Chapter 147
The seventh year of Jian'an, 202 AD

Wei Wang Liu Bei led [-] elite troops to attack Jinyang, Taiyuan. Li Jue was defeated and fled to Xinxing Guo Si, where he joined forces to resist Liu Bei.

Ma Teng in Pingyang died of illness, and his son Ma Chao led the troops to Xindu to join Xu and Cheng's coalition forces. Cheng Yu feared that Ma Chao would be deceitful and would keep him out, but Guo Jia said that Ma Chao would have no other intentions to join forces. The number increased greatly, and the troops were divided into two groups to take this opportunity to attack Julu and Guangzong.

Yuan Shao took the opportunity to attack Xindu and besieged Cheng Yu.

Far water can't quench the near thirst, Zhang Lanyuan is in Xuzhou, although the nearest territory is Yanzhou, but there are not enough troops to break through the defense line to support.

Simply turn a blind eye to it and concentrate on strengthening your own power.

Eighth year of Jian'an, 203 AD

Liu Biao of Jingzhou and Yuan Shu, the emperor of Dacheng, fought against Runan, each winning or losing. They retreated to Nanyang due to lack of food and grass, but were stopped by Yuan Shu and fought again.

The letter was destroyed, Cheng Yu was captured by Yuan Shao, Xu Shu's army ignored it, and went in the opposite direction, breaking Handan and Guangping, and the army continued to go south, intending to attack Wei County, leaving Guo Jia and Guangzong to stop Yuan Shao's footsteps.

Although Guo Jia had a great strategy, he had no choice but to deal with the gap in military strength. After repelling Yuan Shao's army for a while, he also withdrew from Guangzong and headed to Handan.

This kind of strategy of sacrificing one's life and forgetting to die can be seen by a discerning person at a glance. This is an intention to join Zhang Lan.

At the same time, Zhang Lan, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, assembled 10 horses and Yanzhou Dongjun to attack Chenliu.

"My lord, the governor of Qingzhou Huang came to report that the ore was found in Linzi, and the quality is extremely good."

Su Yi handed the letter to Zhang Lan. Zhang Lan glanced at it and said, "Order Huang Zhong to mine the ore with all his strength, and then find the best blacksmith to make armor and send it to Dongjun."


"Wait." Zhang Lan called Su Yi to stop, and then said, "I'd better write a letter of divorce myself, and let the blood wolf go."


Zhang Lan called Xuelang, handed him the written letter, and ordered him to go to Linzi as soon as possible to handle the matter.

After another half a year, Zhang Lan's chances for lucky draws accumulated to 6 times, but this time he didn't use them in a hurry, because Lao Wang told him that if he had accumulated 10 times and chose ten consecutive draws, he would get the best prize. The odds are higher.

Also, on the way, he also asked Huang Zhong to ask for the Baodiao Bow to observe, and it was indeed as he thought, this bow is a low-level artifact, slightly inferior to Ziyu, because Ziyu was in hand before, He didn't observe it carefully. Now that he doesn't have a weapon in his hand, he has observed these details. With this question, he will definitely find Lao Wang immediately. Lao Wang's explanation is very simple. They are all artifacts, including emperors like Liu Bei. The double-strand swords in their hands are also low-level artifacts, and they all have bonus effects, but they need to be stimulated through battles.

Closer to home

Zhang Lan stationed troops in Dongjun, so of course he didn't come here for fun, his purpose was Chen Liu.

Chen Liu can be said to be Zhang Lan's thorn in the flesh. Yuan Shao's forces north of the Yellow River are also Chen Liu. Who will cry.

So after not staying in Dongjun for long, Zhang Lan's army set off and headed towards Chen Liu.

Yan Liang, who stayed at Guandu, learned of the movement of Zhang Lan's army, and ordered the general to guard Guandu, and personally led [-] troops to Chenliu for support.

The war is about to start.

Zhang Lan's army stopped to the south of Wuchao. This time, he may have learned a lesson, and the food and grass were not placed in Wuchao.

Yan Liang personally led the army out of the city to face Zhang Lan.

The two armies squared off, Yan Liang did not change his old habits, so he made an opening remark first.

"Is the person here Zhang Lan Zhang Deliang?"

"Who are you?" Zhang Lan asked back
"I am General Yan Liang, Zhang Lan, how dare you fight me?"

Zhang Lan was still thinking about whether or not he should come to an event like Guan Erye's beheading Yan Liang and Wen Chou, but after thinking about it carefully, he decided to forget it. Not to mention that Guan Erye is a myth in the romance, he said that he has missed the reality now. , People have finished their opening remarks, that means they are ready, you need a start to drive forward, how can you run so fast as soon as you come up, although the start time is not long, it is enough to make Yan Liang relax Here, I will definitely suffer if I hold this state of underestimating the enemy, so I don't think much about it, and wink at Chen Dao directly, let Chen Dao play.

Chen Dao is the prototype of Zhao Yun. Even if he is not as powerful as Zhao Yun, he must be a first-class general. He should not be defeated against Yan Liang.

Chen Dao received Zhang Lan's signal, and rushed out without saying a word. He just charged forward. The speed of the horse was also extremely fast. Yan Liang wanted to make another opening statement before the fight, but in the blink of an eye, Chen Dao was in front of his eyes and on his lips. He swallowed the words, and quickly brandished a big knife to resist.

As soon as the experts make a move, they will know whether there is one. One is a veteran galloping on the battlefield, who thinks he is brave and unstoppable, and the other is a young man who thinks he is extraordinary. The wrong horses crossed each other, and the fight between the two was a joy.

Chen Dao used a spear, and followed up with another throwing everything. Yan Liang didn't show weakness. It's very thrilling, and if you make a little mistake, you will die on the spot. It's all a life-for-life style of play.

Fortunately, neither of them had the determination to fight to the death, and in the end they both withdrew their moves and turned to defense.

Yan Liang used the saber to open and close, mainly for offense, but Chen Dao also happened to be mainly for defense, and he didn't have many desperate moves like before.

The two fought for a hundred rounds, and since there was no winner, Zhang Lan couldn't hold back her temper, so she flattered and rushed forward. General Yan Liang went up to meet Zhang Lan without saying a word, and greeted him with a loud shout.

Seeing this, Zhang Lan was even happier, and swiped her knife at the general. Although the general was not weak, he couldn't be Zhang Lan's opponent. After resisting Zhang Lan's knife, his mouth was really numb. He could hardly cover the weapon in his hand.

Zhang Lan was not polite, and made up with another knife. The general was in another position. He could no longer hold the weapon in his hand, and was knocked out. He also spat out a mouthful of blood. He was about to go back after pulling his horse. , but at this time Zhang Lan's mount is Wujin Treading Snow, and the speed is a first-class BMW. How could it be possible for him to run away?

The war horse of the general didn't run a few steps before being caught up by Zhang Lan, and a knife landed on his head. His head fell, and an unstoppable fountain of blood gushed out from his neck. The scene was truly bloody.

Seeing that his general was easily beheaded by Zhang Lan with three moves and two moves, Yan Liang couldn't help being shocked, and was about to retreat with a bluff.

But his opponent is Chen Dao, but he is not weaker than him, so there is no way for him to escape.

After catching up with another shot, Yan Liang defended passively.

Looking at Zhang Lan again, after beheading that general, no matter who came up to save Yan Liang, he went straight to Yan Liang and killed them.

(End of this chapter)

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