Chapter 137 Attack on Two Fronts
Zang Ba saw Zhang Lan turning around to make money, and felt that he was neither advancing nor retreating. Behind him, Sun Guan, Wu Dun, and Yin Li also looked at each other in blank dismay. They didn't know what to say. Did you promise?
But Zhang Lan also came to suppress the bandits after all, so she couldn't say anything, so she simply ignored it and turned around to lead the troops back to the camp. However, after returning to the camp, Zang Ba also stepped up his guard. After all, he was not in the same camp, saying He might bite himself at any time, and if he didn't take precautions, he would have to peel off his skin if he didn't die.

Nothing in the night

The next day was still quiet. Not only did Zang Ba get the news of the arrival of Zhang Lan's army, but also the Yellow Turban Army in the city received the arrival of a force. Zang Ba was afraid that Zhang Lan would not dare to act, and the Yellow Turban Army could not tell the truth Leisurely, but Zhang Lan didn't even think about doing it first.

The three forces rely on it like this, and no one dares to make a move.

After three days like this, Zhang Lan was fine, but Tai Ge couldn't hold his breath anymore.

Tai Ge ran to see Zhang Lan, first saluted Zhang Lan, and then asked bluntly, "Prime Minister, why are you not attacking now that soldiers are approaching the city?"

Zhang Lan chuckled, thinking, this general really has nothing to say, is he really stupid, or is he really stupid?

"Don't you see an army in the distance, General Tai?"

Tai Ge patted his head and said, "Isn't that the same person who came to beg for thieves?"

Zhang Lan is speechless, since there is such a simple person in this era, and he has become a defender, how did he do it?
No way, what else can Zhang Lan say, all he can say is "yes"

"Then why didn't you attack? There are allies to help." Tai Ge stared at the boss with a puzzled look on his face.

Zhang Lan shook her head helplessly and said, "Although they are both bandits, they are from different forces. If the other party intends to harm me, when our army is attacking the city, if he attacks my rear, our army will surely die."

"Since they are all here to suppress thieves, why are they still from different forces? Aren't they all from my army?" Tiger scratched the back of his head again.


"Prime Minister, what's the matter with you?"


"Are you sick, come here, please..."

Zhang Lan patted her forehead and said, "I'm fine, no one needs to look for it, really"

"But I see that the prime minister's face is not very good."

"go out!"

"Ah? Ah! Yes"

Seeing the big tent where Tiger finally left, Zhang Lan sighed deeply, how did such a person come here?He should be killed by the boss if he is not played to death by others, how can he live to this day.

After Tiger's fuss, Zhang Lan's originally peaceful state of mind was disturbed, so she called Huang Zhong directly, asked him to prepare horses, and followed him to Zang Ba's camp.

After a while, the soldiers came up with two horses, and Zhang Lan and Huang Zhong galloped away.

When they came to Zang Ba's camp, the guards in front of the camp shouted out two people. Zhang Lan came to Ming Dynasty and said that he wanted to see Zang Ba, so the soldiers went to report.

Zang Ba asked the soldier who reported, "How many troops are here?"

"There are only two people and two horses"

"Two people?" Zang Ba was shocked. Although the two sides were not hostile forces, they could not easily go to the enemy's camp.

Zang Ba was a little dizzy and asked his soldiers to call Sun Guan, Wu Dun, and Yin Li, and they walked out of the camp together to receive Zhang Lan.

The so-called daring of high-skilled people, Zhang Lan guessed that Zang Ba would not do anything to her, and Huang Zhong was by her side.

Zhang Lan was welcomed into the camp by Zang Ba, and Zang Ba asked, "I don't know why Prime Minister Zhang came here?"

"Oh, we are all here to conquer the Yellow Turban Army. Now both of us are suspicious and dare not move forward. I am afraid it is not a long-term solution. Why don't we attack Beihai on two fronts? Whoever breaks the city first will be credited. How? ?”

Zang Ba, Sun Guan, Wu Dun, and Yin Li all looked at each other, and they all received signals from the other three, and then Zang Ba quickly returned to "Okay, that's it"

"Haha, General Zang is indeed a straightforward person. If there are still others in the army, then I will go back first."

"I send the prime minister"

Zang Ba, Sun Guan, Wu Dun, and Yin Li sent Zhang Lan out of the camp again. Zang Bacai said lightly, "Zhang Deliang is indeed a hero, and he is very approachable."

Sun Guan, Wu Dun, and Yin Li all nodded in agreement. Sun Guan was slightly taken aback and said, "Zhang Lan is also a prime minister after all, and now he lacks a foundation here. I'm not as good as waiting."

Although he didn't say what he said later, they all understood the meaning of Sun Guan's words. Wu Dun and Yin Li were a little silent, but their leader Zang Ba said first, "Let's observe for a while first."

Hearing Zang Ba's words, Sun Guan stopped talking.

Another day, Zhang Lan moved his camp and set up camp ten miles away from the west gate of Beihai City. Since then, Zhang Lan and Zang Ba's two armies have been far apart.

Zhang Lan took the lead and came to the gate of the city to call for battle. The general at the head of the city asked, "The name of the general who will come"

"I am Zhang Lan, the prime minister of the great Han Dynasty. Why don't you come down sooner!"

Everyone in the Yellow Turbans was in an uproar when they heard the news. Zhang Lan's name was undoubtedly a natural enemy for them. The generals who originally wanted to go out to fight in the city also withered, and did not dare to speak out about the fight. They just dispatched troops to strengthen their defenses.

Looking at Zang Ba, he had already fought the Yellow Turban Bandits for a while, and he also knew how powerful Zang Ba was, but he still didn't dare to go out to fight, and the scene fell into a stalemate again.

But time waits for no one, and the food and grass are decreasing rapidly, so Zhang Lan wants to go to the extraction system, which still stores an artifact that was extracted before-the ultimate version of the thunderbolt car!
Thinking of this, Zhang Lan ordered six saints to lead the soldiers to search for the boulder. Since they couldn't find much in one day, it was obviously not enough to meet Zhang Lan's request.

The next day, Zhang Langa sent out 5000 people to find suitable stones.

There are few stones nearby, but there are some in the distance, but the distance is a bit far away. Fortunately, there are many people, and they all moved into the camp. The spies of the Yellow Turban Army saw this move clearly, and went back to the city to tell them. Qu Shuai, this Qu Shuai is also full of doubts, not knowing why.

After a few more days, the stones had been moved for a whole week, and the entire camp was surrounded by stones.

The yellow scarf leader in the city was even more puzzled. Could it be that Zhang Lan planned to stick to the camp?Use these times as hindrances?It shouldn't be, it doesn't make sense to do so!

He was very puzzled, but it was useless, because he soon knew the purpose of these stones. Another day, these stones were sent to a place not far from the city, and the rows of stones were almost exhausted. a wall.

(End of this chapter)

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