Optimization System of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 136 Continue to raise troops

Chapter 136 Continue to raise troops
After taking over Beihai, Kong Rong recommended Cao Bao, Chen Gui, and Chen Deng, two fathers and sons, and two brothers, Mi Zhu and Mi Fang, to Zhang Lan.

These five people are the few people who now hold the power in Xuzhou.

Cao Bao was straightforward, he was a general after all, he cupped his fists at Zhang Lan and said, "I've heard about the prime minister's name for a long time, but seeing him today, I really deserve my reputation."

Although it is also polite.

Chen Gui, Chen Deng and his son were quite polite, and they bowed their hands to salute Zhang Lan. However, the expressions of Mi Zhu and Mi Fang were a little weird, and Zhang Lan could guess some of them. Zhang Lan felt worthless for them, but now Liu Bei abandoned them here.

But although the expressions of the two were a little weird, they still saluted like Zhang Lan.

Everyone sat down at the table, and after another fight, everyone dispersed.

Zhang Lan collected the military power for a while, and did not dare to directly send his own people to the top. Instead, he let Cao Bao continue to be in charge of the power, and asked Huang Zhong to be his deputy.The other small groups of military forces followed suit, allowing Su Yi and the Twelve Saints to step up and act as their assistants.

Xuzhou's financial power is still handed over to the two brothers Mi Zhu and Mi Fang. It's not that Zhang Lan trusts them, but that he has no one under his command now, so he can only rely on Xuzhou's original foundation to develop.

Fortunately, after a period of observation, Mi Zhu and Mi Fang did not have any different intentions.

On the contrary, Mi Zhu and Mi Fang were a little embarrassed to see Zhang Lan treating them so politely. Mi Fang consciously came to Zhang Lan to 'report on work' on behalf of Mi Zhu.

Originally, these two brothers planned to seek refuge with Liu Bei, but Liu Bei didn't stay in Xuzhou for a long time, and he didn't leave much affection. Moreover, during the time when Lao Liu was in Beihai, he didn't send anyone to invite the two brothers. Maybe it was Liu Bei who saw it. The current governor of Xuzhou is Lao Kong, who has a certain friendship, and has directly taken over Lao Kong's territory, so I am ashamed to poach the wall.

However, the result of Liu Bei's embarrassment was to put a thorn in the hearts of the two brothers.

Mi Fang didn't know that Zhang Lan knew that she had a close relationship with Lao Liu, so she didn't mention Liu Bei, it just showed that the two brothers would assist Zhang Lan wholeheartedly, but they still didn't show their allegiance.

Xuzhou, which was managed by Lao Kong before, was not bad, and it can be said that it was relatively smooth to take over, and there was nothing to do.

In this case, Zhang Lan thought about finding something to do, and the only thing she could do was to send troops to fight.

Zhang Lan thought, "Beihai Yellow Turbans were captured by the remnants of the Yellow Turbans, and Zang Ba led his troops to conquer them. Why don't we just take these two teams?"

Action is not as good as heartbeat, Zhang Lan immediately got together, first called the executives, and after they arrived, Zhang Lan briefly explained the purpose of the meeting to everyone, that is to send troops to fight again, this time to suppress thieves, Kong Rong was still in charge of all affairs in Xuzhou, and then he just took the people to go around Beihai, Kong Rong's hometown.

After hearing the news, Kong Rong still cooperated with Zhang Lan's work, and immediately said that the guard of Rencheng was his old subordinate, and he could just give him a letter of divorce, and Zhang Lanshun took it with him.

Zhang Lan was naturally very happy, and slapped Lao Kong's flattery with another set of polite words, which made Lao Kong very happy, and shouted that he had seen the right person.

Unexpectedly, since Mi Zhu wanted to go with the army.

This made Zhang Lan hesitate to make up her mind.

Seeing this, Kong Rong also persuaded Zhang Lan, saying that one more person would be more powerful. Now that you Zhang Lan has no advisers to let Mi Zhu go to be a staff officer, all you have to do is ask him to travel through time and say that three cobblers are better than one Zhuge Liang is bright.

In desperation, Zhang Lan agreed, and thinking about it later, it was the same. It was because the Mi family brothers showed their loyalty during the reunion, but she still pushed it away. Fortunately, Lao Kong has a long-term political vision.

This time Zhang Lan still took his 3000 guerrillas, left Su Yi in Xuzhou, and secretly told Su Yi to find a way to take command of the army.

Generals must be brought with them when marching and fighting, so Huang Zhong naturally followed. The Twelve Saints took half of them and left the other half for Su Yi.

However, there are only a few major generals in Xuzhou, so Zhang Lan can only bring out 1 horses, but fortunately, there are quite a few, much more than his own 3000 people. Come on with your own army.

When he came to Rencheng, Zhang Lan handed the letter in his hand to Tai Ge, the guard. Tai Ge invited Zhang Lan into the city and warmly entertained him. Lan personally verified that Tai Ge excitedly asked Zhang Lan to go with him, and he was another militant.

It's just that Zhang Lan had some doubts about what to do with this city if Tai Ge left, but Tai Ge boldly said that it would be fine to leave it to his subordinates, and Zhang Lan was speechless.

Then his team has 1001 more people.

Passing through Rencheng, the brigade was about to enter the border of Beihai, and there was nothing wrong with Tai Ge's help in the middle. After arriving at the border of Beihai, Zhang Lan first sent a large number of scouts to explore the way, and the whole army moved forward slowly.

Thirty miles away from Beihai City, Zhang Lan ordered to settle down, and the spies came back and told Zhang Lanxi that there was an army camp ten miles northwest, flying the "Zang" flag.

No need to guess, this must be Zang Ba's army.

When Zang Ba saw someone coming, he naturally led his soldiers to find out what was true. He led the soldiers to the front of the camp and asked, "Which general is in front?"

Zhang Lan naturally went out to welcome Zang Ba. Seeing that Zang Ba was tall and straight, so mighty, his love for talents became stronger in his heart.

"I am Zhang Lan, the prime minister of the great Han Dynasty. Dare I ask if the general is Zang Ba Zang Xuangao?"

Zang Ba was shocked when he heard the words, thinking, "Isn't Zhang Lan in Dongjun?"how did you get here'

Surprised, he just paused for a moment before reacting, and then replied, "Exactly, I don't know why the prime minister is here?"

"I came here to fight against bandits"

Zang Ba was taken aback again, maybe because he was used to being a bandit, when he suddenly heard that Zhang Lan was here to beg for bandits, he unconsciously tensed up, thinking that he was here to beat him, but it was just a habitual action, and instantly converted.

But he still asked unconsciously, "Which thief and bandit is the prime minister looking for?"

"Naturally the Yellow Turban bandits"

Only then did Zang Ba feel relieved, "It's time to work, but it's enough to have our army here, the prime minister, please go back."

Zhang Lan laughed and said, "I asked Zang Ba Zang Xuangao earlier for his boldness. I saw him today, and he really deserved his reputation. But our army traveled thousands of miles here, so why did we return without doing anything? Why don't you and I work together to break the yellow scarf bandits and talk about wine?" How are you?"

Zang Ba was still a little hesitant, before he could speak, Zhang Lan said again, "That's it."

Then he also gave Zang Ba a chance to speak, and turned back into the camp.

(End of this chapter)

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