Optimization System of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 146 Sending General Dongjun

Chapter 146 Sending General Dongjun
Before the dark horse came and expressed his opinion, Chen Dao scratched his head and said, "Ugin is a sunbird, how can he walk on snow in such hot weather, wouldn't it melt?"

Zhang Lan laughed again, "Haha, doesn't this just show the speed?"

When Chen Dao suddenly realized, Wujin Taxue let out a cry, and rubbed against Zhang Lan affectionately.

After naming the three BMWs, Zhang Lan stepped onto the back of Wujin's snow-treading horse, and was so angry that the Qilin Beast snorted again and stomped the horse's hooves.

Zhang Lan saw that the three good horses were so psychic, so she felt relieved, ignored the fire-bathed Qilin beast, and drove directly to the outside of the city.

The Yuhuo Qilin followed closely behind. Seeing this, Chen Dao got on his horse and chased after him.

The people on the road gave way one after another, for fear of being hit, Zhang Lan also experienced the pleasure of abusing her power.

Except outside the city, Yuhuo Qilin beast quickly passed Wujin Treading Snow, and tilted its head slightly, as if provocative again, "Look, I run faster than it, you should ride me"

Zhang Lan couldn't laugh or cry, since this BMW is like a child.

Wujin Treading Snow was like a prudent general, he ignored the fire-bathed unicorn, but moved forward at an even speed, following Zhang Lan's command.

After running for a while, Zhang Lan made Wujin Tread the Snow to stop, and the Yuhuo Qilin also stopped, especially Chen Dao.

He got off the horse, and then waved his hand again. The boundless war horses appeared in front of their eyes, roaring non-stop, but when they saw the three thousand-mile horses in front of them, they immediately fainted.

A herd of horses is like an army. A refined team has its own arrogance and respects the strong, while a Chollima is like the heroic generals of the army. No matter how refined the army is, it must obey the command of their generals.

When Chen Dao saw the 3000 horses, his eyes immediately froze. He was not so shocked even when he saw the three thousand-mile horses.

Zhang Lan patted Chen Dao on the shoulder, then got on the horse, Chen Dao reacted, and got on the horse with the shock in his heart. The three thousand-mile horses took the lead, and the whole group of horses ran after them, and the deafening sound spread to Baili .

The soldiers guarding the city in the distance thought it was an enemy attack, and hurriedly closed the city gate and waited in full force.

When Zhang Lan came to the city gate, rows of archers were facing her, but fortunately they stopped in time, otherwise they would have died so dramatically.

When Zhang Lan stopped, the guard at the top of the city was about to speak, but found that since there was no one in the entire group of horses except the two in front, he was shocked. The person above is the prime minister of the big man, his boss, Zhang Lan and Zhang Deliang!

The guard hurriedly ordered his men to open the city gate, and the city gate opened slowly.

Zhang Lan was also helpless, he only thought that the horses ran away with the leading horse, but he didn't expect to scare the city defense.

He turned his head to Chen Dao and said, "Shu Zhi, you need to find someone to fix these horses."

Chen Dao clapped his hands and said yes, he was about to enter the city on the spirit tiger and jade dragon horse, but one-third of the horses behind him had to follow since they saw the situation and moved.

Zhang Lan was shocked, and hurriedly called Chen Dao to stop, if these 1000 horses were allowed to enter the city, what kind of chaos would it be?

When Chen Dao heard Zhang Lan's cry, he hurriedly stopped the horse's hooves, and when he looked back, he was also taken aback.

In desperation, Zhang Lan could only order the soldiers guarding the city to call for help.

Originally, 3000 guerrillas rushed over, and they were very excited to see these war horses. They knew the importance of good war horses, and mobility was more important than anything else in guerrilla warfare.

With the help of 3000 people, the preferences of one person and one horse have been controlled a lot, and they are all produced by the system, so there will definitely be no troubles.

The 3000 war horses were sent to the stud farm, but a problem was discovered.

That is, the number of war horses suddenly increased a bit. After putting these horses into the stud farm, the whole stud farm seemed a bit crowded.

Zhang Lan hammered the hammer with a headache, and then ordered people to work overtime to expand the scale of the horse farm.

These 3000 war horses cannot be lost. Zhang Lan also counts on them to form a series of chain horses. If the two cavalry teams, which are quiet and moving, cooperate, then the plain battle will be invincible.

However, it is difficult for Zhang Lan to form such an army of chain chain horses. The required armor is a big problem. Ordinary heavy armor will not work at all, and chain chain horses are not really used. The iron chain links them together to charge, but gathers the horses together, and uses the defensive power of the heavy armor to hit the enemy.

However, Zhang Lan is not thinking about this now, but to solve the immediate problem. The extra war horses out of thin air, even the soldiers with corresponding fodder and equipment, need to be solved as soon as possible. Otherwise, these horses will not only not help, but Yes will become a drag.

Seeing that Zhang Lan brought back so many war horses once out of the city, some curious people couldn't help it, such as Kong Rong.

After receiving the news, Kong Rong hurried to find Zhang Lan and raised the question in his heart.

"May I ask the prime minister where did so many war horses come from?"

Zhang Lan had already figured out how to deal with it, and had already told Chen Dao not to slip up, "Oh, my uncle and I were out hunting in the city, and we saw a group of horse dealers passing by. stopped by, talked to and bought it."

Although this answer was full of loopholes, Zhang Lan believed that Kong Rong was a smart person and would not ask the bottom line. Just as he thought, Kong Rong just looked at Zhang Lan suspiciously, and said nothing more.

After Chen Dao and Zhang Lan parted, they first went to the new barracks to select a group of riders who were good at riding. There were 893 people in total, which was far from enough, so they went to Zhang Lan again and told him about it.

After Zhang Lan learned about it, he ordered Chen Dao to replace half of the original guerrilla horses with the 3000 horses, and then slowly select them from other camps.

When Zhang Lan was still worrying about the 3000 horses, news came from Yanzhou that Bao Xin had brought reinforcements from Chenliu to Jiyin. Zang Ba didn't dare to confront him and withdrew from Puyang.

At the discount, Zhang Lan has several big heads.

Now he feels the most troublesome thing about rewarding the prefect. It really has become a false name. Su Yi is now the prefect of Beihai, but he still has to use him to support Yanzhou. A letter passed, asking Huang Zhong to continue to lead the Qingzhou Army to train well , Let Su Yi go to Yanzhou to support Zang Ba with an army of 10 and [-] thunderbolt cars.

Su Yishen's promotion of Zhang Lan did not have any doubts about Zhang Lan's order, as decisively as Huang Zhong resigned and led an army of [-] to leave Yanzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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