Chapter 129 Guerrilla War

In the fifth year of Jian'an, 200 A.D., Zhang Lan, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, appeared in Chenliu, and the rumors were self-defeating.

Zhang Lan subdued half of the guards at Guandu with lightning speed, ordered the surrendered troops to defeat Zhuiyang, and joined forces with Chenliu prefect Bao Xin to repel Yuan Shu's Ji Ling army and captured him alive.

Then he attacked all the way to Dongjun and occupied Puyang. At that time, the Heishan bandit army wanted to break through the city and take it for themselves, but Zhang Lan beheaded Qi Qushuai Bai Rao.

Afterwards, Liu Dai, governor of Yanzhou, led troops to come, and General Fenwu went to Chenliu and Zhuiyang to seek reinforcements in the forbidden path.

After receiving reinforcements, Prime Minister Zhang Lan used all the troops in the city to go out to fight Liu Dai and beheaded him, causing the entire army to be defeated.

Yuan Shu sent an envoy to marry him, but was rejected by Zhang Lan. He exchanged the jade seal of Chuanguo with him for 3000 cavalry to guard Dongjun.

In the sixth year of Jian'an, 201 AD, spring.

Yuan Shao personally led an army of 20, claiming to have 80 soldiers stationed at Guandu, intending to march into Chenliu and Dongjun.

Bao Xinwen, the prefect of Chenliu, asked to surrender to Yuan Shao. The morale of Yuan Shao's army was high, and there was a tendency to annex Dongjun.

Zhang Lan summoned the guerrillas to stand ready to leave the city.

"Shiyuan, Wenze, Dongjun will be handed over to you"

Standing outside the city gate, Zhang Lan turned her head and muttered to herself silently.


"Booming" came the sound of horseshoes, and the sound gradually drifted away from Puyang.

Now, Zhang Lan has shrunk his troops and abandoned all the small towns. The whole army is in Puyang, and Yuan Shao has occupied all parts of Dongjun unimpeded.

Zhang Lan led 3000 guerrillas, each with a longbow on his back, a crossbow connected to his waist, and a horse on his back. He also led a horse beside him. There were shields and swords on his back. The millet plus rifle tactics of the great man are very different.

This team did not wear armor, but advanced lightly, so the forward speed was very fast, that is, just after Yuan Shao in Jiyin got the news, Zhang Lan's men and horses had already arrived in Juancheng. The soldiers who were about to fight were shot and fell off their horses without making a sound.

The commander-in-chief immediately ordered the huge shields of the front army to charge quickly, another round of throwing, and many people in the middle army fell off their horses in response. The cavalry in the front row fell one by one, and the leading general was shot full of holes.

But it is not so easy for the cavalry to stop when they start charging, so they still maintain the charging posture.

Unexpectedly, the guerrillas did not fight with them, they turned around and ran away, and shot arrows from time to time. After rushing over, there was another round of throwing, the rain of arrows fell, and another group of people fell off the horse.

The surviving commander was so angry that he turned around again, and the guerrillas also turned around and fled. Yuan Shaojun retreated again, and the guerrillas rushed forward again, but this time he didn't shoot any more arrows. The commander thought that the guerrillas had run out of arrows. Overjoyed, he turned around and killed again.

Indeed, as he expected, the guerrillas did not bend their bows and shoot arrows, but drew out their crossbows again. Seeing this, the commander turned pale and wanted to retreat, but it was too late. Hole pierced on the horse's back.The surviving soldiers fled in all directions.

Zhang Lan immediately ordered everyone to dismount to pick up the arrows that were still usable. The people in Juancheng were frightened by the scene just now and did not dare to go out of the city to obstruct them. Arrows used again.

Until Yuan Shao's army arrived, Zhang Lan disappeared without a trace with the guerrillas.

Yuan Shao summoned the highest commander in the city to inquire about the situation and became furious. He immediately ordered the troops to be rectified, and the army marched into Puyang.People and horses quickly assembled in Jiyin, ready for battle.

But I didn't expect that just after the assembly was completed, Zhang Lan led the guerrillas to attack again.

With previous experience, Yuan Shao immediately ordered the giant shield and ordered the cavalry to bypass Zhang Lan from the rear.

It's just that Zhang Lan also insisted on the policy of changing a place with one shot, and retreated decisively after a round of projectiles.

This made Yuan Shao grit his teeth with hatred, but it didn't help.

Yuan Shao didn't hesitate anymore, and led the army directly into the territory of Puyang.

After visiting the horse to report, the gate of the city was closed and the defense of the city head was lax.

Yuan Shao was suspicious and dared not order the attack on the city, but set up camp thirty li away from the city gate.

night falls slowly
Zhang Lan had already ordered to eat and rest for more than an hour. Seeing that Yuan Shao's army had just finished dinner at this time, she got on her horse and led the guerrillas again towards Yuan Shao's camp. When they were about to approach, they were caught The spies found out that Yuan Shao was shocked, and immediately summoned troops to prepare for the battle. Zhang Lan knew that the sneak attack had been revealed, and no longer concealed it.

The screams resounded throughout Yuan Shao's camp. Yuan Shao and Yan Liang led the troops to fight out, but Zhang Lan's shadow was no longer visible. After shooting a round, Zhang Lan had already taken advantage of the darkness to leave quietly.

Under such circumstances, Yuan Shao didn't care about taking a rest, and immediately called a meeting of the whole army.

Ju Shou said, "Zhang Lan is weak, and Puyang's defenders are insufficient. It is better to take Puyang directly to break Zhang Lan's foundation."

Tian Feng hurriedly said, "Zhang Lan has many tricks, and the city defense will not be loose, and there must be fraud in it."

Yuan Shao laughed and said, "Zhang Lan's troops are insufficient, and now he is leading elite soldiers out of the city. Those who stay in the city must be wounded, sick and disabled generals, so there is nothing to be afraid of."

Tian Feng persuaded again, Yuan Shao showed displeasure, and scolded Tian Feng, Tian Feng had a strong temper and refused to bow his head.

Yuan Shao was furious, and wanted to kill Tian Feng in front of the army, as a warning to others. Although Tian Feng was strictly forbidden and unpopular, at this time, the battle was imminent, and everyone pleaded for Tian Feng, so he gave up, but he was still beaten by Yuan Shao Fortunately, the soldiers in the army respected Tian Feng more, so Tian Feng was spared from being killed by the army because of the release of the execution.

Zhang Lan didn't attack the camp again, so she had a comfortable night.

The next day, Yuan Shao's army came to the city of Puyang.

Sure enough, the city was in disarray. Seeing Yuan Shao's army coming, the soldiers on the city were in a panic.

Seeing this, Yuan Shao was overjoyed and wanted to attack the city immediately, but when he saw Pang Tong showing his head, he bowed his hands to Yuan Shao and asked, "Is Governor Yuan coming outside the city?"

Yuan Shao couldn't help being puzzled, and said, "It's my servant, you can save your life by opening the city and surrendering quickly. If the city is breached, Puyang will be killed without a blade of grass."

Pang Tong put on a look of fear and said, "We want to surrender to the governor, but if the governor agrees to a few requests, we can rest assured."

(End of this chapter)

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