Chapter 123

The battle at the South Gate was indeed over, but the number of surrendered troops was large, even several times that of Yu Jin and Huang Zhong.

Seeing this situation, if you kill the surrendered soldiers, the result must be that half of them are killed, and then the other half will fight to the death. If not, these people will undoubtedly continue to become soldiers chasing themselves.

Huang Zhong glanced at Yu Jin unconsciously, stepped forward and asked, "Thank you for this strong man's generous help. Dare I ask the strong man Gao's name?"

When Yu Jin saw Huang Zhong's white hair, he couldn't help but wonder, why did he become the guard of the south gate when he left without such a number one person?

"I am General Fenwu under the prime minister's command, Yu Jin Yu Wenze, may I ask who the old general is?"

Huang Zhong knew it well, knew that Yu Jinding was Zhang Lan's new general, and knew that Yu Jin must have some skills, so he was not hypocritical, and immediately cupped his hands and said, "It turns out that it is General Yu, disrespectful and disrespectful, and Huang Zhong is the general who is begging for bandits." , named Han Sheng, followed the lord in Luoyang, after the thief Liu Xie rebelled, because I was not well-known, so Xu Taishou ordered me to sneak in here to help the lord."

Huang Zhong was more polite to Jin, but Yu Jin saw that Huang Zhong was a general under Zhang Lan's command, but he was just a general who wanted to fight for bandits in his old age. In addition, he was promoted so quickly at Zhang Lan's place, so he couldn't help but feel a little arrogant. Indifferently, "General Huang, this is not the time to talk, we should deal with these soldiers first, and go to help the lord."

Huang Zhong was already old, so he could see Yu Jin's thoughts, and he was not angry. After all, he did not make any contribution in front of Zhang Lan, but he achieved this position.

"What General Yu said is very true"

Hearing Huang Zhong's answer, Yu Jin naturally wouldn't put on airs, and went to settle down with Huang Zhong.

However, Huang Zhong was still on guard against Jin at this time, so he only brought the soldiers brought by Yu Jin to collect the weapons, and then made a simple binding, leaving 500 troops and Huang Zhong to guard the soldiers and the city gate, and Yu Jin took people there. Ximen went to support Bao Xin, although there were only 1000 cavalry.

The reason why he chose to go to the west gate to support Bao Xin was because Yu Jin passed through the east, south, west, and north gates when he came. Naturally, he knew which gate needed more support. The east gate where Zhang Lan was located had 3000 guards. It will not be breached within a certain period of time, but the Ximen where Bao Xin is located has only 2000, and the situation is only a little bit better than Huang Zhong's.

When Yu Jin arrived, the top of the city hadn't been breached yet, Bao Xin recognized Yu Jin, so naturally he didn't have so many worries.

"Wen Ze, this defense is not an option, do you dare to go out of the city again and charge for a while?"

Yu Jin hesitated a little, not because he was afraid of death, but because the situation in front of him would undoubtedly be quite dangerous if he went out of the city, but it was indeed as Bao Xin said, if he didn't go out and charge for a while, then the city would be destroyed soon. It will be captured by the enemy, and at that time, if you continue to fight, your side will be passive.

"Okay, General Bao, please put your cavalry at my disposal"

Bao Xin shook his head and said, "The cavalry are all on the prime minister's side, I can't give you troops, I don't need to say more, you can see the situation in front of you"

After finishing speaking, Bao Xin ignored Yu Jin and joined the battle again.

Yu Jin bowed his head and thought for a while, finally gritted his teeth, and decided to give it a try.

Yu Jin assembled his team again, ordered people to open the city gate, and led 1000 troops to charge out.

Not far away, the commander commanding the battle saw that Yu Jin had come out, and immediately sent cavalry to intercept, but Yu Jin's target was only the soldiers waiting to climb below the city, and they could organize there.

The soldiers who were planning to climb also stopped their movements one after another, turned around and attacked Yu Jin.

Yu Jin didn't go deep, but led the cavalry to attack from the outside without slowing down the speed of the horses. As a result, the number of people killed was limited. Fortunately, his task was not to kill, but to reduce the pressure on the city. This time the charge, the soldiers on the top of the city did feel a lot easier.

Even after this charge, the cavalry who were not far away had already rushed over, so Yu Jin would naturally not foolishly confront him head-on, but headed towards the south gate again.

As soon as he arrived at the south gate, Yu Jin was dumbfounded. The enemy troops who had already repelled had returned with a group. He knew that this was the escaped soldiers who had already told Liu Dai about the situation here, and Liu Dai sent someone to coming.

It's just that the commander sent this time was a little hesitant, not knowing whether to attack or not.

There are obviously many more soldiers on the top of the city than before, and the number has far exceeded 1000.

It turned out that after Yu Jin left, Huang Zhong ordered people to bring the inventory with the logo of Zhang Lan's army, and asked those surrendered soldiers to wear them and stand on the top of the city, and asked his own men to hold long guns behind them as a deterrent.

From the very beginning, the defense of the city relied on rolling stones and lumberjacks to defend against the climbing soldiers. Huang Zhong obviously enhanced his own strength by doing so. However, Huang Zhong did not expect these people to help him fight, but to deter the enemy troops outside the city. , and indeed played a deterrent effect on the enemy troops outside the city.

Yu Jin was spotted as soon as he appeared in the enemy's field of vision, but the commander thought it was the enemy's reinforcements, so he decisively chose to retreat and galloped towards the east gate, wanting to tell Liu Dai.

Yu Jin was not stupid enough to chase them, and chose to retreat into the city.

After this incident, Yu Jin also looked at the veteran in front of him with admiration, and his tone was much more polite.

"Old General Huang, the west gate is in danger, I have to go again, and the south gate will be handed over to you."

Huang Zhong was also very puzzled why Yu Jin would come from outside the city, but the situation was urgent, so he didn't say much, but nodded to Jin and said, "Don't worry, General Yu, I'm here at the south gate, and the bandits will not be allowed to come here." Breach again"

The two parted again, Yu Jin came to Ximen again, the situation returned to the crisis just now, Yu Jin was helpless, and planned to charge again.

Just when he opened the city gate and rushed out again.

Now that the opponent's army had withdrawn from Mingjin, the tense Yu Jin heaved a sigh of relief, and hurried up to the top of the city to meet Bao Xin. Bao Xin didn't understand what happened, but saw that the city gate was about to be breached, but retreated soldier.

After making arrangements, Bao Xin and Yu Jin went to the East Gate to meet Zhang Lan. At this time, Zhang Lan was also at a loss as he watched the enemy troops receding like a tide.

When the dispatched spies reported back and learned that Liu Dai had really retreated, he was really relieved and hurriedly discussed with everyone.

When Yu Jin said that he had just fought from the west gate to the south gate again, and saw Huang Zhong let the surrendered soldiers stand on the wall, Pang Tong suddenly burst out laughing.

Everyone was puzzled, and Zhang Lan couldn't help asking, "Why is Shi Yuan laughing?"

(End of this chapter)

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