Chapter 135 Let Xuzhou

Jian'an six years, AD 201, summer

Yuan Shao led an army of 80 to capture Puyang. Prime Minister Zhang Lan abandoned the city and fled.

Zhang Lan fled Puyang and did not leave. He led 3000 guerrillas to start the first guerrilla war in history with Yuan Shao. One of the battles is called by the world - guerrilla warfare.

During this period, the two troops headed by Xu Shu and Cheng Yu declared independence, abandoned Hongnong and moved to Xindu. Yuan Shao's elite soldiers were all in Puyang and could not return to the army in time for rescue. Nong, who was named the king of Wei by the emperor Liu Xie, intended to march into Yuan Shao, and seemed to have the intention of recruiting the Xu and Cheng coalition forces.

At that time, Liu Bian was given poisonous wine by Liu Xie to drink, and died in Luoyang. Yuan Shu also proclaimed himself emperor in Shouchun, and took the country name "Dacheng".

After Yuan Shu proclaimed himself emperor, Liu Xie issued an imperial edict to Liu Biao, ordering him to lead the army to attack Yuan Shu. Liu Biao ordered the imperial edict to march, and started a battle with Yuan Shu in Runan.

However, Yuan Shao was captured by Xu and Cheng's coalition forces, and he hurriedly abandoned all parts of Dongjun and returned to the army to support him. He sent Pang Tong, Yu Jin, Guan Hai, and Mu Kuo away together, and Zhang Lan returned to Puyang to recuperate.

Sun Jian, a feudal lord in the south, followed Zhou Yu's advice and first captured Yan Baihu in Wujun, and since then most of Jiangdong has been in his pocket.

Cao Cao, a feudal lord in the west of the Han Dynasty, heard that Liu Bei was named the king of Wei, and everyone under his command advised Cao Cao to become the king. Cao Cao had no intention of gaining fame, but he still followed his wishes and wrote a letter to Liu Xie, proclaiming himself the king of Shu. Cao Cao is the king of Shu.

For a while, the Three Kingdoms were highlighted, and it was called the Three Kingdoms Rebellion in history.

"Father, Liu Bei was crowned King of Wei by Liu Xie, and Cao Cao also became king in Chengdu. Why don't father become like him and become king in Jiangdong, and establish a great cause for thousands of years?"

Sun Jian looked at Sun Ce with a chuckle and said, "Don't be in a hurry. Liu Biao is the eagle dog of the Han Dynasty. If he becomes king at this time, he will be backlashed. Our army has not yet taken all of Jiangdong into our hands. Don't be in a hurry. After conquering Kuaiji, he will be crowned again." The king is not too late"

Sun Ce thought for a while and didn't say anything more, but Sun Quan rolled his eyes and was secretly thinking about something.


"Father" Sun Ce took a step forward and cupped his fists
"Yan Baihu has been broken, and now only Kuaiji is not in the palm of Jiangdong. You and I have 5 horses and order you to attack Kuaiji. How dare you go?"

Sun Ce puffed out his chest and said, "Why don't you dare?"

"Okay, as expected of my son"

"Convene the generals to come to the lobby to discuss matters"


Soon, all the veterans who followed Sun Jian had arrived at the prefect's mansion. Sun Jian sat cross-legged in the center of the lobby, and when everyone arrived, he said, "Now most of Jiangdong is in my hands, only Kuaiji is still there." What do you guys think about my resistance, and I want to launch an army to attack it?"

All the generals responded in unison, "Let the lord tell you"

"Haha, good." Sun Jian smiled heartily and began to arrange.

"Sun Ce"

"the end will be"

"Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, Han Dang"

"the end will be"

"You and I have [-] soldiers and horses. Sun Ce is the commander in chief, and Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, and Han Dang are the assistants."

"The Last General Takes Order"

"Zhou Yu"

"the end will be"

"I order you to be the supervisor of the army, and go to Kuaiji with my son and grandson Ce to crusade against XX"

"The Last General Takes Order"

After some settlement, the army set off for Kuaiji on the third day.

