Optimization System of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 139 Breaking the North Sea

Chapter 139 Breaking the North Sea

Zhang Lan led a force of more than 3000 people to charge the Yellow Turban Army who came to support from the East Gate. Since he had the upper hand at the beginning of the battle, it was short-lived because there were too many people in the place, and there was a full There are 5000 people, which is five times the number of my own troops, but this is in the city. Fortunately, the area is not large, and there are only 5000 people who can face it head-on. This is still after Zhang Lan has gone deep.

The Yellow Turban Army was poorly equipped, so it was difficult to tell who was the leader. Zhang Lan beheaded several leaders-like figures in a row but still failed to find the leader.

Zang Ba is not a fool, he has already discovered that there must be changes in the city, and he has already begun to attack the city, and the defense of the east gate is precarious.

On Zhang Lan's side, after another duel, the situation was not optimistic. He was ready to break through, and after beheading another general, he led the army to break out to the south.

Nanmen is led by Huang Zhong. It is believed that with Huang Zhong's ability, the battle at Nanmen will be resolved soon.

Zhang Lan just broke out, but suddenly heard someone shouting in the distance, "Is the prime minister abandoning me?"

Looking up, there was a small group of people who were besieged and could not get out. In desperation, Zhang Lan led the troops in again, trying to rescue them.

The small group of people were overjoyed when they saw Zhang Lan come back to kill, and their morale rose again immediately.

As the panicked yellow turban soldiers calmed down, more and more people joined the battle, and Zhang Lan was a little numb to the killing.

At this moment, a loud shout came from the direction of the north gate, "Prime Minister, don't panic, the future will not happen!"

The Yellow Turban bandits were shocked, but Zhang Lan saw that it was the city guard Tago.

Zhang Lan was also a little surprised. He really didn't expect that since Tai Ge was faster than a veteran like Huang Zhong, it's no wonder that with his personality, he was not killed by others and became the guard of Rencheng. There is really a hand on one piece.

Holding a big axe in his hand, Tago charged forward at the head of the horse, and there was no doubt that the place he went was not blood-spattered for ten steps, and no one was his general.

'This is the chatty version of Xu Huang! '

Zhang Lan murmured unconsciously in her heart.

With Tai Ge's killing, the Yellow Turban Army finally broke down, and riots broke out again. Fortunately, the commander-in-chief this time has a certain prestige, so they will not be defeated.

For Zhang Lan, the arrival of Tiger is undoubtedly the existence of timely rain, and his pressure has been relieved a lot in an instant.

After a while of beheading, Zhang Lan finally found out where the local general was. His eyes lit up, and he swung his sword to cut off the bandits around him, and he was about to go towards that general.

The two were not far apart, only ten meters away.

Although there were many soldiers standing in front of Zhang Lan, none of them made two moves. After a while, they had already reached a distance of 5 meters. The enemy general also found Zhang Lan, and he also abandoned the surrounding Han soldiers. The army rushed towards Zhang Lan.

Zhang Lan was overjoyed, and he raised his knife and slashed at the enemy.


A gust of heat sprayed on Zhang Lan's face, the big knife he just raised stopped in the air, and a blood hole the size of a thumb appeared on the head of the commander in front of him.

He turned his head to look, and saw Huang Zhong looking at him cheerfully, with two fingers stretched out in his hand, meaning to say, "plus this time, you have already lost twice."

Zhang Lan was anxious, and swung her knife to clean up the surrounding soldiers.

Seeing the death of the leader, the Yellow Turban bandits finally started to flee in all directions. Some simply dropped their weapons and fell to their knees, begging for surrender.

Zhang Lan didn't care about the Yellow Turban soldiers who asked to surrender, and directly killed the fleeing people, using their blood to relieve Huang Zhong's anger at grabbing the head.

When he walked past Huang Zhong, he couldn't help scolding "a dog with a human head"

Huang Zhong was taken aback for a moment, then burst out laughing.

Seeing Huang Zhong laughing, Zhang Lan became even more angry, and hurriedly urged the horse forward, chasing and killing the deserters.

Huang Zhong got the advantage, so he was in a calm state of mind. First, he ordered people to take the surrendered soldiers into custody, and then turned around to chase Zhang Lan.

At this time there is no general Ximen, the battle has entered a fierce battle, Zang Ba's soldiers have already boarded the top of the city, Zhang Lan also arrived at this time.

The soldiers under the city were shocked when they saw Zhang Lan leading the army, and shouted loudly, "Someone is coming from behind, brothers, run away!"

This should have just escaped.

Sure enough, when he heard the soldier's shout, even the soldiers on the top of the city couldn't help but look back. Seeing Zhang Lan's army approaching, they were also stupefied, and fled in all directions. planted.

Even Zang Ba's soldiers who climbed to the top of the city were a little dazed, not understanding what happened.

Zang Ba saw that the soldiers at the top of the city had stopped there, and he was very anxious. He only knew that Ximen had been breached, but he didn't expect Zhang Lan to attack so soon. In a hurry, he hurried forward, and the army followed closely behind. , When you come to the city, you have to climb.

At this time, Zhang Lan appeared at the top of the city. Zang Ba was even more shocked when he saw Zhang Lan. He pointed at Zhang Lan and just kept saying "You you. You." But he couldn't say anything about you.

"You, you, General Zang, we have agreed that whoever breaks through Beihai first will own it." Zhang Lan looked at Zang Ba with a smile on his face, and those people under Zang Ba who had already climbed to the top of the wall one by one You look at me, I look at you, and I still don't understand what to do.

Looking at Zhang Lan's smiling face, Zang Ba really wanted to go up and punch him twice, but he did say these things. The key is that he is on the top of the city and he is under the city. With a wave of his hand, he left angrily. Seeing that his BOSS had left, the soldiers in the city hurriedly withdrew the ladders and left. Someone took the lead, and others who were on the side of the ladder followed suit.The soldiers at the top of the city quit, and hurriedly shouted, "Hey, hey, don't go, we are still on the top."

The leader of the first group of soldiers who left scratched their heads in embarrassment, and erected the ladder again.

The soldiers in the city hurriedly climbed down the ladder.

So far, apart from Zhang Lan's people in Beihai City, they are the remnants of the Yellow Turban Army who surrendered.

Seeing Zang Ba leave so easily, Zhang Lan also breathed a sigh of relief. If Zang Ba attacked recklessly, he really didn't know if he could hold it.

Leaving 2000 soldiers to guard the east gate, Zhang Lan got on his horse and left, came to the place where the escorted soldiers were guarding, and began to speak again.

"The leader of the thief has been punished. You are originally Han people, but now you are doing rebellion. You should be punished."

Hearing this, the Yellow Turban Bandit Soldier felt a chill in his heart, but he immediately felt relieved after the words.

"But now is the time when the imperial court employs people. I don't care about past suspicions. If I want to avoid thieves like you, those who are willing to surrender and join the army will be exempted from their crimes. They are no different from ordinary soldiers. Those who do not want to join the army can also be dismissed and returned to the field. No more troubles."

(End of this chapter)

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