Optimization System of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 116 Absolute Strength

Chapter 116 Absolute Strength
When Bao Xin's reinforcements arrived, everyone who had killed them was relieved. If the reinforcements did not arrive, the battle that followed would be difficult.

When the reinforcements arrived, Zhang Lan took a moment to look back, and was also taken aback by the record of his group.

He only saw groups of dead bodies lying here and there on the ground, most of them were incomplete, almost all of them were Black Mountain bandits, even Zhang Lan only found one or two bodies of MT, it was because of them The reason for wearing heavy armor.

Moreover, the number of dead people was not ordinary, and they could be piled up to form a small mountain. There should be thousands of people.Since a team of 2000 people can achieve such results, not to mention other things, just relying on this is enough to become famous all over the world.

Zhang Lan hadn't been with Bao Xin for a long time, and he couldn't allow him to talk to Bao Xin at this moment. I saw that Bao Xin led the cavalry and charged into the enemy's formation. Fortunately, the direction of Bao Xin's charge was not straight. He rushed towards Bai Rao and the others. If that was the case, Zhang Lan and MT would inevitably be accidentally injured by the horseshoe.

It wasn't until Bao Xin went back and forth that the infantry arrived belatedly, but it was of no use, because Zhang Lan had already ordered "retreat" loudly.

It stands to reason that Zhang Lan's attack on the camp this time should be considered a success, but they still underestimated the commanding capabilities of Bai Rao, Yu Du, and Sui Gu. After being stabilized, if he confronted the stabilized Black Mountain bandit army head-on at this time, it would undoubtedly be an egg hitting a rock, and the gain outweighed the loss. He simply returned to the city and took advantage of the city wall to defeat the bandit army.

Zhang Lan wanted to leave, but Bai Rao and others had suffered such a big loss, how could they let him go as if nothing happened, and immediately led troops to meet him, but what they were facing was the round of love The volley fired again, and there were many casualties. MT did not call for a retreat, but stood at the entrance of the camp, organizing the enemy to attack the area.

MT's shields were connected together with a machete to form a huge shield, and then the spearmen from the back row inserted into it, attacking the bandits rushing up through the gap, and Aidi who was behind frantically threw the arrow in his hand, and the scene was formed again A scene of unilateral massacres.

Sure enough, the strength of the team is great, and the coordination of the arms is indeed unprecedentedly strong. It would be easy to form a team that loves to hack, but now Zhang Lan doesn't care about these things, just staring at the enemy in front of him. situation.

"Bao Xin, Zhang Zhong"

"the end will be"

"Order the two of you to lead the cavalry into two groups and immediately stop the enemy from the side door."

"The Last General Takes Order"

Bao Xin and Zhang Zhong, the Temporary Commander of the Greedy Wolf Army, took the order to go. As expected, there were continuous troops pouring out from the camp gates on both sides. The two teams of troops seemed to be fighting like fighting spirits. many.

At this time, Bai Rao, Yu Du, and Sui Gu finally lost their temper, and Sui Gu rushed over with a loud shout, followed by Bai Rao and Yu Du.

Seeing this, Zhang Lan snorted coldly, and ordered MT to make room for a gap, and slapped his horse forward to stand in the middle of the breakthrough. This aura shocked the spot, and even Yu Du couldn't help sighing inwardly, "Zhang Lan really deserves her reputation." The movement of driving the horse also slowed down a bit, so slow that it was useless to circle the horse.

Seeing the three Liang Shuais rushing over, the Black Mountain bandit army stepped aside to let the three of them go first. Sui Gu rushed over first, and Zhang Lan sat motionless on the horseback waiting for Sui Gu's arrival.

It wasn't until Sui Gu was less than 20 meters away from him that Zhang Lan flattered him and greeted him. The big knife was resting on the ground and hissing, a string of sparks was really beautiful.

With the sparks flying, Zhang Lan swung his knife suddenly, Sui Gu hurriedly resisted, since he didn't hold the weapon firmly, the big knife in his hand flew out, piercing through the body of a Black Mountain soldier, fortunately Bai Rao arrived in time and shot Blocking Zhang Lan's attack, Sui Gu also took the opportunity to escape, and hurriedly took back the sword to meet him again.

At this time, Bai Rao and Yu Du were fighting with Zhang Lan, and everyone looked at him in a daze. This was a duel between masters, and he would undoubtedly die if he went up. This was what all ordinary soldiers thought.

Seeing this, Sui Gu also joined the battle group, and the three fought around Zhang Lan to make up for the regrettable scene of Sanying fighting Lu Bu, but the name needed to be changed. The three commanders fought against Zhang Lan. This handsomeness is naturally not the handsomeness of the handsome guy, but the handsomeness of Qu Shuai, although it is all one word.

Seeing this scene, Guan Que was the first to react, and immediately went up to greet him, shouting, "Prime Minister, don't panic, Guan Que is here!"

Hearing Guan Que's voice, Zhang Lan was startled instead, the movement of her hands paused slightly, and she was almost stabbed by Bai Rao, and without thinking about it, she used her sword skills to fight against the three of them.

However, Zhang Lan was not the only one who heard Guan Que's voice, the Black Mountain bandit army also naturally heard it, so another young general jumped out to meet Guan Que and killed him.

Then there was Mu Kui, seeing that Guan Que was already on the scene, he couldn't stay idle, so he rushed in too. After his charge, MT behind him couldn't bear it anymore, put away their shields and machetes one after another, and rushed in after him go up.

The melee started again.

But as soon as the melee started, Bai Rao, Yu Du, and Sui Gu felt that they were struggling, and they had already shown signs of defeat, so Bai Rao yelled "withdraw", and then all three of them returned with a feint, swung their weapons and drew their horses. .

Seeing Bai Rao and the other three mixed into the crowd, Zhang Lan didn't dare to go in, so she turned around and killed the bandit soldiers.

Although Zhang Lan was brave, the soldiers under his command were not necessarily equally brave. With the endless crowd, they finally couldn't resist, and a large number of casualties began to occur.

In desperation, Zhang Lan could only gritted her teeth and said, "The rear army changed to the front army and retreated. After the MT was cut off, the troops retreated slowly."

In the face of absolute power, everything is useless. MT maintained its formation and retreated slowly, but the Black Bandit Army chased after it, biting the broken team of MT, wanting to take a bite. swallow.

The battle lasted for an hour, and the sky had slowly begun to wake up. MT's soldiers had lost their strength. Originally, they were wearing heavy armor. If they fought for a short time, their lethality would undoubtedly be huge, but if they continued Fighting also has a huge disadvantage, that is, it consumes physical strength, and although the pikemen of the wild camp behind them are not as weak as MT, they are already close to the dead and close.

But at this moment, the Black Mountain bandit army's formation became chaotic.

 Chapter 1 arrives!

(End of this chapter)

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