Optimization System of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 140 Zang Ba's Anger

Chapter 140 Zang Ba's Anger

"Now is the time when the imperial court employs people. I don't care about past suspicions. If I want to avoid thieves like you, those who are willing to surrender and join the army will be exempted from their crimes. They are no different from ordinary soldiers. Those who do not want to join the army can also be dismissed and returned to the field. There must be no more troubles. Er Wait until you understand"

Everyone fell to the ground and knelt down, "I am willing to follow the prime minister"

All in one piece, even those who were hesitant to leave also knelt down.

Zhang Lan nodded in relief, and then continued, "If you want to leave, you can give up your armor and leave from the east gate. No one will stop you, but I won't bother you." He still insisted With a smile, the originally dignified words made people feel relaxed.

But soon, someone sent a letter, claiming that it was sent by Zang Ba outside the city.

Zhang Lan opened it and saw that it was Zang Ba who was dissatisfied and invited Zhang Lan to talk outside the city.

It's no wonder that Zang Ba was dissatisfied. After three months of hard work in the attack, he didn't get anything, but Zhang Lan took advantage of it.

Zang Ba said in his heart that the agreed time is at noon tomorrow, and the location is in the middle of the two armies. They are not allowed to lead troops, but only a few confidantes.

Zhang Lan didn't care about these things either, after all, it's not that she has never been to Zang Ba's big tent, so many people are not afraid, but Zang Ba and several people.

He asked the messenger to go back and tell Zang Ba that he had agreed to the invitation and that he would definitely attend the banquet on time tomorrow.

After sending the messenger away, Zhang Lan continued to arrange the plan of incorporation. It is impossible for him to swallow such a large force in one bite. Those who died in battle, those who fled and those who left, the remaining soldiers were 3000 [-] people are more than twice as many as our own. If you don't control it well, it's no joke to be backlashed.

Divide all the surrendered troops into two parts. The first part has 5000 people, all of whom are the elites of this surrendered army. Intersperse this 5000-strong team into your own troops, and then divide the other nearly 2 people into two parts. The Qingzhou army was organized into an army, named Qingzhou Army, learned from Cao Cao, and issued a garrison order to let this group of Qingzhou army open up wasteland and garrison fields. For the time being, the people who want to leave are separated.

The next day
Zhang Lan went to the meeting as scheduled, and there were two tables not far outside the city. Zang Ba sat cross-legged against the scorching summer. He didn't get up when he saw Zhang Lan's arrival, and motioned for Zhang Lan to sit down too.

Zhang Lan was not too polite, and sat down on the table with his buttocks. The hot Zhang Lan twisted his buttocks a few times. His behavior and the way he sat down were extremely weird in Zang Ba's eyes. Obviously he didn't expect that the prime minister in front of him was Such a frivolous person did not see a trace of majesty that a prime minister should have.

Zang Ba frowned first, and then said, "Prime Minister Zhang, our army has been attacking Beihai for a long time, but your army took Beihai as its own when it came, is there something wrong?"

Zhang Lan smiled slightly and said, "General Zang, you and I have something to say first. The two armies will attack on one side without interfering with each other. Whoever breaks through the city first will belong to Beihai. Am I right?"

Zang Ba was a little unwilling, and said with a cold snort, "Hmph, our army has been attacking Beihai for a long time, and the enemy has already been exhausted, and the prime minister took advantage of the vacancy to enter, which is not counted."

Zhang Lan's complexion changed, and she asked in a serious manner, "Does the general know how I broke the city?"

This is right to the point. Although Zang Ba didn’t see it, he also knew something from the deserters, especially the boulder falling from the sky. He really didn’t believe it, so he pretended not to know and said “don’t know”

Zhang Lan laughed back angrily, and laughed, "Haha, then I will tell the general that our army first threw boulders with thunderbolt chariots to break the enemy's morale, and then took the opportunity to climb to the top of the city and open the city gate. Gu Zuo went and entered it, beheading the head of the bandit would be the only way to calm down, if there is no thunderbolt chariot, even if our two armies encircle and forcefully attack, it will be difficult to break it."

What he meant was to demonstrate to Zang Ba, telling Zang Ba plainly that I have a magic weapon in my hand, and I can break through the city without you. If you don't believe me, you can try the power of the Perak Chariot for yourself.

"It's nonsense, how can you throw a boulder flying for several miles with human power, the prime minister is not going to play tricks on me." Zang Ba was also a little angry, he thought Zhang Lan said this to scare him, Zang Ba is not a good temper Seeing Zhang Lan like this is also full of anger.

Although Zhang Lan intends to recruit Zang Ba, he will not show weakness. Seeing Zang Ba's attitude, he feels a little angry in his heart, and can't help but say, "Then General Zang can try it himself."

This sentence undoubtedly ignited the powder keg. Behind Zang Ba, Sun Guan, Wu Dun, Yin Li and others pulled out their swords in an instant. Behind Zhang Lan, Huang Zhong, Tago, and the three saints were also not to be outdone. Pull out the saber and confront it.

Zhang Lan waved her hand to signal everyone to stay calm, then stood up and clasped her fists, saying to Zang Ba, "Differences in ambition, disagreement in way, and no conspiracy, I will leave."

After speaking, he turned around and got on his horse, galloping away.

Sun Guan, Wu Dun, and Yin Li stepped forward one after another, and said, "Brother, Zhang Lan's kid is too deceitful, why don't you let me lead the troops to break through the city and show him his color."

Zang Ba raised his hand, signaling him not to speak, and then said, "Let's talk when we go back"

Sun Guan backed away a little bit afraid, then signaled the soldiers to put away the table and seats, and followed Zang Ba to get on his horse and go back to the big tent.

Back in the tent, Zang Ba took the lead and said, "Children Zhang Lan wants to keep his achievements to himself, but he must not do it now. I think the brothers are also dissatisfied, so it doesn't matter if we go to war with him, but, Zhang Lan's army is not a bandit of yellow scarves, not to mention well-equipped, but also extremely brave, how can we fight?"

Zang Ba's words obviously overestimated Zhang Lan's men and horses. The equipment is well equipped, but the real combat effectiveness is actually not strong. It's just that in this battle, because of the timidity of the Yellow Turban Army, they became extremely brave, which made Zang Lan Ba thought it was an elite army.

But these are not a big problem, the key is that Zhang Lan's side is defending the city, and has also incorporated the remaining party of the Yellow Turban Army, but the number is higher than his own, and he would rather believe it or not. What Lan Du said was impressive, if there were such a fierce weapon, then his tens of thousands of people would definitely not be enough for Zhang Lan to fight.

He doesn't know what a thunderbolt car is, so he doesn't know the disadvantages of a thunderbolt car.

Thunderbolt chariots are good at attacking the city, throwing boulders into the city to hurt the enemy, especially the dense crowd, but it is not suitable for defense. With such a high wall, it will accidentally injure teammates if it is far away, and it cannot be thrown if it is close. It has no effect, especially if it is a field battle, as long as a death-defying cavalry rushes in and dismantles the thunderbolt car.

But Zang Ba didn't know these things, but he also didn't know that there was such a big killer that could throw huge boulders like the thunderbolt car.

(End of this chapter)

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