit his heart like a cannonball. When Pang Tong went to persuade him, he also meant this, but he didn't. Ming said that he would not point it out if he was smart, and it was precisely because of this that Bao Xin was willing to help Zhang Lan resist Yuan Shu's army.

At this moment, the last piece of window paper was also torn, and Bao Xin couldn't help thinking deeply.

In any case, his original idea was to see how Zhang Lan was doing and whether he could make things happen. Looking at it now, let alone other things, his ability to know people is very comparable. A school lieutenant turned into a general here, not only managed the army in an orderly manner, but also dared to go out of the city to fight and defeat Bai Rao in the face of [-] black mountain bandits, this was something he had never imagined.

There are more than 1 soldiers and horses in his hands, including Chen Liu's garrison. At the beginning, Zhang Lan was only his own prisoner, but after this month, he has grown to more than [-] horses, and since he is willing to use it for him He has never seen a person who develops as fast as Zhang Lan, and judging by Zhang Lan's state, the attack on the camp tonight has a lot of meaning. If it is successful, it will be another new force, and the number is absolutely unprecedented. He still doesn't understand where Zhang Lan's confidence can win these more than [-] troops.

After thinking about it, the things that should be faced still need to be faced. Bao Xin looked at Zhang Lan, and finally said slowly, "It is the same if the prime minister is king."

After speaking, he cupped his fists again and turned to leave.

Looking at Bao Xin's back, Zhang Lan felt a little sad. For a person like Bao Xin who has been famous for a long time and has a high position, her words are undoubtedly very risky.If the person opposite is a loyal minister loyal to the Han Dynasty, he will inevitably suffer backlash, and what he faces will become another failure, or even death.

It wasn't until Bao Xin disappeared when he was young that Zhang Lan realized that since sweat was streaming down his forehead, how long had he not been so nervous, even when facing Xi Zhicai, Jia Xu and other great sages back then, he had never been so nervous However, even the recent Pang Tong and Yu Jin are like this, but today Bao Xin is so nervous that it is beyond words.

"Maybe it's because I don't have as deep a relationship with Bao Xin as they do," Zhang Lan comforted herself in this way.

Suddenly, Zhang Lan seemed to think of something, and immediately said, "Come on, let Mu Kui come to see me"

After a while, Mu Kui came to the prefect's mansion, his eyes were a little hazy, he obviously fell asleep after getting the general order, and was woken up, his brows were frowned, obviously he was in a bad mood, it wasn't that he was dissatisfied with Zhang Lan , but because he has the energy to get up.

"Prime Minister, are you looking for me?"


"the end will be"

"Let me ask you, are you from the Yellow Turban?"

"Exactly" Mu Kui was a little displeased, thinking "Could it be that the prime minister wants to settle old scores? No." Then his face suddenly changed, and he thought of something 'enemy outside the city'

That's right, the question in his mind was exactly what Zhang Lan was thinking. He was born in the Yellow Turban Army, and he joined Zhang Lan in Zhuiyang, which is not far from Puyang.

"Since you are from Qingzhou Qijun, why did you appear in Zhuiyang?"

Now Mu Kui fully understood that it was because Zhang Lan was worried about him.

Now that we have reached this point, Mu Kui simply spoke out about his own affairs, "I was originally a general under Guan Hai Liang Shuai, and I accompanied Liang Shuai to Beihai to borrow food, but I didn't want to be defeated by Liu Bei. The confidant fled to Xuzhou, but he didn't want Tao Qian to invite Liu Bei to take over Xuzhou. I didn't know it. I thought Liu Bei had chased him so far, so he got up and fled to Dongjun again. Since then, I have settled down. Although the life is a little bit hard, I can still rely on my strength to eat a full meal, and I don’t have to flee in fear every day. Until someone heard that the prime minister appeared in Zhuiyang and wanted to recruit soldiers, I thought about it. Come to discuss with other brothers. After this period of time, except for me and Guan Que, all the brothers are not doing very well, so they unanimously decided to come to seek refuge with the prime minister for a meal, and then we recruited them in the county. People with lofty ideals gathered together more than a hundred people and went to Zhuiyang to seek refuge with the prime minister."

"Hmph, have you never seen a Black Mountain bandit?" Zhang Lan snorted coldly, obviously dissatisfied
Seeing this, Mu Kui replied with some embarrassment, "someone came to persuade me to go up the mountain together, but I knew that the Yellow Turban would not succeed, so I simply rejected them and be an ordinary citizen with peace of mind. I hope the Prime Minister will see clearly." As soon as he finished speaking, Mu Kui bowed to Zhang Lan.

Seeing this, Zhang Lan looked at Pang Tong. Pang Tong nodded slightly, and Zhang Lan felt relieved.

"If that's the case, then tonight you will follow me as the vanguard and go straight to the bandit camp."

"The Last General Takes Order"

The wood is like a pardon, and he vowed that "the final general will live up to the prime minister's expectations"

(End of this chapter)

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