Optimization System of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 134 Three Qi Yuan Shao

Chapter 134 Three Qi Yuan Shao
Zhang Lan got 1000 compound bows and did not distribute them immediately, but let everyone use the previous longbows. After all, it will take some time for Yuan Shao to build stirrups.

During this period of time, Zhang Lan took people for a walk outside Puyang City when he had nothing to do, and didn't come close. Although Yuan Shao was not angry when he saw this, he didn't plan to fight. No matter how small it is, it’s still meat, but after a long time, it’s not the same thing. It’s like an adult with bad legs and a nimble child. The child hits the adult with stones. Although it hurts, but if you take precautions, it will not hurt. What would be a big problem, but if the child was knocked down by the adult without paying attention, even if the same stone was thrown, the child would cry.

But this kid is very smart, he hides behind a tree and throws stones when the adult has no cover. If the adult wants to come up and beat him, he will run away. If the adult doesn't chase him, he will run back. It's okay to keep throwing stones, it's just too disgusting.

The current situation is that the adult is in the third-floor room, and the child is standing outside the room and laughing at the adult, throwing stones and smashing the glass from time to time.

When children come to smash glass every day, adults must be impatient.

Yuan Shao is that adult, and Zhang Lan is that child. Now Zhang Lan comes to the city for a walk every day when he has nothing to do. When he sees that his defense is weak, he rushes up to shoot a round, and then pulls his horse back.

After repeating it many times, Yuan Shao finally couldn't bear it any longer. He stood on the wall and looked at Zhang Lan and scolded angrily, "Little Zhang Lan, do you dare to fight me openly?"

Zhang Lan gave Yuan Shao a look of disdain and said, "You four eight four three" Well, I don't know where the dialect is.

"Ah?" Yuan Shao was taken aback by what Zhang Lan said, not understanding what Zhang Lan meant.

"I said, are you stupid? Are you mentally ill? Let me have 3000 people and you 20. Well, 80 people will fight head-to-head, and your brain will be kicked by a donkey?"

Yuan Shao was so angry that his face turned red, and he shouted angrily, "I will send an army of 3000 horses to fight with you, do you dare to fight?"

Zhang Lan rolled her eyes again and said, "Come here if you have the guts, shrink your head in the city, like a turtle"

"Okay, you wait"

After Yuan Shao finished speaking, he went down to make arrangements.

I saw a burly general leading a team of about 3000 people out of the city. Zhang Lan saw this army rushing towards him and turned around and ran away. Shouting, "It seems that your brain was really kicked by a donkey. I will fight hard with this pair of men and horses. Then you send people out to surround me. Who will cry if I invite you?"

The general also looked back at Yuan Shao on the city, and Yuan Shao also signaled for him to chase and kill him.

Zhang Lan looked at the flag, and there was a word "Yan" written on it, so he understood that General Yan Liang, it seems that it is impossible to capture the thief and the king.

After running for more than ten miles, Zhang Lan finally stopped, turned around and waited for the battle. Yan Liang was overjoyed and led his troops to speed up. After 500 meters, 400 meters, and 300 meters, the guerrillas drew their longbows one after another. Take a bow and shoot an arrow and get ready to shoot.

Yan Liang was not surprised, and immediately ordered to raise his shield to move forward. When Yan Liang advanced another [-] meters, the guerrillas shot arrows in their hands one after another, and the arrows drew an arc in the sky and fell towards the enemy.

Although Yan Liang's men and horses raised their shields, some of them lost their defense and fell off their horses.

The guerrillas also ran back after shooting the arrows.

Yan Liang was aggrieved, and he was unwilling to give up at this time, so he gritted his teeth and chased after him. The guerrillas kept advancing at a constant speed, so the distance between the two men and horses was getting closer and closer, until they were 100 meters away. Nearly a hundred people have fallen from the arrow.

Seeing that there was still a distance of 100 meters, Yan Liang simply let go and ordered the entire army to run with all their strength, leaving no room.

The seemingly slow guerrillas suddenly began to accelerate, and it was inconvenient to keep a distance of [-] meters with them, and they kept shooting arrows backwards.

Yan Liang was neither advancing nor retreating. After chasing for a while, he still decided to return. Zhang Lan naturally ordered the pursuit. The guerrillas were already familiar with guerrilla tactics, so before Zhang Lan gave the order, everyone was ready to counterattack. Prepare.

The defensive power of the shield is not so obvious when being chased, so those who run behind fall off their horses one after another. Although Yan Liang is very brave, he is not as stupid as the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" said, otherwise he would not be a Yuan Shao is now a general who can act alone.

Yan Liang didn't order to turn around and fight back. He knew that fighting back would not have any effect. Instead, the distance between himself and the city would be extended, and the casualties would be even greater.

After chasing and killing for five miles, almost all the guerrillas relaxed, and at this moment, since Yan Liang led the troops to turn around, the distance of 50 meters was shortened in the blink of an eye, and the guerrillas were shocked instantly. , Hastily turned the horse's head and was about to escape.

But Zhang Lan was calm, and the guerrillas calmed down after giving an order.

"Repeated crossbow preparation" Yes, there is also a continuous crossbow. The closer you are, the greater the lethality. A distance of 50 meters is enough.


"whoosh whoosh"

Continuous crossbow arrows were shot from the continuous crossbow, rows of enemy soldiers were shot down, and even Yan Liang was hit by an arrow.

Yan Liang was shocked, he didn't care about anything anymore, and ran away again.

When he was about to reach the city, there were less than a thousand people around him, which was why Zhang Lan ran so far before launching an attack.

Seeing Yan Liang fleeing back in embarrassment, Yuan Shao hurriedly sent troops out of the city to rescue him.

Only then did Zhang Lan straighten her horse's hooves and look at Yuan Shao from a distance.

Yuan Shao said bitterly, "Zhang Lan, you shameless boy, you don't keep your promises!"

Zhang Lan shrugged nonchalantly and said, "Why did I break my promise? I used 3000 people against your 3000 people. It's because your people are weak and can't even touch us. What do I have?" Method"

Yuan Shao's blood surged immediately, and he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood
Seeing this, everyone in the "Master" stepped forward to help.

Yuan Shao stared at Zhang Lan viciously, thinking that even if I was a ghost, I wouldn't let you go.

Zhang Lan rolled her eyes again and said, "Will you beat me? I'll leave if you don't."

Thinking about it, Zhuge Liang's three qi and Zhou Yu were not so irritating back then, although it was not in this period in history.

Yuan Shao spat out a mouthful of blood again, and was helped down by the crowd.

Seeing this, Zhang Lan shrugged again, and led the people away.

From then on, no matter how provocative Zhang Lan was, no one left the city to fight. Yuan Shao's entire army waited for the completion of the stirrups, and used the stirrups to avenge their blood.
(End of this chapter)

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