Chapter 141 Chapter 150

It is said that Zhang Lan and Zang Ba returned to the city (battalion) respectively, and each prepared their troops to fight.

Zhang Lan even sent Huang Zhong to lead the guerrillas out of the city to fight again. Of course, it was not a head-to-head fight.

Huang Zhong has also experienced guerrilla warfare, and he is familiar with the tactics of the enemy advancing and retreating, the enemy stationing and us harassing, the enemy tired and attacking, and the enemy retreating and pursuing.

Zang Ba had never seen such a method before, so he lined up and wanted to come forward to make an opening remark, but he didn't expect Huang Zhong to shoot over with one arrow. Fortunately, the distance was still far away, so Zang Ba hurriedly dodged and avoided the arrow. , and then saw countless arrows falling from the sky like raindrops.

"Charge" Zang Ba shouted.

Pushing away the scattered arrows, he rushed towards the guerrillas at the head of the horse. Under the leadership of Huang Zhong, the guerrillas pulled their horses and returned, but they did not run in the direction of the city, but ran around the city. Shooting is usually a projectile, so Zang Ba didn't receive much attack, but the people behind him suffered a lot. People kept getting shot and fell off the horse. Bow, throw.

Relying on the strength of the enemy's advance is undoubtedly a huge boost to the guerrillas.

Zang Ba chased after him for a while, and there were only cavalry behind him to follow. He was blinded by anger for a while, and he chased out of the city without knowing it.

The guerrillas also seemed to have no supply of arrows, and only occasionally turned around and shot flat behind them, which made Zang Ba more determined to chase.

After chasing for another distance, Zang Ba suddenly discovered that there are stone forests and stone walls on both sides of the road.

And this kind of environment is undoubtedly the best ambush location.



The two voices sounded almost at the same time, but Zang Ba was the only one who shouted to withdraw, while thousands of voices shouted to kill, drowning out Zang Ba's voice in an instant.

The horses under Zang Ba's crotch were frightened by the deafening screams and became restless.

At this time, Zang Ba also knew that he was in an ambush, and quickly turned his horse's head to escape, but he was already surrounded, and countless soldiers behind him killed him.

Zang Ba's army went deep alone, and the deployment behind him was all cavalry, with less than 2000 troops.

The pikemen behind the soldiers stood upright facing him, and there were archers behind him standing by with their bows full. Seeing that the enemy was not attacking, Zang Ba didn't dare to move for a while, but Zhang Lan found a cattail leaf fan from nowhere. , holding a cattail fan in his right hand and fanning it in front of his chest, wearing a Confucian robe on his body, he has the feeling of the mast and oar disappearing in smoke while talking and laughing.

Zang Ba glared at him, but Zhang Lan said with a chuckle, "General Zang Ba, now you have been ambushed by me and trapped here. As long as I give you an order, you will be shot through your heart with ten thousand arrows. Have you ever been convinced?"

"Hmph, you have already planned, but I have not prepared it, so I am naturally dissatisfied."

"Okay, then I'll let you go back and prepare you, how about we fight again?"

Zang Ba snorted coldly and stopped talking, Zhang Lan couldn't help but think about it, he waved his cattail fan, the person who sent the order was unknown, so he scratched his scalp and wanted to go forward to ask, the blood wolf slapped his forehead when he saw this scene, and grabbed it with the other hand Stopped by the herald, whispered a few words in his ear, the herald suddenly realized, and then shouted loudly, "Bow the bow, let go!"

Zhang Lan, who was originally embarrassed, coughed a few times and continued with a smile, "Please, General Zang Ba."

Zang Ba was puzzled and dared not move.

"If you want to kill the general, you just need to shoot the arrow, and the general can leave."

Only then did Zang Ba carefully lead his subordinates away.

Seeing Zang Ba leave, Zhang Lan sighed, glared at the messenger, and led everyone back to the city.

Seeing this scene, Huang Zhong was very puzzled. He immediately caught up with Zhang Lan and asked, "Since the Prime Minister let Zang Ba fall into an ambush, why did you let him go back?"

Zhang Lan pretended to be profound and said "Don't say it, don't say it"

Huang Zhong was speechless, so he had to follow Zhang Lan back to the city.

After returning to the city, Zhang Lan didn't let Huang Zhong leave, and told him to take a rest with 100 people immediately, and he had a task to give to him at night.

Huang Zhong took the order and left.

After Huang Zhong left, a person walked out from behind the barrier, and Zhang Lan said lightly, "How is the situation?"

The person who walked out took off the straw hat on his head, revealing that stern face. It was Ghost, the chief housekeeper of 007. After hearing Zhang Lan's question, Ghost returned, "I have less than three days of water, and now most of them are There are several wells on the side of the camp to supply supplies, and if all the soldiers drink the water from the wells, it will take three more days.”

"Then wait another three days"


With a wave of Zhang Lan's hand, the ghost disappeared like a ghost.

That night
Huang Zhong came to ask Zhang Lan for orders. Zhang Lan took Huang Zhong to the front of the map and said with her fingers, "Tonight, you come here quietly with 100 troops. Dig more deep pits, set up traps, and mark them, so as not to accidentally hurt yourself. Regardless of whether the work is completed or not, it must be covered up and returned before dawn." Huang Zhong led away with a bewildered head.

For three consecutive days, Huang Zhong returned to the city to take the hundred soldiers to rest.

Zang Ba called out in the middle and ignored it.

At night, several figures appeared on several wells not far from Zang Ba's big tent. Since they were not discovered by the guards, it may be because there is a lake not far away.Each of these figures took out a bag of powdery things from their arms, threw it into the well, and then disappeared into the night again.

noon the next day
Zang Ba's army was thirsty, so he ordered people to go to the well to get water to replenish the whole army. When the water was brought, Zang Ba drank a big bowl in one go, planning to challenge again when the sun was about to set.

Before he knew it, Zang Ba had fallen asleep.

At this moment, a figure quietly appeared in the prefect's mansion in Beihai City, and nodded at Zhang Lan.

The corners of Zhang Lan's mouth raised, and he called Tai Ge to come, and ordered him to take a hundred people to Zang Ba's camp to capture Zang Ba. Tai Ge was shocked, and hurriedly cried to Zhang Lan, "Prime Minister, I, Lao Tai, did not do anything to apologize to you." Ah, you can't do this to me"

Zhang Lan hated that, waved her hand impatiently and said, "Forget it if you don't want to go, I will go in person, and you go and arrange people for me."

Tiger was shocked again, and hurriedly said, "Prime Minister, Zang Ba is brave, but he is not an opponent of our army, so don't go to die."

"If you are told to go, then go, where is there so much nonsense, if things are delayed, I will sacrifice your head to the flag"

Tago shrank his neck, stopped talking, and retreated with his hands clasped.

After a while, Tiger came to bid farewell to Zhang Lan with a look of death, Zhang Lan couldn't smile, and simply went out to accompany Tiger in person.

Tai Ge didn't persuade Zhang Lan either. When he came to Zang Ba's barracks, Zang Ba's army was peaceful. The strange situation here made Tai Ge even more frightened, and he couldn't help but cast a glance at Zhang Lan.

Seeing that Zhang Lan was calm and relaxed, he gritted his teeth and followed Zhang Lan forward.

(End of this chapter)

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