Optimization System of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 132 Classic Guerrilla Warfare

Chapter 132 Classic Guerrilla Warfare
Walking out of the place where the weapons are stored, Zhang Lan gritted her teeth and still did not make up her mind to burn it down. There are two reasons. One is that a fire here will inevitably disturb the grain and grass, and it will hinder their plan to burn the grain and grass. .

Secondly, I still plan to run out of arrows in the future, maybe I can do it again.

Don't think about it anymore after deciding, Zhang Lan immediately walked forward slowly, followed by Huang Zhong, Su Yi and ten holy fighters, and marched towards the hoarding place of grain and grass. Crossbow, everyone followed suit, only to hear Zhang Lan shout "let it go"

"whoosh whoosh"

There was a sound of crossbow shooting. At first, the surrounding soldiers were still a little dazed. They didn't know why their companions were lying down. After a few more people lay down, the guarding soldiers came to their senses and shouted "enemy attack, enemy attack"

The scene panicked instantly.

Seeing that the enemy had already reacted, he shot all the crossbows in his hand, and the number one hundred and ten of the enemy had already been damaged by nearly half.

Zhang Lan got on his horse first, and rushed up with Huang Zhong and others. The rest of the guards became more flustered at first, and then saw that there were only a dozen of Zhang Lan and the others, so they calmed down and were about to rush up. Everyone shot first. He beheaded a few people around him, and then rushed to the place where there was a torch not far away.

Killing all the way to the front of the torch, since they couldn't stop Zhang Lan and others from walking, there were no survivors where they passed, and the remaining [-] or so people felt scared and fled in all directions.

Everyone picked up the torches, walked around every corner of the grain and grass, ignited all the grain and grass, and turned back again.

This time Zhang Lan did not go back the same way, but took a detour, but when he was about to rush to the gate of the city, he still bumped into a group of people.

There are not many people in this team, only about 500 people. They should be the soldiers stationed in the most eastern part. Looking into the distance, two saints and nine guerrillas are still fighting to prevent them from closing the city gate. , the last one was still waving in the distance, probably signaling other guerrillas to come to help.

At this moment, Zhang Lan couldn't afford to hesitate, and the 13 people rushed towards the city gate with all their strength. The leader saw that it was the guard of the east gate.

But their opponents were the ten holy fighters led by Zhang Lan and Huang Zhong, as well as Su Yi, a partial general. Su Yi, who was slightly better than the saint fighters, could fight ten elite soldiers without any difficulty.

The soldiers of 'Broken Queen' collapsed in a short while, and Zhang Lan and others broke through the line of defense. The guard turned pale with fright, and turned his horse's head to meet him personally, but saw Huang Zhong shoot an arrow with a bow, and the arrow pierced through The guard's head, after the arrow pierced through the guard, it did not stop moving forward, but struck forward again, and after piercing through a soldier behind the guard again, after being buffered by the two people in front, it finally stopped at the other side. On the chest of a soldier.

Catch the thief first catch the king!
Zhang Lan laughed three times and said, "The ancients are sincere, don't deceive me."

Those who survived among the 500 guards saw that the guard was pierced by an arrow from a veteran, and the arrow shot the two men to death again. They were all shocked and fled in all directions.


There was a sound of footsteps behind Zhang Lan. Looking back, it turned out that people who were going to fight the fire were looking for Zhang Lan, seeing that there was no hope of fighting the fire.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Lan didn't stay any longer, and led the crowd out of the city, and then the soldiers in the city rushed out to chase Zhang Lan, but what they faced was Zhang Lan's backup force, 3000 guerrillas holding longbows.

A round of arrow rain fell, and the soldiers who had just arrived outside the city fell to the ground one after another.

There are still some who are panting and howling on the ground.

Seeing this, the soldiers behind hesitated a little, but following the commander's loud shout, they still chased out of the city one after another.This time, more cavalry came out.

As teams of cavalry poured out of the city, the guerrillas also completed their second set of bows and another round of shooting, which was not as neat as before, but the accuracy was higher than the previous salvo , because those who have already been shot will no longer be their targets.

The cavalry who originally wanted to charge saw that the man on the other side was so good at riding and shooting, so they didn't dare to chase after them. Even the commander shouted to no avail. Their hearts were lost, and it was not easy to lead the team.

After leaving Jiyin, Zhang Lan chose a remote mountain forest and ordered to rest.

After arranging more than a dozen dark sentries, Zhang Lan took out a tent from the Sumeru necklace, ordered people to build it, and then fell asleep in a drowsy state.

The next day, Yuan Shao received an attack from Jiyin, and there was not much left in the huge grain and grass depot. Yuan Shao was furious (this is the first time since he came to Dongjun), and immediately sent troops to guard various places in Dongjun to prevent Zhang Lan attacked again.

When he calmed down, he summoned all his subordinates to analyze how Zhang Lan entered the city.

The final conclusion made Yuan Shao break out in a cold sweat. If Zhang Lan really has a way to sneak into the city, use this method to sneak into Puyang, and then come to where he is, then...
I really didn't dare to think about the latter. From then on, Yuan Shao would arrange hundreds of guards to guard him every day during his rest.

When Yuan Shao was discussing with the people under his command, Zhang Lan started to act again. The goal of the operation was naturally to go to the reinforcements in various parts of Dongjun. Moreover, Zhang Lan was divided into three teams for this operation. Zhang Lan personally led 1000 people. Huang Zhong led 1000 people, Su Yi led 1000 people, and the twelve saints were also assigned to Su Yi. After all, Su Yi's combat effectiveness was relatively weak, and with these twelve saints, it was considered a minority Enemy troops can also engage in frontal hand-to-hand combat.

The three groups of guerrillas were wandering around and attacking the sent troops on the road. The opponents they fought were helpless, and the clever ones used the archers to fight back, but it was futile, because the guerrillas would attack as soon as they came into range, and they would retreat with one blow. Immediately withdraw from the attack range. If the archer on the opposite side is ready in advance, the guerrillas will stand outside the range and wait. As soon as the archer puts them down, they will start throwing a few steps forward. Running and shooting, in this era, there are very few people who can ride and shoot well without relying on stirrups.

Throw in and we retreat, the enemy camps and we harass, the enemy is tired and we attack, the enemy retreats and we chase.

A certain great man's classic battle example was vividly rendered by Zhang Lan, showing China's demeanor.

Yuan Shao's army was all angry, but there was nothing they could do about Zhang Lan. After Yuan Shao received the news again, he held another Puyang meeting, but this time the number of participants in the meeting was not the same.

But its lineup was stronger than that of Zhang Lan, with several well-known advisers and many well-known generals, Yuan Shao deserved to be a great prince full of talents.

(End of this chapter)

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