Chapter 115

The night quickly dimmed, and all the troops had assembled at this time, Zhang Lan immediately ordered Yu Jin to take away from each battalion to select, and took 2000 troops to bypass the bandits and go to the rear to ambush, and then put his back Hand it over to Bao Xin, and he personally led MT to take the lead in a surprise attack on the bandit camp in Heishan, and led Bao Xin to lead the army to respond.

Not far from the Heishan army camp, Zhang Lan ordered the whole army to be on alert and hid to observe the situation in the camp.

Sure enough, because of the arrival of Yu Du and Sui Gu, the Heishan bandits thought that the reinforcements arrived and the enemy would not dare to attack easily, so they were very scattered. A few defenders in front of the gate of the camp leaned against the gate, and the whole camp only had occasional attacks. A few patrolling soldiers passed by, and it seemed that they didn't have much energy. The only place that threatened Zhang Lan was the defender on the watchtower. Although he didn't look in a good mental state, he still stood up He is tall, he can see far away, and if he is not careful on his side, he will be spotted by him.

Seeing this, Zhang Lan turned around and said in a low voice, "Give the order down, we will move forward when the soldier on the watchtower turns around, and if he looks at us, he will fall to the ground and stand by for orders."

"The prime minister ordered that when the soldier on the watchtower turns around, we will move forward. If he looks at us, he will fall to the ground and stand by for orders."

"The prime minister ordered to wait for the soldier on the watchtower to turn around and we will move forward. If he looks at us, he will fall to the ground and stand by for orders."

The military order was passed on from the soldiers one by one, and Zhang Lan slowly started to move forward after receiving the reply from the last row.

After moving for a while, the soldier on the watchtower turned around and looked this way. When he turned around, everyone bent down on the ground, lying on the ground and did not dare to move until the soldier turned around again. go.

The soldiers turned around again, and Zhang Lan and the others continued to move forward. The soldiers turned around, and Zhang Lan and the others continued to hide. They stopped and went like this for about an hour, and finally reached the erm, and climbed nearly 200 meters. At this moment, the soldiers on the watchtower finally realized something was wrong, rubbed their eyes and stared at it, but they didn't see anything, they broke out in a cold sweat from fright, and instantly became sober When he came over, he no longer looked left and right, but stared fixedly at this side.

A gust of wind drifted past, blowing away the clouds in the sky, and the moon appeared lazily out of the clouds. The soldiers who had stared at them sorely planned to continue to be lazy, but they were ruined by the moonlight.

Zhang Lan made a dark sound.

With the help of the moonlight, the shining armor appeared in his eyes.

In a hurry, he shouted "enemy attack enemy attack"

At this time, Zhang Lan had already reacted, and she had already shouted "Kill!" and got up and rushed up. For a while, Mu Kui also got up and charged, but found that Zhang Lan had disappeared from his field of vision. In the middle of it, I felt dark in my heart, "The lord really deserves his reputation, even this concealment skill is so good, we are holding back"

Then he was about to charge again, but found that there was a force of gravity on his legs that pulled him, and he fell heavily to the ground with the help of the inertia of his body. Mu Kui looked back and saw that this was Zhang Lan who had disappeared from his vision!
Mu Kui hurriedly got up, wanted to help Zhang Lan, but found that Zhang Lan had also got up, Zhang Lan glared at him bitterly and didn't speak, rushed up, and caught up with MT's crowd.

It wasn't until a long time later that Mu Kui realized that he had stepped on Zhang Lan's foot, making Zhang Lan and the earth once again in close contact.

Hearing the soldier on the watchtower yelled, the whole camp was blown up, and some people rushed out with half of their armor on, and some rushed out without wearing it, oh, I forgot, originally Not many of them have armor.

MT and the others didn't run fast, but the distance was too short after all. It was just over half a minute when they rushed to the camp, and Bai Rao, Yu Du, and Sui Gu had already left the camp to start To appease everyone, but now they are being attacked by surprise, and they don't know how many people there are, and the entire army is too large, so it is impossible to appease them at all.

Zhang Lan and the others didn't care about this, they shot at the antlers of the antlers, and when they met the black mountain bandits, they just shot, and Mu Kuo behind him waved a mace and swept the area, suddenly looking a little braver than Zhang Lan , looking at MT's people, none of them showed any weakness, waving the machete in their hands, and there was also a thrill of killing one person in ten steps.

Capturing the thief first captures the king. This is an inevitable thing to do in a surprise attack. While still observing, Zhang Lan had already figured out the route in his heart, and directly led people towards Bai Rao, Yu Du, and Sui Gu. Slash and charge in the direction of the tent.

After all, the number of the Black Mountain Bandit Army is huge, but the big tent of the three of them is in the middle, and Zhang Lan hasn't seen them for a while, but Zhang Lan slashes and kills in one direction regardless. The soldiers became calmer until Bai Rao and others rushed over.

Just when Bai Rao came, he heard roars from a distance. If he listened carefully, it was the sound of horseshoes.

Thousands of cavalry galloped together, the momentum was indeed shocking, and everyone who was about to be appeased suddenly panicked again.

Bai Rao and the others seemed to know Zhang Lan's bravery, so they didn't resist stubbornly, but directed the soldiers to charge and resist.

Looking at Zhang Lan's side, they were moving forward in an unnaturally steady manner. All of MT's men held shields in their left hands and machetes in their right, and were wearing heavy armor, which was several grades higher than that of the bandit soldiers. Although there are a large number of Montenegrin bandits, their equipment still cannot keep up. Although their weapons are relatively uniform, they don't have much defensive power. When they face MT, they also seem a little weak. So far, Zhang Lan, Mu Biao, and Mu Biao's lieutenant Guan Que, the three most powerful people, seemed to be struggling the most, especially Zhang Lan and Guan Que, who used big knives, not even killing as many soldiers as Mu Biao , but Zhang Lan found that since Guan Que's martial arts was superior to that of Mu Kui, this also surprised him, but now it was a battlefield, so he couldn't allow him to think too much.

I don't know how long after the killing, the morale of the Black Mountain Bandit Army has also stabilized, but the people in front seem to be timid and afraid to go forward, while the people behind are full of fighting spirit, and the eyes of everyone in MT are shining brightly, revealing With bloodthirsty instincts, an indescribable aura was manifested, which seemed to be a bit of a shadow of being trapped in the camp.

It was at this time that Bao Xin's support troops finally arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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