Optimization System of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 138 The Power of the Thunderbolt Car

Chapter 138 The Power of the Thunderbolt Car
On Beihai City, a group of soldiers pointed and laughed from time to time. Looking at the Han army moving stones outside the city, it was like watching a monkey show. No one came out of the city to stop them, and they were still so far away from the city. It was a full 400 meters away. To be honest, they couldn't see clearly, but they could see what the general Han army was doing.

They watched the Han army move the stones in the camp to the open space 400 meters away, and suddenly, a dozen or twenty giants appeared at a distance of 450 meters. Zhang Lan drew 20 ultimate Thunderbolt cars!
20 Thunderbolt carts were pushed to the edge of the stone pile, and one by one the Thunderbolt carts were loaded onto boulders. Only Zhang Lan gave an order, and then there was no sound.

Because no one will use it!

Zhang Lan was so sweaty, and then called 50 soldiers to explain the principle of the thunderbolt car to them, but Zhang Lan was dumbfounded when he brought these 50 people to the front of the thunderbolt car, because he didn't know how to do it either.

After turning around the thunderbolt car a few times, he touched his chin with his hand, and then took a few steps forward to study.

After all, he is also a talent in the new century, and it didn't take long for him to figure it out. Depressed, he ordered the soldiers to unload all the "ammunition" that had been loaded on the thunderbolt car, and then ordered people to "load" the thunderbolt chariot, and finally Reload, 'pull the trigger', fire!

The first batch of experimental throws finally soared into the sky, and smashed towards the city wall with a whistling sound.

"Boom, boom, boom" shook the ground for a while, and the accuracy was a bit off. Only three or four yuan hit the top of the city, and the few ill-fated soldiers on the top of the city were smashed into pieces before they could react. Meat puree.


I don't know who reacted first in the city, and then the whole brain exploded.

Although few people were killed or injured, the deterrent power of the thunderbolt car was vividly displayed. Just imagine huge stones falling from the sky. What kind of scene is this?That is definitely a disaster!
Zhang Lan nodded in satisfaction, then ordered the soldiers to adjust the sights and continue firing.

After another three rounds of firing, the soldiers at the top of the wall finally disappeared. After all, they are all the Yellow Turban Army. When the disaster is imminent, you have to fly separately. Facing such a big killer, who dares to stand on the top of the wall foolishly.

Seeing this, Zhang Lan directly ordered Huang Zhong to advance with the soldiers who had prepared the ladder.

Huang Zhong led the way, and when he was less than 200 meters away from the city, the thunderbolt car started again.

"Boom boom boom boom" Another round of boulders fell, one of which was less than 30 meters away from Huang Zhong, and a group of soldiers under the ground were covered in cold sweat, their legs trembling a little, even Huang Zhong was frightened and his heart was pounding. Jump, I almost got a heart attack.

Huang Zhong looked back, Zhang Lan signaled Huang Zhong to move on, Huang Zhong gritted his teeth, waved his hand, and led the soldiers to charge forward again, but the speed was not as fast as before.

The way to charge went smoothly, because there were no obstacles from the soldiers on the top of the city, and a ladder was erected, and they quickly climbed up to the top of the wall.

At this time, the soldiers in the city heard no sound, and boldly exposed their heads to check the situation, but found that since the sub-city was full of people, they didn't react for a while, thinking that they were the only ones who were frightened. Guer ran away, and was about to come out a little embarrassed. Before he could take a step, he suddenly reacted and shouted "enemy attack, enemy attack"

Everyone was in panic, and when they heard the man's shout, they thought it was the boy who had just woken up from the shock, so they didn't think much about it, and didn't dare to go out to investigate the situation and pretend to be the first bird.

When everyone heard a rush of footsteps, they also thought that there was no danger to gather. When they stood up and planned to go back quickly to prevent the chief from finding out, the vanguard led by Huang Zhong had already appeared in front of them.

When they reacted, the soldiers standing in front had already been knocked down by Huang Zhong.

Finally, the east gate of Beihai City exploded again.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack"

But who listens to this now?They all scattered and fled for their lives.

The gate of the city was opened smoothly, and Zhang Lan had already made preparations, leaving only 500 troops to guard the Perak Chariot, and personally led the army into the city.

The city gate is very large, but Zhang Lan has more people, and it will take a while for everyone to enter the city.

But the leading troops have already gone to the inner city to kill.

Several Yellow Turban soldiers who ran towards the inner city to report the news became Zhang Lan's best guides.

That is to say, when Qu Shuai of the Yellow Turban Army just received the news, Zhang Lan had already killed him. Before that Qu Shuai had time to get on his horse, Zhang Lan cut him in half with a knife.

Of the other Yellow Turbans, only a few elites were fighting to the death, and most of them fled in all directions. In the entire Beihai City, the west gate was the calmest, because it was the farthest from the east gate, and the news had not arrived so quickly.

Moreover, although most of these soldiers are the lowest-level people, they also know that the enemy troops outside the city are guarding the east and west gates. They couldn't run away, so they all fled towards the south and north gates one after another, only a few Lengtouqing ran towards the east gate.

The guard at the east gate finally got the news.

The news was hard to accept for a while, but they still ordered to assemble, leaving 5000 troops to guard the city gate, and led the army to kill towards the west gate.

Zhang Lan, who entered the city, did not let Huang Zhong and others follow, but directly divided into three groups, each chasing and killing deserters. Such opportunities are rare. If the bandits reacted, then it would not be so It's easy.

Originally, there were 5000 Yellow Turban Bandits in Beihai City. Because Zhang Lan and Zang Ba were at the East Gate and West Gate respectively, the number of soldiers at the South Gate and North Gate was relatively small, only [-], while both the East Gate and West Gate had soldiers. [-] soldiers and horses, a round of thunderbolt chariot offensive, although the momentum is huge, but in fact did not hurt many people, it just broke the morale of the Yellow Turban Army.

In addition, the morale of the Yellow Turbans was low and they fled everywhere, so the real casualties were only a thousand people, and they did not hurt the root cause.

After a while, the reinforcements from Ximen arrived. Zhang Lan didn't say hello, and directly led the troops to rush over. Although the soldiers from Ximen heard that the army was defeated, their morale was not high, but they didn't see the Perak Chariot with their own eyes. Power, so I didn't have much fear in my heart, and I didn't suffer much from a frontal confrontation. There was only a difference in equipment, but their large number was enough to make up for this gap.

Zhang Lan now only brings more than 3000 people with him. Fortunately, Zhang Lan is very brave. The morale of the entire team was high at the moment they met each other, and since they had a slight upper hand in a short time.

(End of this chapter)

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