Chapter 119
Sui Gu was about to give the order to attack the city, but was stopped by Yu Du.

Sui Gu glared at Poison and asked, "Why stop me?"

Yu Du did not show weakness, looked at Sui Gu coldly and said, "Did you forget the purpose of our trip?"

Only then did Sui Gu stop unwillingly, "I waited for such insults, but Zhang Lan couldn't defend, what can I do?"

"Wait first." Yu Du glanced at Zhang Lan in the city and said in a low voice, "This is just the beginning, and Zhang Lan can't bear it for long."

"Forget it" Sui Gu nodded, and continued to lead the army to insult, until noon, everyone was already cursing dry, and their speech was already a little hoarse.

Only then did Yu Du and Sui Gu lead their troops back.

After noon when the sun was at its worst, Bai Rao led his troops to the gate of the city again and continued to challenge.

Zhang Lan turned a blind eye and listened but set a table on the top of the city to drink tea.

For three days in a row, Bai Rao, Yu Du, and Sui Gu could no longer hold their breath. Knowing that this method was ineffective, they simply changed their strategy, surrounded the city, and ordered them to build more siege tools.

In the end, they were divided into five groups, using Zhang Lan's strategy of disturbing the troops, and challenged in front of the battle day and night. Zhang Lan just laughed at this, and then ordered only 1000 people to guard the city, and the others took turns to rest .

Another three days passed, and the soldiers on the top of the city were still in good spirits, without the slightest sign of fatigue. The three of Bai Rao knew that they had failed again this time, and prepared to attack by force.

Batches of siege equipment were delivered to the city gate, and Bai Rao gave an order, and the Black Mountain bandit army rushed in. The ladders, rush cars, and even building cars were all on the city wall.

Zhang Lan finally put away her lazy attitude, and seriously began to command the soldiers to defend and attack.

The soldiers in the front row threw stones and logs down separately, while those in the back were the archers of Ai Di, who used projectiles to block the progress of the later bandits.

Fortunately, the Black Bandit's equipment was backward, so even if there were a large number of people who easily made it to the top of the city, they would soon be wiped out by the surrounding MT.

The battle continued, and the corpses under the city gate had already piled up into a hill. If it continued, they might be able to reach the city wall without using a ladder.

But at this moment, a dozen or so cavalry suddenly appeared from the Montenegro camp. There were thirteen people in total, and the other twelve were not to be outdone, and followed the leader all the way.

It wasn't until the 13 people got closer to the city gate that Zhang Lan realized that since the leader was "Huang Zhong" with white hair,

He screamed unconsciously, yes, his head is full of white hair, which means he is very old. In this age, Huang Zhong is the only one who can have such martial arts.

But Zhang Lan was still a little puzzled, who was the person who followed Huang Zhong to kill?Since each one's martial arts are also extraordinary.

"Twelve people? Uncommon martial arts?" Zhang Lan murmured, "Could it be!" His eyes suddenly lit up, and then he turned to Bao Xin and said, "Shi Yuan, General Bao, and the city guards will be handed over to you. I will lead an army out of the city to meet General Huang."


Pang Tong and Bao Xin said in unison.

Zhang Lan didn't say much, but said in a serious voice, "I have my own measure, don't worry."

Bao Xin was not talking, but Pang Tong was different, insisting on not letting Zhang Lan leave the city.

"My lord is the leader of an army, how can I go into danger personally, this is absolutely impossible."

"Shiyuan, believe me, am I the kind of person who is emotional?"

Pang Tong was a little hesitant, but it wasn't because Zhang Lan said that he was not an impulsive person, but because he felt Zhang Lan's self-confidence. He really didn't know where Zhang Lan's self-confidence came from. There are only 13 people, and they are undoubtedly sent to death. For the sake of these [-] people, since Zhang Lan is willing to put himself in danger, it is difficult for him to understand.

Seeing that Pang Tong stopped talking, Zhang Lan nodded at Pang Tong directly, summoned Guan Hai and Mu Kui, and brought 500 MT and 500 Greedy Wolf Riders to open the city gate. They swarmed in, but were blocked by MT and could not advance an inch, but were beheaded by Zhang Lan, Guan Hai, and Mu Kui, and the city gate was closed again.

At this time, Zhang Lan undoubtedly became the fat in the eyes of the Black Mountain bandit army. A large number of soldiers flocked to him. Even Bai Rao in the distance originally wanted to rush to kill Huang Zhong and others. The army rushed towards Zhang Lan, which relieved Huang Zhong and others a lot.

MT's men besieged the city in a semicircle and arrived at the city gate. Zhang Lan led Mu Kui to lead MT to resist the soldiers, and then led Guan Hai and Tanlang 500 cavalry to fly away.

When Huang Zhong and the others saw Zhang Lan coming to meet them, they also became anxious in their hearts, and immediately accelerated their pace and rushed towards Zhang Lan.The people in the three directions are like a running race, whoever runs to the designated place first wins, moving quickly on the ground.

Fortunately, the cavalry of Bai Rao's army were all in the rear, and the area in the middle was full of infantry, and there was a certain amount of space in the middle, so Zhang Lan ran very fast. Seeing that he was about to meet Huang Zhong and others, suddenly An idea appeared in Zhang Lan's mind. He casually killed the Black Mountain Bandits beside him, and then shouted loudly at Huang Zhong, "Does General Huang dare to compete with me?"

Huang Zhong was stunned when he heard the sound, but soon he understood Zhang Lan's meaning, a gleam of light burst out in his eyes, he looked in the direction where Bai Rao was, and then laughed loudly, "Hahahaha, why don't you dare?" Then he turned over and rushed.

Hu Bairao could still hear the conversation between the two of them clearly, and when he saw the way the two of them looked at him, he couldn't help but thump in his heart, and quickly slowed down his pace.

Although he slowed down, the Black Mountain thieves behind did not slow down, and continued to kill in the direction of Zhang Lan and Huang Zhong as usual. Huang Zhong was closer to Bai Rao than Zhang Lan, but Zhang Lan and others But it was picking up the leaks in the back. Huang Zhong had already killed once in the front. Although many people added, it was still a lot easier, so the speed of advancement was very fast, and he was about to catch up with Huang Zhong.

At this time, even if Bai Rao was stupid, he understood the meaning of the two of them. He didn't know Huang Zhong, but he knew Zhang Lan's martial arts, but Zhang Lan dared to compete with him, plus the previous charge in the formation , since no one is the general of this veteran, so he already felt the fear in his heart, and stopped directly at the same place. His personal soldiers didn't know what was going on, but they also stood up.

"Go, pass on my military order, whoever kills that veteran will be rewarded with a reward of one hundred taels to be promoted to one rank, and whoever kills Zhang Lan will be rewarded with a thousand taels to be promoted to three ranks."


The herald yelled directly, "Shuai Qu has an order, whoever kills the veteran will be rewarded with a hundred taels to be promoted to one level, and whoever kills Zhang Lan will be rewarded with a thousand taels to be promoted to the third level."

 Chapter 4 arrives!
(End of this chapter)

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