Chapter 124
Zhang Lan asked Pang Tong, "Why did Shi Yuan laugh?"

Pang Tong laughed a few more times before he could hold back and said, "General Huang ordered his troops to stand on top of the city, and General Yu came out from outside the city again. The enemy generals didn't know the real situation of our army, so they thought that the reinforcements would come back here and tell them." Liu Dai, Liu Dai trusts this general very much."

Speaking of Pang Tong, most of the people who sat next to him were smart people. Hearing this, how could they not understand what it meant, and they all smiled. Only Mu Kui was there with a puzzled face, and asked Guan Hai, who was beside him, His simple and honest appearance made everyone laugh even more.

Then Mu Kui scratched his head in embarrassment, and stopped talking.

After some laughter, Zhang Lan took the lead to control her mind and said, "Our army is weak. If Liu Dai finds that there is no reinforcements coming again, he will definitely be defeated by him. Oh, by the way, Wen Ze, why don't you I only brought these 2000 cavalry, what about the others?"

Yu Jin got up when he heard the words and said, "My lord, it was the spies I sent to report that Puyang was in danger. I led the cavalry to support it first, and then handed it over to General Su Yi to escort the supplies. It will arrive soon."

Just as Zhang Lan was about to speak, Pang Tong's expression changed drastically and he yelled "No!"

Seeing this scene, Zhang Lan hurriedly asked, "What happened to Shi Yuan?"

"My lord, please call your troops immediately and go out of the city to rescue General Su Yi."

Zhang Lan didn't think much after hearing the words, and immediately ordered to assemble first, and then asked Pang Tong.

"Shiyuan, are you saying that Liu Dai will intercept General Su Yi?"

Pang Tong nodded, "Liu Dai thinks that our reinforcements have only retreated so far, so they will definitely send more scouts to find out the truth, and it won't take long to know the truth, but now that General Su Yi is escorting food, grass and luggage, it is undoubtedly a piece of fat in Liu Dai's eyes. , we will lead our troops back to intercept the supplies, if General Su Yi is defeated, our army will be in danger."

After hearing Pang Tong's words, Zhang Lan came to a sudden realization, and immediately went to the camp, intending to go to the rescue in person, but was stopped by Pang Tong and said, "My lord, the food, grass and supplies are already a piece of fat, but they are far less than the weight of the lord. If the lord attracts an army to divert Liu Dai's attention, even if Liu Dai knows it is a plan, he will chase after the lord, then General Su Yi will be safe and return to the city safely, but if the lord leads the army to rescue him personally, he will fall into a situation of certain death, and there is no way to escape. can be saved"

Zhang Lan was speechless for a moment, finally nodded, and said to the Twelve Saints beside him, "Assemble the Greedy Wolf Army immediately, and wait for my military order."


"Can I ambush this trip?" Zhang Lan asked Ji Pangtong.

Pang Tong shook his head and said, "And this trip is a plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain. There is not so much time to prepare, so we can only do it by riding and shooting. However, although the Greedy Wolf Army is an elite cavalry, there are very few who are good at riding and shooting, so You can only retreat with one blow, and don't get entangled with the enemy."

After listening to Pang Tong's words, Zhang Lan's eyes burst into a flash of light, but she quickly calmed down. She didn't say much, and turned directly to the Greedy Wolf camp, leading the troops to provoke.

Sure enough, as Pang Tong said, Liu Dai had assembled his troops to swallow up this supply team, but suddenly heard that Zhang Lan came to call for battle, and was overjoyed. He just sent an elite force of 8000 people to crusade, thinking that the opponent was just a A logistics force must not be excellent, and the number is no more than nearly ten thousand, and the essence of the troops escorting supplies is well-equipped and extremely brave. Come here, if you take Zhang Lan, then nothing else matters.

With this mentality, Liu Dai is doomed to fail.

Leading the troops out of the camp, seeing Zhang Lan's uniform cavalry, Liu Dai felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart, but he didn't care about it. On the battlefield, this feeling often occurs, especially in the face of fierce soldiers. Zhang Lan is undoubtedly one of the strongest opponents in his heart.

Spreading his position, Liu Dai walked out of the camp, looked at Zhang Lan with disdain and said, "Prime Minister Zhang, now you can't wait for a bird in a cage, why don't you submit to me and join me in a great cause, I will not treat you badly, how ?”

Zhang Lan laughed and said, "You can see the tiger following the rabbit, and the dragon leaning over the mouse?"

Liu Dai's face became gloomy, he snorted coldly, turned around and shouted, "Who will take Zhang Lan with me?"

No one in the camp responded, Liu Dai was in a hurry, and shouted again, "The one who kills Zhang Lan will be promoted to the third level, and the reward will be a thousand taels."

Under the great reward, there must be a brave man. I saw a young general come forward and said "the young general's wish"

Liu Dai nodded in relief and praised loudly, "Okay, the general is brave. When you return from victory, I will hold a banquet for you to celebrate."

"General Xie," the young general rushed out of the battle after finishing speaking.

Zhang Lan was disdainful, turned around and glanced at the twelve holy fighters beside him. The 12 people all looked eager to try, so they sent one person to fight with them at will. They won't be the only ones left in the end, and each of them has experienced many battles, and their experience is very rich. Ordinary generals can't beat them.

Seeing that it wasn't Zhang Lan, the young general was a little disappointed, but also a little fortunate. He swung his knife and slashed at the blood wolf, one of the twelve saints. Naturally, the blood wolf responded with his gun.

Since the two met each other for a while, they were inseparable. Zhang Lan naturally knew the ability of the blood wolf. Seeing that a young general was able to draw with the blood wolf, she couldn't help but look up to Liu Dai. , There are so many hidden characters in the Three Kingdoms, it really underestimates the heroes of the world.

Fortunately, the blood wolf's kung fu was not blown out. After more than a hundred rounds of fighting, the young general finally lost. He was stabbed in the left arm by the blood wolf and fled back into the formation. The blood wolf naturally understood what Zhang Lan meant. The task was to delay time, so he didn't chase after him, but immediately shouted, "Who else!"

Apparently that young general was quite famous in his army. Seeing that the blood wolf had defeated him so easily, they hesitated and dared not go forward.

Liu Dai's face became even more ugly, and he no longer considered fighting Zhang Lan, he waved his hand and ordered the whole army to attack.

Zhang Lan knew that her plan had succeeded, so she immediately turned her horse's head and ran back, but to Liu Dai's surprise, Zhang Lan was not running in the direction of the city, but a mountain forest in the distance.

After chasing for a while, Zhang Lan sneaked into the forest, and Liu Dai hesitated. In his heart, Zhang Lan was extremely cunning, and he would never do such an unprepared thing, so after thinking for a long time, he chose to retreat.

After returning to the camp, I also received news from the other side that victory was in sight, but suddenly a team was rescued and our army was defeated, and those two teams had already returned to Puyang City.

(End of this chapter)

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