Optimization System of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 145 Three Horses Zhengfeng

Chapter 145 Three Horses Fighting for the Front
Zhang Lan was a little disappointed after getting the chain chain array, and the regret points doubled, but people are gamblers, especially this kind of slot machine-like things, since this time there is no good stuff, then I will double the pressure , I will come back sooner or later.

Zhang Lan simply clicked on the remaining three points.

"Whether to confirm the draw (triple)"


The pattern rotated again, one circle, two circles, ten circles, the beating speed of the pattern began to slow down, and finally stopped slowly.

Zhang Lan hurriedly took a look, only to see "Advanced War Horse X3000" written on it

"3000 high-class war horses! Good stuff!" Zhang Lan shouted unconsciously.

After running out of lottery draws, Zhang Lan planned to take it out, but the war horse was too huge to be seen by everyone all at once, so she took out the 'chain of iron chains' first.


A black light sank into Zhang Lan's forehead, and the absorption of the iron chain chain array began.

Five minutes later, Zhang Lan suddenly opened his eyes, with a smile on his lips and excitement in his eyes.

Linking chains with iron chains is not only possible for warships, but also war horses!
Anyone who likes "Water Margin" will know that the eighth hero on Liangshan, Hu Yanzhuo with double whips, used the iron chain chain horse when he led troops to attack Liangshan.

Hu Yanzhuo's iron-chain chain horse was so brave that it led to the defeat of the Liangshan army. Tang Long suggested that the chain-link horse could be broken with a hook and sickle spear, and recommended Xu Ning.Military strategist Wu Yong asked Shi Qian to steal Xu Ning's family heirloom "Yan Ling Circle Golden Armor", lured him to go up the mountain, and taught Liangshan army to use hook and sickle spears, and finally broke the chain chain horse.

But it is also enough to show the power of the chained horse. If it is used properly, it will catch it by surprise. Then the chained chained horse is undoubtedly a killer on the battlefield.

At first, Zhang Lan thought that the chain formation was just a strategy of Pang Tongxian and Cao Cao in the Battle of Chibi. They used iron cables to connect ships together, and regarded it as a weak skill, but they did not expect it to be so practical.

For those horses, on the contrary, the value of the chain chain array is the highest.

While excited, Zhang Lan considered who would use the other book. After thinking for a while, she finally thought of Chen Dao. Huang Zhong and Su Yi were in Qingzhou, Zang Ba was in Yanzhou, and Xuzhou had no suitable generals, so only Chen It was the most suitable time, but he adjusted his loyalty again to confirm that Chen Dao's loyalty was still above 90, so he was relieved.

After exiting the optimization system, Zhang Lan sent someone to call Chen Dao, and asked Chen Dao to close his eyes.

Now Zhang Lan has the kindness to Chen Dao, so Chen Dao is still very relieved towards Zhang Lan. He closed his eyes without thinking about it. The seed came, and with a wave of his hand, he threw it at Chen Dao, and a black light appeared again, sinking into Chen Dao's forehead.

Chen Dao frowned slightly, obviously feeling a little uncomfortable.

After a while, Chen Dao woke up overjoyed, and looked at Zhang Lan with admiration. After all, such a miraculous thing happened to him. If he hadn't experienced it himself, he wouldn't believe it. Zhang Lan was so loyal that he became a diehard loyalist.

Zhang Lan had expected Chen Dao's reaction a long time ago. With a chuckle, she patted Chen Dao's shoulder and said, "Uncle Zhi, come with me."

Say it, turn around and leave the house, followed by Chen Dao, except for the mansion, Zhang Lan looked around, saw no one, then waved again, and released the three thousand-mile horses, the colors of the three thousand-mile horses were different, but they all held their heads up stand upright.

One of the horses has a body like burning coals, similar to a red rabbit; the second one is like white jade; the third is a black horse, the whole body is like black satin, shiny and shiny, only the four hooves of the horse are as white as Sai Xue.

When Zhang Lan saw the third horse, Zhang Lan couldn't help but think of a name——Wu Zai!
That's right, it is the mount of Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, the black horse!

Chen Dao was surprised again when he saw three horses appeared with a wave of Zhang Lan's big hand, but when he saw the three horses clearly, his eyes changed and became full of enthusiasm. In this era, a BMW appeared on the In front of a military general who has nothing but strong force, it is even more attractive than putting a **** in front of them.

Chen Dao kept looking at the three thousand-mile horses, and finally fell on the white jade-like horse.

Zhang Lan asked with a smile, "Uncle Zhi, how about the three BMWs?"

Chen Dao nodded involuntarily, and exclaimed, "Everything is a BMW if nothing happens."

Zhang Lan to "Do you like it?"

Chen Dao nodded.

"Then this is yours," Zhang Lan pointed to the white horse and said.

Chen Dao nodded first, then suddenly raised his head to look at Zhang Lan, and asked in surprise, "Give it to me?"

Zhang Lan nodded.

"It's absolutely impossible." Chen Dao hastily declined. How could he not know the value of these three horses? They are undoubtedly hard-to-find BMWs. He is a young general who has just arrived. I want to give myself a BMW again, which is definitely not allowed.

Zhang Lan shook her head and said, "A BMW deserves a hero. Now that I have got these three BMWs, I can't take them all for my own use, and I can't use them. It's better to let Uncle Zhi, let him gallop on the battlefield, and become famous with you." world"

"This..." Chen Dao didn't refuse anymore, he really couldn't bear the temptation of the BMW in front of him, and that BMW seemed to understand what the two of them meant, walked up to Chen Dao intimately, and bowed his head Chen arrives.

Seeing this, Zhang Lan laughed loudly, "Hahaha, look, it thinks this is the best, why don't you want to?"

Only then did Chen Dao scratch his head in embarrassment, and fondled the white horse affectionately.

"Give me a name"

Chen Dao thought for a while and then said, "The body is like white jade, the shape is majestic, the momentum is like a dragon like a tiger, and it has a human nature and a spirit in its heart. Why not call it a spirit tiger jade dragon colt"

"Haha, nice name"

Linghu Yulongju seemed to like the name very much, and kissed Chen Dao's hand with his head affectionately.

The other two horses snorted and stamped their hooves as if they were jealous.

Zhang Lan and Chen Dao looked at each other and laughed.

"Okay, you two too, let me think about it"

After a while, Zhang Lan pointed to the red horse and said, "The whole body is red and looks like a beast. Let's call it the Yuhuo Qilin Beast."

The red horse also seemed very happy, raised its hooves and roared, as if expressing its excitement.

The black horse was not happy, and stepped forward a few steps to Zhang Lan's side and arched Zhang Lan, as if urging Zhang Lan to quickly name himself.

Zhang Lan chuckled, stroked the black horse, and said lightly, "You look like Wu Zi. Wu Zi is the mount of Xiang Yu, the overlord of Chu. He fought with Xiang Yu and became famous all his life. Wu Jin is a bird with feathers. Why not combine this , How about calling it Wujin Treading Snow?"

(End of this chapter)

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