Optimization System of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 121 Reappearance of reinforcements

Chapter 121 Reappearance of reinforcements
Liu Dai was overwhelmed by Zhang Lan and said, "The son of today is Liu Xie, but you used your previous status to rob us by force and occupy my East County in Yanzhou. You will be punished."

Zhang Lan burst out laughing upon hearing this, Liu Dai was puzzled and asked, "Why are you laughing?"

"Naturally, I am laughing at your ignorance. Who rewards you as the governor of Yanzhou? Which emperor do you serve? Liu Xie, a traitor? If so, I am also the emperor's teacher. Liu Xie also studied with me for several days. In order to practice discipleship, if the emperor argues that you are your lord, you should assist and help the Han family with me. If you accept the thief Liu Xie as your lord, you should also greet me with courtesy and greetings. This is disloyal; your surname is Liu, but It is not filial to have a different heart and feel ashamed of your ancestors. I have been harmed by traitors and have nowhere to go. Today I temporarily borrow Dongjun here, but you insult me. This is inhumane; now I am only defending Dongjun against Black Mountain. Thieves, but you have an unruly desire to attack me, this is unrighteous, you are unfaithful, unfilial, unkind and unrighteous, and you have a good face to be presumptuous here." Zhang Lan was quite plain at first, but the more he talked, the more serious he became. Filled with righteous indignation, the last few words were almost roared out.

It seemed that his emotion had infected everyone, almost all the people in the city looked at Liu Dai with disdain, but the people behind Liu Dai lowered their heads one by one, Liu Dai was so angry that his face turned red and then white.

"You...! Come, pass on my general order, and attack the city with all your strength!"

Annoyed and angry, Liu Dai couldn't bear it anymore, turned around and gave the order to attack the city.

"The archers are ready to shoot." Zhang Lan saw that Liu Dai was angry and wanted to attack the city, so he stopped talking and ordered Aidi to get ready.

"Release" a rain of arrows fell on Liu Dai's army.

"The giant shield of the shield soldier is in front, and the ladder and the rushing car follow behind"

Liu Dai is not a useless person, he made the best decision immediately.

Fortunately, Liu Dai was only in a hurry and led troops to attack this side of the city, so Zhang Lan also concentrated his troops to defend this gate, and it was fine for a while.

"My lord, let me take a team out to kill Liu Dai." It was Huang Zhong who spoke. With the previous experience of beheading Bai Rao, the enthusiasm in his heart has not subsided. Nearly, I was thinking about the previous charge again.

"No." Before Zhang Lan could speak, Pang Tong on the side had already spoken, "Liu Dai is different from Bai Rao. His officers and men are all well-equipped troops, and Liu Dai will definitely not fight against him. When I think about it, the old general killed him." He has already heard the news about killing Bai Rao, and he will definitely not let the old general come within a hundred meters of him, but now our army only has 5000 troops, if we lead troops out of the city, the city will be in danger."

After hearing these words, Huang Zhong looked at Zhang Lan, only to see that Zhang Lan also nodded slightly, expressing agreement, Huang Zhong then sighed unwillingly.

With the advantage of the city wall, Liu Dai's army could not enter the city in a short time. At this time, Liu Dai had also woken up and knew that there was a problem with the strategy, so he ordered gold to withdraw his troops and withdrew for more than ten miles to set up camp.

The big camp was set up, and Liu Dai summoned his soldiers and said, "Zhang Lan's son is really hateful. I want to divide my troops into four groups and attack from the four gates. Now Zhang Lan's son has not recovered from the battle with the Heishan bandits. He is short of manpower. I don't know. What do you generals think?"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Okay, that's it"

Nothing in the night

The next day, Liu Dai brought people to the city again.

This time he learned his lesson, and instead of finding fault with Zhang Lan, he called Bao Xin directly.

It's a pity that Bao Xin was not here, and Zhang Lan came out with a big smile, and said to Liu Dai, "General Bao is not here, Governor Liu should find another place."

Liu Dai ignored Zhang Lan, snorted coldly, waved his hand, and said "siege"

The herald under him immediately signaled to march with drums.

At this time, Zhang Lan had already seen that Liu Dai had few people, and after spies reported that there were a large number of enemy troops at the four city gates, he immediately ordered to disperse all the troops except the archers and cavalry. At this time, there were less than a thousand pawns in the east gate.

In desperation, Zhang Lan yelled, "Son Liu Dai, do you dare to fight me?"

Now there are killing sounds everywhere, his voice has long been swallowed up by the sound of killing shouts, and none of them reached Liu Dai's ears. Even if Liu Dai could hear them, he would not be so stupid as to fight Zhang Lan.

Soon, Liu Dai's soldiers had already rushed to the city wall, rows of ladders were placed on the city wall, and columbine carts drove over, not to mention the rushing carts, which had already begun to bombard the city gate.

Due to the lack of manpower, Liu Dai's soldiers quickly climbed up the wall, and all the Ai Di had already abandoned their bows and replaced them with short knives, and rushed to meet the soldiers who climbed up.

In this case, Zhang Lan naturally didn't just look at the command, but also stepped forward and started beheading the enemy.

At this time, the three saints behind him also rushed forward, blocking the bandit soldiers from entering the city together.

Speaking of which, I would like to explain that at this time, the east gate of Puyang City is guarded by Zhang Lan himself; the west gate is guarded by Bao Xin; the south gate is guarded by Huang Zhong; , three people from each sect, this undoubtedly enabled each sect to be able to resist the siege, but it also greatly reduced the strength of one side.

On the city wall, Zhang Lan also gave up the big knife in his hand and replaced it with a short knife. She swung the knife at the climbing soldiers and looked at the four points with the three saints. Since no one above the four points can successfully Climbing to the top of the city, the pressure on ordinary soldiers instantly decreased a lot.

For a while, Liu Dai's advantage disappeared.

"boom boom"

The problem reappeared. The soldiers who attacked the city not only climbed the wall, but also hit the city gate. The roar of the blasting office came, and the city gate of Nuo Da could not last long.

But at this moment, the mutation reappeared, and a group of cavalry appeared in the distance. There were about 2000 cavalrymen.

Although 2000 cavalry is not small, they are facing Liu Dai's army. When Liu Dai saw this army, he sent his own cavalry to meet it without hesitation.

The 2000 cavalry faced more opponents than themselves, and they showed no fear at all. They accelerated their horse speed, and the two horses collided quickly. Cavalry is different from infantry, and they will stop in place when they collide. In the battle, the cavalry charged, charged, and charged again. The two teams charged for a while, and they were already separated by a hundred meters, and they were at the end of the two teams.

The commander of Liu Dai's 3000 cavalry immediately shouted, "The rear team becomes the front team, charge!"

However, their opponents ignored them at all, and instead of slowing down after the confrontation, they rushed straight to the city. When the leader reacted, less than 2000 cavalry had already opened a distance of nearly a thousand meters away from them.

 Seeing yesterday's results, I was actually quite shocked, it was too bad, far exceeded my budget, I don't know what to say, thank you brothers and sisters who supported me, I will stick to finishing this For this book, please rest assured.

(End of this chapter)

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