Chapter 131
It is said that Zhang Lan led his troops to fight guerrilla warfare outside, and with the help of the Sumeru Necklace, he stored a large amount of arrows and food, so in this way, Zhang Lan led 3000 guerrillas without collapse due to the shortage of food and grass. The problem is the supply of arrows. With these several attacks, the consumption of arrows is still very large. Originally, everyone carried two pots of arrows with them, but now they have been exhausted. received new supplies.

When Zhang Lan learned that Yuan Shao had brought all the troops outside the city back into the city, he had already made a new plan, which was to attack Jiyin.

Wherever Yuan Shao passed by, there were always a small number of troops left behind. For others, a group of cavalry undoubtedly had no ability to forcibly attack the city. However, in this guerrilla team, there were Twelve Saints who had received special forces training and sneaked into the city. Opening the city gate is not an impossible task for them.

While Yuan Shao was happily dreaming of waiting for Zhang Lan's men to come to beg for food and surrender when they were too hungry, Zhang Lan had already hurried to Jiyin.When they arrived at the border of Jiyin, Zhang Lan had already dispatched the twelve holy fighters to investigate the situation first. There were one or two hidden sentries along the way, which were also solved by these 12 people, and they also asked about the situation in the city.

In Jiyin City, as Zhang Lan thought, there are not many people, only 5000, but this number is indeed too much for Zhang Lan.

It was night, Zhang Lan did not lead some people to set off, but left 2991 people waiting in place, ready to meet Zhang Lan, Zhang Lan led Huang Zhong, Su Yi, Twelve Saints and 12 other people quietly Sneak into the city.

If someone asks why only nine of them are brought, I will tell you that they are used to watch horses. Because it sneaks in quietly, it is necessary to control the horses without any negligence. One person can take a good look at two at most. The Twelve Saints went over the wall, and there were still nine of their horses left unattended, so Zhang Lan sent nine of the best behind him to follow them, if they were not afraid of what might happen to the horses. Under the circumstances, Zhang Lan would not bring these nine people, but directly follow Huang Zhong, Su Yi, and the Twelve Saints. Anyway, these people are very brave, and I am not afraid that someone can stop her, but these nine people, In case of siege, casualties will inevitably occur. Now Zhang Lan has only 3000 people in his hands, and any one less will be a piece of Zhang Lan's flesh.

Not far from the city wall, Zhang Lan first observed the situation, then waved her hand to signal the Twelve Saints to start action, and then the Twelve Saints disappeared into the night.

Not long after, a gap slowly appeared in the gate of the city. Looking carefully, it was the blood wolf who was waving to Zhang Lan, signaling that Zhang Lan was safe for the time being and could come over.

So Zhang Lan led the horse and began to walk slowly until he reached the gate of the city. Zhang Lan signaled the guerrillas who followed Jiuming to wait outside the gate to prevent the bandits from closing the gate. There are two saint fighters.

When Zhang Lan stepped into the city gate, she found that there were two dying soldiers lying at the gate, and walking forward, there were four more soldiers.

At this time, Zhang Lan was still leading the horse carefully and did not get on the horse, for fear of making noises that would attract the enemy troops. He had received a message from 007 as early as in the daytime, and the place where Jiyin stored grain, grass and arrows was far away. It's so close that you can take it all in one go.

The reason why Zhang Lan is still leading the horse is because he has already made plans to be discovered. The Twelve Saints are all good at hiding, but he can't do it himself, and this time the action must be done by himself. Okay, so 80.00% will be exposed. If you have a horse, you can rush in and burn the food and grass before rushing out. That's why there are more than a dozen people shopping with horses in the middle of the night.

The location has been cleared, so although Zhang Lan and the others are walking slowly, they are also advancing very quickly. Zhang Lan first sent two saints to explore the way first, and Huang Zhong led the horses for the two, occasionally appearing along the way. The patrol sergeants were also knocked down one by one. When there were a lot of people, they came back first and told Zhang Lan to hide, and then six people acted at the same time. The most dangerous time was a patrol team with more than a dozen people. Zhang Lan first hid in the In the alley on one side, the saints first quietly dealt with the soldiers behind the patrol team one by one. That is, when they were half done, the horse on Zhang Lan's side snorted. The patrolling soldiers stepped forward to check and saw Zhang Lan. Fortunately, although the fighting power of the ten saints was not as good as Zhang Lan, Huang Zhong, or even Su Yi's kung fu, but in this special situation, there were only three of them. Far beyond comparison, just when those soldiers were about to speak out, the saints who came up from behind broke their necks one after another.

Along the way, there was no danger and finally came to the food and grass place. This time, the guards were not just a few or a dozen people. The hundred and ten people guarded the place. Although Zhang Lan had known the result beforehand, Zhang Lan was still helpless. Go first to the place where the arrows are stored.

It's not very important here, there are only twenty or so people watching the scene, Zhang Lan first waved her hand and asked the saints to deal with a few inconspicuous guards first, and then they all dispatched, and at the same time, they performed the neck-twisting plan again, successfully Once again tackle the enemy guards.

Entering the arsenal, Zhang Lan was stunned by the sight in front of her. Since the huge warehouse was filled to the brim, there were still a few weapons, and most of them were the arrows that Zhang Lan lacked. It seems that Jiyin has now become Yuan Shao's Yuan Shao really didn’t expect that it would be so easy to win Puyang, so some things that were not going to continue were thrown in Jiyin, and those who hadn’t come were escorted urgently. They should have planned to deal with Zhang Lan and then escorted them to Puyang. , to be safer.

Zhang Lan took advantage of this all of a sudden, Zhang Lan unceremoniously took off the necklace and put it in his hand, then waved his hand and put the arrow into the Xumi necklace, leaving no space for storing more food.

He is ready to set the fire on fire. The one hundred and ten guards will waste some time if they want to collect it. Now that they are in their territory, if they stay for one second longer, they will be in danger for one second. It is better to simply go It's easy to burn all the fire.

Walking out of the place where the weapons are stored, Zhang Lan gritted her teeth and still did not make up her mind to burn it down. There are two reasons. One is that a fire here will inevitably disturb the grain and grass, and it will hinder their plan to burn the grain and grass. .

(End of this chapter)

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