Chapter 125
But Zhang Lan did not go deep into the forest, but directly ordered to rest where he was, until the dispatched spies reported that Liu Dai had withdrawn his troops, and then he walked out of the forest slowly and hurried back to the city.

After returning to the city, Su Yi first came to meet and report with him first, talked with him, and learned about some situations. Then Zhang Lan went back to the house and ordered someone to guard him, saying that if there was no war, he would not be disturbed.

Zhang Lan, who entered the house, first tried to optimize the space with her heart, and the reply she got was "Drip, the system is under repair, and it is temporarily unavailable."

"Hey, it's still being repaired." Zhang Lan sighed helplessly. Since he was suppressed by Liu Xieyin, the optimization system has been in the process of repairing, and it is still the same until now.

Now that the system is being repaired, it is no different from nothing. Zhang Lan simply ignores it. Now he has more than 1 troops, and Liu Dai's army has suffered heavy damage after the siege battle in the past few days. If you attack by force, then you will only lose.

Sure enough, as Zhang Lan expected, Liu Dai did not forcefully attack the city, but surrounded Puyang and sent people back to recruit reinforcements.

Time passed quickly, and half a month passed in a blink of an eye. Liu Dai outside the city made up his mind, knowing that Zhang Lan had no foundation here, and there must be insufficient food and grass. He wanted to trap Zhang Lan in the city, even with the arrival of reinforcements. There was no storming either.

That is to say, under such circumstances, Zhang Lan's food and grass were indeed almost exhausted.

"My lord, it's not an option to go on like this. The food and grass are not enough to support our army for a month." Pang Tong was the one who spoke. Borrowing food there is not feasible. If Zhang Lan forcibly borrows food, it will be difficult to go on in the future. After all, Zhang Lan has offended the family of the Tu people. will be cut off.

"Wait a little longer" Zhang Lan just spit out these three words slowly

"My lord" Pang Tong was a little anxious, and the current situation did not allow him to be in a hurry.

Zhang Lan interrupted him with a wave of her hand, and said, "Wait for another three days. If I can't solve the problem of food and grass in these three days, I will go out to fight in the city."

Pang Tong opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything, turned and left the prefect's mansion.

"Drip, the system is being repaired and is temporarily unavailable"

"Hey..." Zhang Lan got the reply from the system again, he sighed softly, and kept thinking about the countermeasures after the optimization system couldn't be repaired in these three days, and it was already dark before he knew it.

Just when Zhang Lan was worrying, a black figure suddenly appeared in front of him. Seeing this, he stood up abruptly, drew out the sword on one side and shouted sharply, "Who are you?"

Seeing Zhang Lan draw out his sword suddenly, the man subconsciously took a few steps back before stopping. Only then did Zhang Lan see clearly the face of this man. It was the member of 007 who sent him a message some time ago.

"Meet the Prime Minister"

Zhang Lan put away the saber in his hand, and did not ask him how he entered Puyang from the army outside the city, but asked slowly, "What news?"

"Zhang Yan gathers [-] yellow turban remnants to occupy Xihe; Gongsun Zan of Liaodong is defeated and dies; Yuan Shao collects his troops, claiming to be an army of one million, and intends to march towards Puyang; Cao Cao, the prefect of Wuling, rejects Li Ru, the governor of Liangzhou, for help, and recruits an army of Qiang sages Breaking through Chengdu, he became a vassal of his own; Liu Bei commanded an army to occupy the first generation of Hedong, and wanted to march into Taiyuan to attack Li Jue; Sun Jian signed a peace agreement with Liu Biao, and wanted to lead the army to Kuaiji. The remnants of the Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou once again raised troops to attack all parts of Beihai, and Zang Ba, the prefect of Taishan, wanted to attract soldiers against thieves"

Zhang Lan took a deep breath after listening to it. The amount of news was too great. In such a short period of time, since so many things happened.

Zhang Lan rubbed her temple helplessly and asked, "Is there any more?"

The man paused for a moment, not knowing whether he should say it, Zhang Lan saw it and said, "But it's okay to say it."

"Yes, the two sons have already come into the world, but Liu Xie didn't harm them, but sent his servants to serve them."

"Hmph, is he so kind?" Zhang Lan suddenly slapped the table and said coldly. The 007 seemed to have guessed Zhang Lan's reaction, and immediately knelt down on one knee and stopped talking.

However, Zhang Lan did not intend to continue to entangle this topic, but asked again, "Is there any more?"

"there is none left"

"Well, then send a message for me to Guo Jia, Xu Shu, Li Ru, let them give up attacking Luoyang and declare independence, that's all, you go"

The man didn't speak, but jumped out of the window and disappeared quickly.

Seeing the man leave, Zhang Lan looked up at the bright moon in the sky, and murmured, "I don't know if Yu'er and Chan'er named those two boys, and Chen Xi, I don't know what happened to them."

The man did not flick his tears lightly, but before he reached the point of grief, before he knew it, two tear stains had appeared on Zhang Lan's face.

Nothing in the night

In the early morning of the next day, Zhang Lan called everyone to hold a meeting.

"Yuan Shao broke through Liaodong, took in Gongsun Zan and his men, and claimed that a million-strong army was about to come to Puyang. What do you guys think?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone below was in a mess.

Zhang Lan patted the table, and everyone fell silent.

"Yuan Shao's trip is only for me, Zhang Lan, and you can tie me up and offer him to Yuan Shao to protect his life."

Seeing that there was no joke in Zhang Lan's words, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, only Pang Tong remained calm.

After a moment of silence, Huang Zhong stood up and said, "My lord is kind to us. How can we abandon my lord and save our own lives? If we do so, we will be despised by the world, and Zhong Juan will never obey his orders." He said After finishing, he bowed his hands to Zhang Lan, turned his head to the side and stopped looking at Zhang Lan, with a look of resentment.

After hearing his words, everyone stood up to express their loyalty.

At this time, Pang Tong slowly said, "For now, it is not Yuan Shao, but Liu Dai. The generals don't need to do this. My lord, let's think about the things in front of us first."

Zhang Lan raised his head and looked outside the door, his eyes were very disdainful, now he has the will to die in his heart, but he is just unwilling, but Liu Dai has never been taken seriously by him, but he had some scruples before and dared not fight to the death That's all, now that Yuan Shao's army is about to arrive, if even Liu Dai can't solve it, then he can just wipe his neck and don't need to think about other things.

"Pass my general order, gather all the troops, and fight Liu Dai decisively"

Seeing that Zhang Lan had regained his fighting spirit, everyone stood up together and "the last general took orders"

All the generals led away, only Pang De sat there very calmly, Zhang Lan seemed to ignore him, stood up and looked into the distance, "Fighting with people is a joy, fighting with the earth is a joy, fighting with the sky." , a lot of fun"

(End of this chapter)

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