Optimization System of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 128 Only waiting for Yuan Shao to come

Chapter 128 Only waiting for Yuan Shao to come
When Zhang Xun came this time, he didn't take Zhang Lan seriously at all. Seeing Zhang Lan's refusal at this time, he showed displeasure and said, "Prime Minister Zhang, my patriarch is the son of the Yuan family. You are worthy of Prime Minister Zhang, now that you have fallen to this point, if you have my lord's help, it will not be difficult for you to make a comeback, otherwise, you don't need my lord to take action, as long as you stand by, you can all be wiped out."

Huang Zhong, Yu Jin and others all jumped up at the scene, stared angrily, and drew their swords to point directly at Zhang Xun.

Zhang Xun was not afraid at all, but looked at Zhang Lan coldly.

Zhang Lan waved her hand to signal everyone to put away their weapons, and then everyone put their swords back into their scabbards angrily.

"I will not interfere with my children's marriage. Marriage will never happen. This is what the general said just now. If General Yuan intends to join forces, I am willing to pledge the Jade Seal of Chuanguo and borrow 3000 elite cavalry. I don't want to be a commander. 1 I can give me the food for ten thousand horses for a month, and even send General Ji Ling back, I wonder what the general wants?"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words. The Jade Seal of Chuanguo is a symbol of power and status. They didn't know that Zhang Lan had such a treasure in his hands. General Zhang can’t be the master, so I just ask General Yuan to reply to my opinion.”

Zhang Xun also felt a little dizzy. The Chuanguo Yuxi was different from other things. He really couldn't make up his mind. He treated Zhang Lan with a polite attitude, bowed his hands and bid farewell to Zhang Lan, and hurried towards Runan.

Seeing that Zhang Xun was gone, all the generals came forward to persuade Zhang Lan. Pang Tong on the side saw this and said slowly, "The jade seal of the Chuan Kingdom is a dead thing, and it is ominous to keep it. It is wise for the lord to exchange dead things for troops." Come on, the generals don’t need to say any more.”

Pang Tong's prestige in the army is still quite high. Zhang Lan said this matter, and now Pang Tong agrees with it, and the others have nothing to say.

The Chuanguo Yuxi was exchanged by Zhang Lan a long time ago, and it has been stored in the optimized space. Even if the optimized space has changed its version, all the items stored before are still there, um, only one of the Chuanguo Yuxi is stored.

The stirrups have been completed one after another, and the distribution of these stirrups to each of the 2000 guerrillas has aroused Huang Zhong's amazement. After another three days, almost all the guerrillas have become accustomed to the use of stirrups. It is very easy to shoot and shoot arrows on horseback.

Finally let go of his worries, Zhang Lan started his first systematic extraction.

"Drip, are you sure to use the number of random draws"

Zhang Lan chose yes without hesitation.

A slot machine-like thing appeared in front of his eyes, the pattern on it changed rapidly, and then slowly slowed down.

The slow pointer pointed to the gunpowder, and then slowly turned into a Tang knife, and then into a magic weapon. Zhang Lan was relieved. Now he lacks a magic weapon to improve his combat effectiveness, but the screen that had stopped jumping again, The words 'Sumi Necklace' appeared in front of his eyes.

"The Sumeru Necklace?"

A silver light fell, and an unremarkable necklace fell into Zhang Lan's hands. The whole body of the necklace was the color of dead wood. At first glance, it was made of withered wicker. The exquisite light brown iron decoration is in the shape of a dragon's head. Although it is small, it is vivid, as if it is alive, especially when Zhang Lan saw the pair of longan, the hairs on his body stood on end.

After seeing this pendant, Zhang Lan could see from the whole that this necklace is a dragon, and the withered chain is the dragon body. After playing with it, Zhang Lan tried to learn the way of those monks in fantasy novels, and used her mind to interact with this Sumeru necklace. After establishing a connection, sure enough, a space in Nuoda appeared in his mind, with a size of [-] square meters.

"If you really want to sleep, someone will give you a pillow." Zhang Lan was overjoyed. His original plan was to lead the guerrilla troops to carry out guerrilla warfare, leading Pang Tong, Yu Jin and Yuan Shao to temporarily appease him. However, the most difficult thing to do is not to fight. , but food and grass. If you bring enough food and grass, your mobility will undoubtedly be greatly reduced, and you will not be able to achieve the effect of a guerrilla. Naturally, you will lose when facing a million-strong army.

If he brought a small amount of food, if Yuan Shao focused on defending and not chasing, it would be difficult to take the opportunity to obtain rations. The acquisition of the Xumi necklace undoubtedly gave Zhang Lan enough logistical support. How could this not surprise him.

With the support of logistics, Zhang Lan did not rush to make arrangements, but turned on the optimization system again to check the loyalty of several generals under his command.

The result did not disappoint Zhang Lan. Guan Hai, who had the lowest loyalty, was also at 83. Of course, these were only high-level generals, and those unknown generals were naturally not in Zhang Lan's consideration.

With satisfactory results again, Zhang Lan finally made up her mind to start arranging work.

The first core meeting of the offensive and defensive battle of Pucheng officially started.

The list of participants is as follows:

Coach: Zhang Lan

Military division: Pang Tong

Generals: Huang Zhong, Yu Jin, Guan Hai, Mu Kuo, Su Yi, Twelve Saints.

Participants should be 19 to 20 people.

Someone has to ask, why 20 people?Where did that person come from?Is the author's mathematics taught by the physical education teacher?
Of course not, No. 20 is the ghost who just personally escorted the crossbow of Cheng Lian.

The main contents of the meeting are:
2000. Allocate [-] Liannu to the guerrillas.

[-]. Make every effort to collect food and grass, make arrows, and provide logistical supplies for the guerrillas.

[-]. Zhang Lan personally leads the guerrilla team to launch all-round guerrilla warfare, following generals Huang Zhong, Su Yi, and the Twelve Saints, and Ghost is in charge of intelligence work.

[-]. Pang Tong, Yu Jin, Guan Hai, and Mu Kui made a feigned surrender, offering their city to Yuan Shao, claiming that Zhang Lan abandoned them and ignored them, so they rebelled against Zhang Lan without nostalgia.

The meeting was successfully held, and the generals headed by Pang Tong and Huang Zhong expressed their opinions one after another. Except for Mu, who was drowsy, the atmosphere was extremely harmonious.

The meeting finally decided to implement the proposal put forward by Prime Minister Zhang Lan, launch a guerrilla war, and attack the rich family headed by Yuan Shao.

After the meeting, everyone took action one after another, performing their duties, and the morale in Puyang City was immediately high (high-level).

On the third day, Prime Minister Zhang Lan received the foreign envoy Zhang Xun again, received the 3000 "elite" cavalry sent by him, and presented Zhang Xun with the Jade Seal of Chuanguo. Lan signed an agreement of peaceful coexistence, wishing the friendship between the two sides will last forever.

After receiving the soldiers and horses, Zhang Lan again selected 1000 cavalry to join the guerrillas. After some drills, they got along well with the previous guerrillas and completely integrated into one.

In the end, Puyang waited for Yuan Shao's army to arrive.

(End of this chapter)

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