Chapter 133 Lottery
Yuan Shao called all the people under his command to hold an emergency meeting, and soon came to the conclusion that Zhang Lan must have a weapon to help. Otherwise, where would he find a cavalry team of 3000 people with such superb riding and archery skills, and such a long-lasting cavalry team.

Ever since, Yuan Shao came to the residence of Pang Tong who was under house arrest.

Pang Tong, Yu Jin, Guan Hai, and Mu Kui were all placed under house arrest by Yuan Shao in different places in order to prevent them from communicating with each other.

Seeing Pang Tong, Yuan Shao sat down unceremoniously, and said to Pang Tong, "How are you doing, sir?"

At this time, Pang Tong looked like a wronged child, and said in a strange tone, "Thanks to Governor Yuan, I can't go hungry."

Yuan Shao was a little embarrassed by Pang Tong's words. At any rate, he promised him to treat him well, but now he put him under house arrest. He has a good face. In this case, he is indeed a little embarrassed, but he is not an ordinary If a person is a worthless person, how could he become the biggest prince in history before Cao Cao.

"It's hard to be a gentleman these days, I have something to ask my husband when I come here this time"

Seeing that Yuan Shao's attitude was good, Pang Tong no longer put on airs. The so-called stretching out his hand and not hitting people with smiling faces, Yuan Shao came to ask him for advice with a smile anyway, and this was also within the plan, and it was later than expected.

"Please speak, Lord Inspector, you will know everything and say everything"

"Okay." Yuan Shao slapped the table to say hello, and then said, "Dare to ask, sir, how does Zhang Lan Xiaoer have so many horses who are good at riding and shooting?"

"This" Pang Tong pretended to be difficult

Seeing this, Yuan Shao laughed and said, "Sir, although you are outspoken, Shao is not a small-minded person."

Pang Tong took a look at Yuan Shao, and muttered in his heart, "If you're not, then there's no one else."

But I still have to say, "Zhang Lansui abandoned us, but he is also our old master. If I help you and fall into the old master's danger, I'm afraid the world will despise you."

When Pang Tong said this, instead of being angry, Yuan Shao looked up to Pang Tong. The reason why Pang Tong was placed under house arrest was firstly because he was afraid that Pang Tong would make a false surrender, and secondly because he looked down on such encounters. It's a fool's errand to surrender, if you accept him, treat him as if you were killed, and then turn your back on him, wouldn't that be like digging a hole for yourself!And the more talented this kind of person is, the more harmful he is to himself.

However, after these words, it shows that Pang Tong still has benevolence and righteousness, but Zhang Lan did too much, and directly abandoned his subordinates and ran away.

"Zhang Lan is ruthless and ungrateful, and he puts Mr. in a difficult position. Why should Mr. care about him?"

Pang Tong sighed and replied, "Hey, he is not benevolent, but I cannot be unrighteous. If so, what is the difference between me and him?"

"I assure you, if Zhang Lan is captured, I will not kill him, how about it?" Yuan Shao was very upright at this time
Pang Tong looked at him, and said "this" in a bit of embarrassment.

Yuan Shao saw that Pang Tong was moved, so he struck while the iron was hot and said, "Sir, you only need to tell me the method he uses, and I will think about the strategy to break it."

"Hey, that's fine." Pang Tong sighed again, "I don't know the specifics."

After hearing this, Yuan Shao frowned slightly, but he eased up when he heard what Pang Tong said later.

"However, I know that he ordered blacksmiths to make things more than a month before he left the city, and he didn't let me wait for what I know. I think he ordered people to make new weapons."

Yuan Shao was overjoyed when he heard the words, bowed to Pang Tong, said a few more polite words, and left. After leaving, in order to prevent accidents, he "visited" Yu Jin, Guan Hai, and Mu Kui one by one, but the answer he got was It is unified, that is, I don’t know.

But this also makes sense, after all, the three of them are military generals, not as careful as Pang Tong, and even Pang Tong, the military adviser, has only a half-knowledge of such a confidential matter, let alone them.

After seeing the four people, Yuan Shao felt at ease, and immediately sent someone to find all the blacksmiths in the city. After some questioning, he really found out the secret of Zhang Lan's stirrup.

Yuan Shao couldn't help but ordered that Pang Tong, Yu Jin, Guan Hai, and Mu Kui be arranged to live together, and he also asked the person who made Zhang Lan's stirrups to make a new batch of stirrups. Naturally, the blacksmith Not daring to disobey Yuan Shao's order, he obediently agreed.

At this time, Zhang Lan was resting in the forest. Seeing that Yuan Shao's territory was guarded by many soldiers and there was no movement for a long time, she guessed that Yuan Shao had already learned the secret of the stirrups, so she no longer planned to fight hard, and once again entered the optimization space. , start drawing again.

"Drip, do you confirm the extraction?"

Zhang Lan hesitated for a moment, but still clicked on it.

Since then, the pattern on the screen has been jumping crazily, one circle, two circles, and the things on it can't be seen clearly. When the frequency of beating slows down, things flash past my eyes one by one. , Morale reduction card, cannon support, optimized upgrade times, BMW, car manufacturing maps, whether useful or not, flashed one by one, Nima even has aircraft manufacturing maps, but the final pattern falls on the ultimate version of Thunderbolt On the grid of X10.

Zhang Lan took a deep breath, but then became depressed again. Things are good things, but they are useless to him now, instead they are a burden.

"Whether to extract the ultimate version of Thunderbolt X20"


Zhang Lan didn't even think about it, just clicked on the save, if it was retrieved, it would be too easy to expose the target with such a large object, not to mention the drastic reduction in speed.

Fortunately, Zhang Lan didn't just have this chance, and started to draw again.

The pattern jumped again.

Zhang Lan stared at it firmly, and said silently in her heart, "Amitabha, Infinite Heavenly Venerable, Holy Lord Mary, please give me strength, let me draw something useful, Amen!" '

The pattern jumps and jumps, one circle, two circles, ten circles, and then slowly slows down, grenade X50-rifle X300-tank X3-holy water X150-magic soldier-Pikachu X1.

Zhang Lan was speechless.

The "click" screen finally stopped.

Zhang Lan sighed helplessly, "Hey"

The pattern above shows a parachute X100, but with Zhang Lan's sigh, the system seemed to feel Zhang Lan's sadness, and suddenly jumped again - compound bow X1000!

Zhang Lan was a little dazed, "Compound bow?"

After he reacted, his mood became better again, because even if Yuan Shao also formed a cavalry and archery unit, he was no longer afraid, because the range of the attacking bow far exceeded that of ordinary longbows!

Originally, if the guerrillas used ordinary longbows to fight Yuan Shao, they could only rely on flexibility to compete with them. If they were not careful, there would still be a lot of casualties. If they had this compound bow, although there were only 1000, it was enough Make sure to strike Yuan Shao's army without causing casualties.

 Those friends who watch the pirated version, please come and support the original version, now Xiaomu’s grades are very poor, if this continues, Xiaomu really doesn’t know how long he can last, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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