Chapter 170 Entering Xuchang
The battle was over soon. After the war, Zhang Lan rectified his troops. Only then did he find out that nearly half of the soldiers who participated in the rebellion were surprised.

Not long after, Pang De led his troops back to the city. When he saw Zhang Lan, he immediately got off his horse and knelt down on the ground, saying to Zhang Lan, "The last general is incompetent and failed to capture Yuan Shu. I hope the Lord will punish him."

Zhang Lan quickly lifted up Pang De who was kneeling on the ground, and comforted him with kind words, "Why is this happening? Everyone has made achievements this time, so why blame it? Please hurry up, please hurry up!"

Pang De got up after hearing this.

At this moment, the sky was getting brighter, so Zhang Lan made some arrangements and took a rest.

Yuan Shu fled all the way back to Xuchang, feeling very angry in his heart, so he wanted to gather troops to attack Zhang Lan, but was persuaded by everyone, "Zhang Lan is strong and strong, so it is inconvenient to be an enemy. He has a rift with Cao Cao in the past. Cao Cao was originally a general of Zhang Lan, but now he is To monopolize the banner, it is better for me to take the defense as the offense, and then unite with Cao Cao to defeat Zhang Lan."

Yuan Shu agreed after thinking for a while, but he still started to gather people, and people from all walks of life gathered towards Xuchang.

Originally, Zhang Lan didn't plan to take Yuan Shu down in one go, but now he saw his fatuous and innocent side, and his heart became wary again. After settling down in Rongyang, he went to kill Changshe again.

The guard of the Changshe was renamed Huangfu and named Cong. He was the second son of Huangfu Song. He originally took refuge in Yingchuan, and later took refuge with Yuan Shu, who was appointed by Yuan Shu to guard the Changshe.

But when Yuan Shu proclaimed himself emperor in Shouchun, he was dissatisfied, but he was powerless to do so, so he did not leave.

At this time, Zhang Lan's army came, and he directly surrendered to Zhang Lan without any hesitation.

Zhang Lan's army entered the Changshe, and Huangfu Cong said to him, "Lei Bo and Chen Lan were former generals of Yuan Shu's troops. They left because they were dissatisfied with his proclaiming the emperor. They summoned their troops and turned them into bandits in Songshan. I would like to come before the recruitment and serve as a prime minister."

Zhang Lan was overjoyed, and made Huangfu Cong the general of the bandits, and ordered him to go to Songshan immediately to recruit Lei Bo and Chen Lan.

Huangfu Cong left happily.

When they came to Mount Song, Huangfu Cong settled down and went to the camp alone. He met Lei Bo and Chen Lan. The two became friends with Huangfu Cong on weekdays. Join, fall into the bandits.

Huangfu Cong led the troops to come, how could Lei Bo and Chen Lan not know, but they missed their old friendship and refused to fight, so they persuaded him to join the gang with benefits.

Seeing the two of them like this made it hard for Huangfu Cong to open his mouth. The three of them sat cross-legged on the table, after drinking for three rounds and eating five flavors, Huangfu Cong finally said, "To tell you the truth, this time I was ordered by Prime Minister Feng Come to persuade the two elder brothers to surrender, the two elder brothers are excellent in martial arts, if they take refuge in the prime minister, they will surely enjoy endless glory, wealth and honor, why should they submit to the eternal infamy left here?"

Chen Lan glanced sideways, and exchanged looks with Lei Bo in secret, and then Lei Bo said, "Well, I will appreciate the kindness of the prime minister, but we are used to wandering around and don't want to go to work for others. Join us, we will welcome you, if you persuade the two of us, please come back."

Huangfu Cong was anxious, and suddenly, he asked, "How do you two elder brothers view the affairs of this world?"

Lei Bo and Chen Lan met each other again, and said, "Nowadays, the world is in chaos, and the world of Han Dynasty will be divided among the princes, but there is nothing for us to wait for."

Huangfu Cong shook his head, and said with a wry smile, "Brother, do you know about the Yellow Turban Rebellion?"

"How could you not know?" Lei Bo said disdainfully, as if to say 'you underestimate me too'

"The remnants of the Yellow Turban have been rampant in the world for a long time now, and the results are nothing more than two." Huangfu Cong ignored Lei Bo's reaction, but said to himself, "The first thing is to be surrounded by princes from all walks of life, and there is no way to die. Second, the only way to become an officer and soldier is to take refuge in one side."

"So what?" Chen Lan said
"The yellow turban bandit is a bandit, and the second brother is also a bandit. What's the difference? If you don't die, you can only be saved if you take refuge in one side. Now, Prime Minister Zhang is famous all over the world, and he cares about the people. Who can I rely on?"

The two were shocked when they heard the words, and secretly calculated.

All of a sudden, the banquet became silent.

Huangfu Cong was not in a hurry to speak, but let the two of them digest what they just said.

He picked up the wine glass and drank by himself, without looking at Lei Bo and Chen Lan.

After a while, Chen Lan finally couldn't help looking at Lei Bo, but Lei Bo's expression was still changing.

Chen Lan called softly, "Brother?"

Lei Bo was still thinking to himself.

"Brother?" Another voice.

Only then did Lei Bo react.

"What's the matter?"

"What Huangfu Cong said is reasonable, why don't we surrender?"

Lei Bo was silent again.

After a while, he asked Huangfu Cong, "If we surrender, who will Zhang Lan arrange for us?"

Huangfu Cong chuckled, and said, "The talents of the two elder brothers are ten times better than mine, but now I am appointed by the prime minister as a general who is a bandit, how do the two elder brothers feel?"

The two were surprised at the same time, and looked at each other again, and both saw the fire of excitement in each other's eyes.

"Okay" Lei Bobai raised the case, and his subordinates were so frightened that they rushed in with knives in hand.

Lei Bo frowned, and said dissatisfiedly, "Whoever let you in, let me out."

After hearing the words, everyone went out again.

"Brother, you can go back and tell Prime Minister Zhang that I am willing to surrender, but I still need to give the two of us some time to make arrangements. After all, these brothers follow the two of us, and some of them are unwilling to leave. It is not easy to take them by force." Walk"

"Okay, then I will leave first and wait for the good news of the two elder brothers at the Changshe"

After finishing speaking, he stood up and clasped his fists at Lei Bo and Chen Lan.

Lei Bo and Chen Lan also clasped their fists in return.

The two sent Huangfu Cong outside the gate of the village, watched Huangfu Cong get on his horse and gallop away.

Then he gave an order and ordered all the leaders in the village to go to the lobby for a meeting.

Huangfu Cong returned to the camp and immediately ordered to return to Changsha.

A few days later, he returned to Changshe City, met Zhang Lan, and told him about the situation.

Zhang Lan was overjoyed after hearing this, and ordered him to guard the Changshe, waiting to receive Lei Bo and Chen Lan, and then he led the army towards Xuchang.

During the period, they sent people to Chenliu and asked Su Yi to lead the troops to support. After Su Yi received the news, he immediately assembled the troops and rushed towards Xuchang.

Zhang Lan came to the outside of Xuchang City, set up camp far away, and settled down.

In the city, Yuan Shu didn't care, and he didn't go out to meet the enemy, but planned to defend the city. At this time, he had sent envoys to Xiangyang, intending to join forces with Cao Cao to deal with Zhang Lan, but he has not received a response yet.

In his heart, Cao Cao would definitely not let go of this opportunity to use the power of both sides to attack Zhang Lan.

(End of this chapter)

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