Optimization System of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 142 Three Captures of Zang Ba

Chapter 142 Three Captures of Zang Ba
After Zhang Lan walked into Zang Ba's camp, since Tai Ge found that all the soldiers were lying on the ground in a mess, he became more curious and wanted to go up to ask Zhang Lan if he wanted to do something, but Zhang Lan interrupted with a wave of his hand. He didn't let him talk, but walked directly towards Zang Ba's big tent, looking familiar, like his own camp.

Tiger who was walking all the way was terrified, Zhang Lan directly ordered everyone to split up and tie all the generals back.

Everyone came here and understood a little bit, but although they were much bolder than before, they still twisted their hands and feet, for fear of waking up the enemy.

When he was Zang Ba, he found that he was tied up with an explanation, his face was wet, and there was a soldier in front of him holding a ladle of water ready to splash, and Sun Guan, Wu Dun, and Yin Li were lying in a mess beside him.

Zang Ba was shocked, and looked forward unconsciously. There was a person with a feather fan and a scarf facing him, how could he not know whether he was captured by Zhang Lan again, or whether he was unconsciously case.

"Despicable boy, try to use some shady means to let me go, we will fight with real swords and guns, if you catch me again, I will be slaughtered by you"

Zhang Lan turned around with an angry look on his face, and Zang Ba was obviously taken aback.

"You were captured twice by me, and you are still yelling here, come here, pull it out, and behead it!"

Zang Ba was a little dazed by Zhang Lan's scolding.

"Wait a minute" Huang Zhong on the side took a step forward and shouted at the soldiers, cupped his hands and said to Zhang Lan, "My lord, I see that General Zang Ba is brave and heroic. It is better to keep him for his crimes and meritorious deeds. The position is the best strategy."

Seeing Huang Zhong pleading for Zang Ba, Zhang Lan showed embarrassment, and pretended to whisper to Huang Zhong, "I really wanted to recruit him, but he didn't appreciate it, and he was still making insulting words here, how could I let him go. "

Huang Zhong glanced back at Zang Ba quietly, seeing that Zang Ba was also looking at them, he hurriedly turned his head and said to Zhang Lan, "My lord, just let him go this time for the old general's sake, and I will wait for him on the battlefield." Defeating him must be convinced, if it is still the case, the veteran is willing to kill him with his own hands, and offer his head to the master."

Zhang Lan pondered for a while and finally nodded.

Seeing that the two of them had finished their discussion, Zang Ba hurriedly turned his head, pretending that he didn't hear anything.

"Zang Ba, I will let you go again today. If you become my enemy next time, I will not let you go."

Zang Ba also borrowed the donkey from the slope, snorted coldly, and said no more.

Zhang Lan sent Zang Ba back again, but Zang Ba was a little timid and considered whether to withdraw his troops.

At this time, Sun Guan, Wu Dun, and Yin Li also came to his tent. The three of them glanced at each other, and it was Sun Guan who stepped forward and said, "Brother, I think Prime Minister Zhang is both civil and military. The man is not bad, why don’t we follow him.”

Zang Ba rubbed his chin, then slapped the table and said, "Humph, even if we surrender, we have to beat him for a while, we can't lose face"

Wu Dun was a little anxious, stepped forward and asked, "Then what should we do?"

"Come here with your ears, let's do this"

another day

Zang Ba led his troops to the front of the formation and set up their positions.

Zhang Lan ordered Huang Zhong to go out and fight with him.

The two pushed their horses forward and fought together.

In a short while, more than fifty rounds passed, no difference between the top and bottom. At this moment, both of them made a false move and drew their horses back. The soldiers on both sides were all stunned there. He turned his horse's head with a look of astonishment, and Huang Zhong also turned around with a look of astonishment.

The two looked at each other, and they both smiled awkwardly, knowing that this was a swindle for the other party.

After another hundred rounds, there was still no winner. Huang Zhong pulled his horse back again, and Zang Ba didn't chase after him. Unexpectedly, Huang Zhong took down his long bow, took the bow and took the arrow, and headed towards Zang. Ba shot, Zang Ba was shocked, and hurriedly dodged, but he was too late. Fortunately, the veteran archer in front of him was not good at archery, and the arrow flashed past the left button.

Zang Ba was furious and slapped his horse to kill again.

Seeing that the fish had taken the bait, Huang Zhong didn't look back, and ran towards the place where he had ambush again.

Zang Ba was stunned for a moment, then sneered, and instead of chasing him, turned back.

Huang Zhong turned around and came back again, and shot another arrow in the distance, this time it flashed past Zang Ba's right ear again, scaring Zang Ba into a clever attack.

Now Zang Ba couldn't restrain himself anymore, he was not afraid of thieves stealing, but he was afraid of thieves thinking about him, so he led the army and killed him.

Huang Zhong fled in a hurry, taking the same route that Zang Bazhong had ambushed before. Halfway there, Huang Zhong suddenly changed his direction and moved towards the northeast, which was the direction of the city gate. Zang Ba Then there was no doubt, he sped up his horse and rushed over, and after a while of chasing, Huang Zhong turned his horse's head around again, and started running towards the southeast again.

Zang Ba continued to catch up.

It wasn't until he was about to enter the place where Zang Ba was ambush before that he pulled back the horse's head and said with a smile, "Zhang Lan Jiqiongye, he used the same strategy against me twice. Erlangs, come back to the camp with me."

Zhang Lanjun was indeed in ambush there. Seeing that Zang Ba was no longer chasing and wanted to go back, he couldn't help rushing out. Although Zang Ba knew it was a trick, he couldn't guarantee that Zhang Lan had no back-up, so he simply ignored it and took the lead to go back.

The army behind him was also chasing after him calmly.

Zang Ba was puzzled, but continued to retreat.

At this moment, the horse's hoof was empty under the crotch, and the body fell down.

Seeing this, the cavalry behind couldn't stop. They immediately jumped up on their horses and jumped over the deep pit, but fell into another pit without going far. There were several rows behind them. The soldiers who finally stopped fled from both sides. , Who would have thought that there are traps on both sides.

Soon more than half of the people and horses fell into the trap, Zang Ba was also thrown to pieces, and was almost trampled to death by the horseshoes later.

At this time, Zhang Lan, who appeared again with a feather fan scarf and a smile on his face, "tied up"

The soldiers next to Zhang Lan were ordered to go down to the pit and tie up Zang Ba. Zang Ba hadn't recovered until now, presumably a few bones were broken.

He was pushed onto the ground and brought in front of Zhang Lan. At this time, he had mixed feelings in his heart, not a taste. This was the third time he had been captured by Zhang Lan.

No matter what was in his heart, Zhang Lan was very happy. He pretended to be Zhuge Liang and played Zang Ba around. Three times, but that's all he can do. If he wants to release Zang Ba again, he will definitely not want to. If he releases Zang Ba again, he will have no way to catch him.

"Are you convinced?"

This time Zang Ba lost his previous domineering spirit, probably because of the pain. He gritted his teeth and said unwillingly, "I don't accept it, you didn't beat me head-on."

Zhang Lan's face immediately turned down, "If I hadn't told General Huang to hold back, you would have died long ago."

(End of this chapter)

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