Optimization System of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 122 The Battle at the South Gate

Chapter 122 The Battle at the South Gate
As expected of a prince, Liu Dai had already thought of such a result, so when he dispatched the cavalry, he ordered again to lead the troops on his left and right to block the advance of the cavalry.

However, the commander-in-chief of this team seems to have thought of this, and after passing through Liu Dai's cavalry team, he changed his direction, apparently trying to get rid of the infantry with the speed of his horse.

The core role of pawns is to stop the progress of this team, and this team chose to go around, but it can be regarded as the completion of the task, although it is not so perfect.

Because of the roundabout buffer, Liu Dai's cavalry team also caught up, and they were within a hundred meters.

The frontal charge is a bonus for cavalry. Similarly, if a cavalry team is caught up by another cavalry team from behind, the attack power of the other team will be multiplied exponentially.

Obviously, the commander-in-chief of this team was very smart. He didn't change back immediately after changing directions, but rushed in another direction again.

Why say goodbye?That's because they've done the same thing just now, twice.

The leader of this team is also Yu Jin who went to Chenliu and Zhuiyang to move the rescuers.

Chen Liu and Zhuiyang were both in the west of Puyang, so they came from the west when they charged. Yu Jin charged from the west gate to the north gate, and then from the north gate to the east gate. He was also heading towards the south gate at this time. He rushed in the direction, the guard at the south gate was Huang Zhong.

After Liu Dai's cavalry pursued and killed him for a while, the commander turned his head to look in Liu Dai's direction, and found that Liu Dai had ordered someone to signal him to go back, so Yu Jin also got rid of the pursuers smoothly.

When he came to the south gate, Yu Jin was taken aback by the scene in front of him.

Rows of ladders are erected on the city wall, and the ladders are full of enemy troops struggling to climb, but there are no shadows of our own people on the city wall. It is obvious that the top of the city has been occupied by the enemy. However, the city gate has not yet been attacked, or the city gate has already been opened.

Seeing this scene, Yu Jin couldn't bear it anymore, and rushed towards the city gate with all his strength, but it didn't take long for the general who attacked the south gate to discover Yu Jin's arrival, and immediately sent out troops to stop Yu Jin's support.


The bloodthirsty cry came from Yu Jin again, and the cavalry behind him also shouted, and their momentum sublimated instantly.

This time Yu Jin did not choose to continue charging after charging again, but directly started a close fight with the enemy.

Soon Yu Jin's team broke through the line of defense and approached the city gate again. Seeing that something was wrong, the commander charged towards Yu Jin himself.

At this moment, the door rumbled open.

Puyang South Gate officially fell.

There is not enough manpower, let alone extra reinforcements, only the cavalry that is forbidden outside the city. Although Huang Zhong is extremely brave, he is also helpless, and can only watch helplessly. Charged over, although he was brave, but the people under him were different, even with the assistance of three saints, there was nothing he could do.

The gate was wide open, and the soldiers outside the city rushed into Puyang like crazy, only the commander's team came towards Yu Jin.

Yu Jin knew that this was the most difficult time. If he couldn't hold on now, it would be over. If he could hold on to this wave of attacks, he would still have a glimmer of life when the big troops arrived. Therefore, facing the front In the current situation, he made his own judgment and beheaded the thief leader.

Soon the two teams collided, and Yu Jin didn't pay much attention to the ordinary soldiers. He just killed the soldiers who blocked him all the way, and moved quickly towards the commander.

Because both of them took the lead in the charge, the distance was not far away, and they met soon after. Yu Jin's hand pierced a spear with the spear, and the commander changed color instantly, trying to blend in with the crowd.

But he didn't want Yu Jin not to give him this chance at all. He swept his spear and knocked him to the ground. Then he swung the spear hard and pierced the commander's chest. Then he closed his eyes unwillingly.

The entire battle with this commander was clean and fast, so not many people observed it, but some soldiers who were closer to him could see it clearly, trembling with weapons in their hands.

Yu Jin yelled, "The leader of the thief is dead, do you still want to make unnecessary resistance?"


The scene froze for an instant, and everyone looked in the direction of Yu Jin. One of Liu Dai's soldiers was stabbed in the chest by Yu Jin's cavalry, and he let out a terrible cry, and then everyone reacted.

"run away"

One, two, ten, the people standing behind, I don't know who started the escape, it was like a spark that started a prairie fire, and it spread to everyone outside the city in an instant, and the soldiers who were close had no hope of escaping. He threw down his weapon and knelt down to ask for surrender.

After a while, almost all the cavalry looked at Yu Jin, waiting for Yu Jin's order.

At this time, Yu Jin's face was serious, and a cold voice came out of his mouth, "Kill!"

After receiving the order, the cavalry immediately raised their weapons and swung them at the kneeling soldiers.

When the soldiers heard Yu Jin's words, some of them were ashamed, and some wanted to stand up and resist, but it was too late. They were pierced by the cavalry in front of them, and the few people took up weapons to resist, but they quickly Engulfed by the surrounding cavalry.

After killing the surrendered soldiers, Yu Jin didn't stop, he went straight into the city, and shouted, "The thief general is dead, why don't you just catch him?"

The cavalry behind them also yelled in unison, "The thief general is dead, and he will be captured quickly."

"The thief general is dead, and he will be captured quickly"

"The thief general is dead, and he will be captured quickly"

The soldiers who had already invaded were fighting fiercely, but suddenly heard such bursts of sound, they couldn't help but look back, and saw Yu Jin's men rushing towards them, and they already knew in their hearts that this was not a lie, otherwise Yu Jin's The team will not be here.

As a result, the enemy army in the city also became rioted in an instant.

Huang Zhong's troops have not yet retreated too far. Seeing this situation, the old man shouted loudly, "Boys, it's time for us to make meritorious deeds, come back with me!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The three holy fighters responded first, shouted three times to kill, and rushed over with Huang Zhong.

Seeing wolves in front and tigers in back, Liu Dai's soldiers simply stopped resisting. They threw away their weapons and knelt down and begged for surrender. Zhong and Yu Jin charged forward.

But after all, it was a minority, and they were all beheaded soon.

The south gate of Puyang was temporarily preserved.

This time, Yu Jin did not choose to continue killing, firstly, because the guard was Huang Zhong, and secondly, there were too many of these people.

(End of this chapter)

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