At the same time, Sun Jian's second son, Sun Quan, also asked Sun Jian for leave to travel.


It is said that Yuan Shao was still building stirrups, and he was shocked when he suddenly received Xu Shu and Cheng Yu's joint attack on Xindu. After weighing it, he finally decided to abandon Puyang, and thought of Zhang Lan's rogue style of play, and the stirrups hadn't been built yet. When he came out, he simply emptied the entire East County and took away all the things that could be taken away.

Zhang Lan also took the opportunity to slap Yuan Shao fiercely again, Yuan Shao was so angry that he almost couldn't bear to leave and stayed to fight desperately with Zhang Lan.

When Zhang Lan led the troops into Puyang again, he couldn’t laugh or cry. There was nothing in Puyang City, even a table was burned by Yuan Shao. He didn’t bring gold, so he couldn’t go to the people to grab it. He simply stopped staying in Puyang and went eastward all the way to Xuzhou.

The Xuzhou winner is Kong Rong, who has a good impression of Zhang Lan and is also very loyal to the Han family. He was also very angry when he heard that Liu Xie poisoned Liu Bian. Now that Zhang Lan is here, no one has any complaints. To embarrass Zhang Lan, invite him into Cheng Zhongda to hold a banquet.

This made Zhang Lan a little apprehensive, and it was the first time in a long time that she met such a nice guy.

At the banquet, Zhang Lan expressed his intention to come, and Kong Rong stood up angrily. Zhang Lan jumped up in fright, thinking that he was going to be rude to him, but he didn't expect Kong Rong to say, I would like to give Xuzhou to the prime minister, but I need the prime minister. Correspond to me.

Zhang Lan was stunned again, and couldn't help thinking, "Is this place in Xuzhou producing such talents who like to give way?" '

However, he was not humble, and he stood up and asked, "Please tell the governor of Kong, Lan Ding will do his best."

Kong Rong paused and said, "I only hope that when the prime minister conquers Luoyang, he will leave behind the former emperor's foundation and make Liu Cheng, the son of Tianzibian, the emperor."

Let me explain here that Liu Bian already had a child because of Zhang Lan's butterfly effect. He named him Liu, and he is now two years old. Liu Xie didn't do any harm to this eldest nephew, but handed him over to Empress Fu to raise him .

After hearing Kong Rong's words, Zhang Lan did not agree, but remained silent. Seeing this, Kong Rong was a little puzzled, and couldn't help asking, "What concerns does the Prime Minister have?"

"Young Emperor and I have the same love as father and son, I will definitely keep his blood, but the matter of establishing an emperor." Zhang Lan was a little embarrassed

Kong Rong was even more stunned. He really didn't expect that Zhang Lan would not even be willing to perfunctory himself under such circumstances.

After he was stunned for a while, he laughed, "Prime Minister Zhang is indeed a straightforward person."

After finishing speaking, he became sad, "Nowadays, the world is no longer ruled by big men, and there are a lot of thieves, but I can hardly embarrass Prime Minister Zhang."

Zhang Lan remained silent.

"Let's not talk about the establishment of the emperor, but can we just ask the prime minister to protect the young emperor's son, Liu Cheng, for a safe life?"

"It's nature"

Neither of them spoke, and the atmosphere became a bit bleak.

After a long time, Kong Rong said, "Tomorrow I will notify other bureaucrats to cede Xuzhou to the prime minister."

"Thank you"

Zhang Lan stood up and bowed to Kong Rong without saying anything.

After the banquet, Kong Rong ordered someone to arrange for Zhang Lan to stay, but Zhang Lan did not do so, but declined Kong Rong's kindness, and camped outside Xuzhou City with 3000 guerrillas.

Nothing in the night

The next day, Kong Rong summoned Xuzhou officials and handed over the Xuzhou seal to Zhang Lan, and everyone congratulated Zhang Lan.

Since then, Zhang Lan has once again gained a firm foothold and settled down in Xuzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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