Optimization System of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 120 The first wave has not settled, and the other

Chapter 120

It is said that there must be a brave man under a heavy reward. Following Bai Rao's order, the Black Mountain bandit army boiled up in an instant, rushing towards the direction of the two of them desperately, because Zhang Lan is no longer far away from Huang Zhong. There is a distance of 10 meters, and there is still a situation of overtaking, so the opposite direction of the Black Mountain bandit army is also charging in the same direction.

As the black mountain bandits rushed over, they indeed slowed down the speed of Huang Zhong, Zhang Lan and others. After a while of charging, they were no more than 100 meters away from Bai, and at this time Zhang Lan had already caught up with Huang Zhong. .

When he waved his knife, he didn't look sideways. Sure enough, Huang Zhong's 12 people were the 12 surviving members of the Spike Special Forces, that is, the people who were canonized by Zhang Lan as the Twelve Saints.

Some of them smiled at Zhang Lan after fighting.

A group of people moved forward very fast, and in a blink of an eye they entered the place where Baiyuan was about [-] meters away, and Zhang Lan took the lead in charging forward.Seeing this, Huang Zhong reined in his horse's hooves, came to the body of the Twelve Saints, took off the big bow on his body, picked up the arrow, and shot the bow.

The arrows roared towards Bai Rao with the sound of piercing the sky.

Bai Rao had also seen Huang Zhong aiming at him a long time ago, and hurriedly got off his horse and mixed into the crowd, but it was too late. Huang Zhong's archery skills are no joke, he is a well-deserved arrow god among the Three Kingdoms!
The front was getting closer and closer to Bai Rao, Bai Rao could no longer maintain his composure, showing a panicked expression, and this expression would go with him in this life, his pupils shrank suddenly, and then the expression in his eyes Slowly disappeared.

With one shot to the head, the number one sniper of the Three Kingdoms finally showed his power on the battlefield, outperforming Zhang Lan, and shot Bai Rao, one of the leaders of the Montenegrin bandits.

The death of Bai Rao was naturally discovered by the soldiers under his command, and the situation of the battle changed suddenly.

The originally ferocious Black Mountain bandit army no longer had the momentum they had before, shouting "He is handsome, he is dead" and fled in all directions.

After these people yelled, they helped Zhang Lan. People who didn't know the situation in the distance also realized the problem and started to flee in all directions.

Naturally, Zhang Lan would not let go of the opportunity to beat the dog in the water, not to mention that the black mountain bandit army is not limited to this commander, and if he does not kill more people, these people will still pose a threat to him.




Zhang Lan was the first to yell to kill, and then the others behind him also yelled.

At this time, some of the soldiers who were attacking the city unconsciously glanced at this side. Seeing the defeated Black Mountain bandit army, they couldn't help but turn pale with fright, and ran in another direction regardless. I thought he was greedy for life and afraid of death, and wanted to be a deserter, but when they looked at the place where the soldier was looking, they did the same thing.

One, two, ten, fifty, and finally spread throughout the army.

At this time, Bao Xin and Pang Tong naturally knew the situation, and instead of thinking about it, they directly gathered people to chase them out.

The black bandit army fled in all directions, so naturally some smart people would flee in the direction of Yu Du and Sui Gu, and the news quickly reached their ears.

As for Yu Du Beimen, who was about to take the top of the city, after hearing the news, he didn't care too much, and directly handed over the siege to the deputy general, and led the army to support Zhang Lan.

Although Sui Gu didn't go so smoothly, it wasn't much worse, but he was not as smart as Yu Du, and he didn't care about the situation on the top of the city, he directly led people to support him.

Zhang Lan originally wanted to go deeper, but after a while, he heard the sound of Ming Jin. Hearing this sound, Zhang Lan finally woke up, and was not dazzled by the victory again, and hurriedly led the army back to the city.

When Yu Du and Sui Gu arrived, Zhang Lan had already sent Huang Zhong and others to the north gate for support.

Seeing Sui Gu leading a large team of people coming, Yu Du hurriedly asked what was the result?
Sui Gu told him that when he received the news, he brought all the people here. Yu Du was resentful and scolded Sui Gu for being confused. Sui Gu was already very angry when he heard that Bai Rao was killed, but Yu Du almost said that Turn your face on the spot.

Yu Du didn't say anything more, but led the troops away with a cold snort, and sent someone to recall the attacking troops, intending to part ways with Sui Gu.

Sui Gu also saw that there was nothing he could do, so he also led his troops back.

Seeing the retreat of the Black Mountain bandit army, Zhang Lan finally felt relieved, and secretly sighed, if Huang Zhong hadn't appeared suddenly, he really wouldn't have dared to rush into the army by himself.

In this scene, Wanjun took the general's head from it like a bag, and Huang Zhong became famous since then.

After they settled down, they counted the casualties. Half of the troops were lost in this battle. Now there are less than 5000 soldiers in Puyang.

Zhang Lan was originally worried that the Black Mountain bandit army would come back again, but Pang Tong laughed and said, "My lord, I was too worried. Bai Rao died, and the conflict between Yu Du and Sui Gu arose. They have already disagreed, and they will withdraw soon." Let's go. I can rest in peace and recuperate."

He could see clearly from the top of the city that the realization of Yu Du and Sui Gu could be seen by Pang Tong. That's why he concluded that the two had conflicts and that they were no longer of one mind. The city also suffered heavy losses, and when other princes came to attack, then they had only a dead end.

As he expected, after the Black Mountain bandit army retreated back to the camp, Yu Du hurriedly withdrew overnight. Sui Gu also felt that he could not support himself, so he simply led his troops back the next day.

But it's going to rain and the mother is going to get married. Once a person is unlucky, then it must be bad luck again and again.

Not long after the Heishan bandit army retreated, Liu Dai's army came to Puyang again, with [-] soldiers and horses, and the military discipline was strict, unlike the Heishan bandit army's lax discipline and backward equipment.

Upon receiving the news that Liu Dai had led troops to come, Zhang Lan just slapped his forehead and sighed in disbelief.

After recuperating for this period of time, the entire army is fairly well recuperated, but Zhang Lan still dare not send troops to fight, so he can only close the gate of the city and wait for Liu Dai to come.

Liu Dai lived up to expectations and came to the city, only to see him rushing out, shouting angrily, "Where is Zhang Lan?"

Zhang Lan stood at the top of the city with a slight smile, cupped her fists towards Liu Dai and said, "Casino Liu is safe and well."

"Hmph, Zhang Lan, why did you invade my city for no reason?"

"Under the whole world, there are kings' lands, and within the four seas, there are all kings' ministers. Is the land of Dongjun suitable to be the city of Governor Liu?"

"I am the Inspector of Yanzhou personally appointed by His Majesty. The land of Dongjun belongs to Yanzhou, why is it not my land?"

"Haha, I am His Majesty's teacher, I came to Dongjun for a few days, and I still looked at Haihan without notifying Governor Liu."

"You..." Liu Dai was a little anxious, choked by Zhang Lan and didn't know what to say.

(End of this chapter)

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