Chapter 169
Although Yuan Shu proclaimed himself emperor in Shouchun and established the Dacheng Kingdom, only a few of his confidants had a sense of belonging under his command, and the others didn't have the slightest sense of substitution.

But now, he has done such an outrageous thing, the soldiers under his command have already harbored grievances, and some of them have already started plotting rebellion.

The last time Zhang Lan sent the captain who surrendered to attack the city, there was no movement, and he was stationed outside the city without any news.

Yuan Shu was also happy, and did not confront Zhang Lan.

However, things were not as optimistic as Yuan Shu imagined, because soon there were all kinds of unfavorable remarks in the city.

A few days later, Zhang Lan received news from the city that several of Yuan Shu's generals wanted to surrender, and wanted to use Zhang Lan's open fire as a name, so they rushed in at night and captured Yuan Shu in one fell swoop.

Zhang Lan immediately discussed with everyone to see how likely these people were to surrender.

"Yuan Shusui is cruel and incompetent, but he is also a prince, and he is afraid that there will be fraud in it."

It was Zhang Liao who spoke, and he knew Yuan Shu's evil deeds naturally, but he had doubts in his heart. If he really surrendered, wouldn't it be better to cut Yuan Shu's head and surrender?
Guo Jia shook his head slightly, as if he had guessed what Zhang Liao was thinking, and said, "These people are not Yuan Shu's confidantes, so they can't get close to him. A few days ago, Yuan Shu ordered to shoot the soldiers who were too late to escape. This made the people feel resentful and refused to contribute, and they ordered to shoot before the soldiers challenged the city gate. The people deliberately showed weakness when the arrows fell into the air, and they were angry to kill them. I am afraid that the hearts of the soldiers have already been chilled. This surrender will not be false."

Zhang Lan still agrees with Guo Jia's point of view. Guo Jia has always been like a roundworm in his stomach. He can say whatever he thinks about Guo Jia. It's no wonder that Cao Cao loved him so much and cried bitterly when he died of illness. Weeping and wailing endlessly, and when Chibi was defeated, he said that if Guo Jia was here, why would he be so defeated.

The envoys sent by Yuan Shu's department were arranged to wait outside the account after being received by Zhang Lan. After discussion, Zhang Lan invited them in again.

"I already know the intentions of the generals. You go back quickly and tell the generals that when the time comes, I will send troops to meet you in the name of an open fire."

"Thank you Prime Minister"

The emissary cautiously sneaked back into the city, and told several people about Zhang Lan's reply. They were overjoyed, and then began to discuss the details.

Another day passed, and the city was as quiet as ever. Not long after, a group of people trotted towards the city gate in a hurry.

Then I saw the flames flickering above the city gate, Zhang Lan learned that he immediately ordered a silence to go.

Zhang Lan's army went outside the city, the city gate slowly opened, and a young general walked out with his head poking around, it was the person who came to surrender last night.

"Prime Minister, all the generals in the city are guarded by us. Only Yuan Shu's residence is protected by his confidants and cannot be penetrated. At this time, we only need to wait for the arrival of the Prime Minister's army."

Zhang Lan nodded and said, "If you take Yuan Shu's head, it will be your first achievement."

The man thanked him with great joy, and saw Zhang Lan waved his hand, and the whole army began to pour into the city.

Entering the city, Zhang Lan was shocked when he saw a large number of people gathered here, and immediately stopped in his tracks. The young general saw it and knew that Zhang Lan was suspicious and did not dare to go forward, so he explained, "These are all They are our men, waiting here for the prime minister to enter the inner city together, please rest assured the prime minister."

Although Zhang Lan had doubts, she didn't want to waste this opportunity, so she ordered Pang De to lead a team first, and left Zhang Liao to guard the city gate, leading the Chinese army to slow down.

Pang De took the lead and rushed towards Yuan Shu's residence with his surrendered troops. Yuan Shu's guard saw the brigade coming, and shouted sharply, "Who is coming, stop quickly!"

Pang De didn't listen, and charged forward with a loud shout.

Seeing this, the man turned pale with fright, and hurriedly yelled for enemy attack. Yuan Shu was also awakened by the killing shout outside, and hurriedly dressed and got up.

Yuan Shu's group of confidants and soldiers were indeed elite, since Pang De couldn't break through for a while.

Not long after, Zhang Lan had already rushed over. Seeing this scene, she felt at ease, and immediately joined the battle group.

Yuan Shu saw that the bandit soldiers were coming, and there were a lot of them, so he didn't care about other things, so he jumped on his horse and fled.

But at this time, the soldiers were in chaos, and the enemies around him couldn't escape lightly. He only heard a loud shout, "Yuan Shu is over there!"

He was so scared that he hurriedly ran towards the south gate.

Pang De led his men and horses to chase all the way, and he was about to catch up.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers who had been protecting Yuan Shu all the way turned around and fought back to buy time for Yuan Shu. Pang De was furious, he swung a knife and killed one person, and ordered his generals to chase him, and solve the troubles himself.

The general led the order and went until he caught up with Yuan Shu. When the distance between the two was only more than ten meters, there was a burst of shouting "Stop hurting my lord" not far away.

The general looked intently, and it turned out that Ji Ling had arrived.

Ji Ling was also awakened by the sound of killing shouts. Seeing that the city was on fire, he immediately gathered his troops to disperse the enemy army in front of him, and rushed to Yuan Shu's residence in a hurry. After the door was gone, he hurried towards the south gate and saw the current scene.

When the general saw Ji Ling coming, he was very anxious. The great contribution in front of him was in front of him, how could he let it go so easily, so he beat the horse vigorously, urging him to move forward.

The war horse was in pain, and quickly approached Yuan Shu.


The sound of an arrow piercing through the air reached his ears, and a sharp arrow glided past his back against his armor, making him break out in a cold sweat. In a hurry, Yuan Shu pulled him away again. distance.

The general had no choice but to lead his troops towards Ji Ling.

Although Ji Ling is not a peerless general like Guan Yu, Zhao Yun, etc., he is not comparable to ordinary soldiers. That general fought Ji Ling for more than ten rounds before he was cut off by Ji Ling's three-pointed two-edged sword. .

After beheading the general, Ji Ling chased after Yuan Shu.

The soldiers who had fled back told Pound about this, and Pound immediately rode forward and chased towards the south gate.

The battle in the inner city was still going on, Zhang Lan took the lead and killed all the way, and happened to meet Yuan Shu's confidant general Zhang Xun.

Zhang Xun didn't dare to fight, and wanted to turn around and run away, but he didn't want Zhang Lan to hurry up. In the blink of an eye, he ran to the front and was captured alive by Zhang Lan.

Zhang Xun, who was captured, was heartbroken and wailed endlessly. Zhang Lan slapped him with a slap, and Zhang Xun shut up.

Then Zhang Lan asked Yuan Shu's whereabouts again, but Zhang Xun didn't know, Zhang Lan thought he didn't say anything on purpose, and beheaded him in a fit of anger.

(End of this chapter)

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