Chapter 205 The Harem
After all this fuss, none of our own forces could sit still, especially Cao Cao.

Seeing Zhang Lan's great influence, Cao Cao immediately sent someone to ask Xiahou Dun and Feng Xian to stop fighting with Xiang Feng.

Then he sent envoys to meet Liu Bei.

The meaning is very clear. You have seen Zhang Lan’s popularity. You started your business by relying on your fame. Now Zhang Lan’s reputation is terrifying. You should be most worried. See if we can make peace first and get Zhang Lan settled. Besides?
Liu Bei is also very talkative, without any bargaining behavior, he readily agreed.

Then he began to mobilize the army secretly, and put all his troops in several cities adjacent to Zhang Lan.

Cao Cao also placed his troops in Xianyang, Nanyang and Runan, and there were signs of trouble at any time.

However, Zhou Yu and Sun Quan didn't change much. After all, the relationship between the two is very tense now, which cannot be affected by some rumors.

Sun Quan wanted to win over Sun Jian's old troops, and Zhou Yu was also on guard everywhere, seeing that the alliance between the two armies was about to collapse.

Zhang Lan's territory is indeed a bit uncomfortable.

All the sites are connected, almost becoming a line, from Qingzhou to Xuzhou, Yanzhou, and then to Yuzhou, Jingzhou, and Yongzhou.

Every place needs to be guarded by troops, and every site is bordered by the enemy.

So this made Zhang Lan feel that there was a serious shortage of manpower.

Although he already has a lot of generals under him, he still feels that they are not enough, so that even Luoyang City does not have a top general. Oh, of course, Dian Wei and Xu Chu are not counted, because they are equivalent to the role of bodyguards. Still not very good at leading troops to fight.

Zhang Lan is naturally aware of the changes in Cao Cao and Liu Bei's troops, but there is nothing he can do about it.

People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. Fame has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is to win the hearts of the people, and the bad thing is to be envied by others.

Now what Wanmin wants, as long as Zhang Lan can stand up to the attacks of all parties, then give him a certain amount of time, and he will rise completely.

Because of the support of the people, both the morale of the army and the strength of recruitment will be greatly improved.

After all, human beings still yearn for justice in their hearts.

"Your Majesty, General Ma Jun, Master Craftsman, seeks an audience."

"Oh? Ma Jun, let him in."



"See Your Majesty"

Zhang Lan smiled slightly and asked, "Deheng, what are you looking for? Could it be that an armored vehicle has been developed?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the armored vehicle has not been developed, but a solution to the load-bearing problem has been thought of."

"Oh? Let's hear it"

Ma Jun straightened his figure, and said, "Your Majesty, the main reason why the armored vehicle is not yet completed is the load-bearing problem. I removed the original seat, appearance and other accessories of the steam vehicle, and then added armor, and then put it on the ground." A part of the steam engine is separated from the cab so that the cab will not be affected by the temperature. This is a preliminary idea and has not yet been implemented. Please let your Majesty express it.”

"Very good." Zhang Lan nodded slightly, looked at Ma Jun admiringly and said, "Let's do this, put this idea into action as soon as possible, and complete the armored vehicle."

"Ministry of obedience"

"Is there anything else?"

"No more, Your Majesty"

"Well, then, let's go"


After Zhang Lan heard Ma Jun's report, she was very happy. The only regret was that there was no gunpowder.

If there is gunpowder, then tanks can be made, and there is no need to consider the problem of gravity. The original weapons, spikes and other things can be removed, and it can be done with a direct bombardment.

It's a pity, but it's just a thought. If gunpowder is so easy to develop, it won't be like this.

Needless to say, at the beginning, Zhang Lan relied on the loyalty function of the optimization system to optimize all the people in one go, and then just develop gunpowder with peace of mind. Just use one as a thousand, every soldier is extremely brave The titan is now, and Lu Bu can't withstand the power of a single shot.

After Ma Jun left, Zhang Lan was in a good mood, put down her work and came to the harem.

The current harem is relatively empty, only Dong Yu, Diao Chan, Chen Xi, Zhang Si, Zhang Nian and Sun Shangxiang.

Sun Shangxiang was married to Zhang Lan, but not long after they got married, Zhang Lan went to war with Sun Quan again.

So Sun Shangxiang was also thrown into the 'cold palace', and he never had a good time with Zhang Lan.

Because there are few people, these people tend to be together.

When Zhang Lan came to the harem, Chen Xi was the first to discover Zhang Lan, and hurried over to "Father Emperor"

Zhang Lan fondled Chen Xi's little head.

"Is Chen Xi good? Did you listen to your mother's words?"

Little Chenxi pursed her lips, and said dissatisfiedly, "Father, I'm already this old, and you still treat me like a child"

Zhang Lan laughed and said, "Haha, yes, I can get married in two years, it's really not young."

Xiao Chenxi's face flushed immediately, and then she glanced at Zhang Lan and said, "Father will make fun of me, hum, ignore you."

After speaking, he ran away and came to Sun Shangxiang's side to chat.

Seeing her daughter like this, Zhang Lan chuckled and shook her head.

Everyone has different expressions because of their different mentalities.

Dong Yu and Diao Chan saluted Zhang Lan.

Zhang Si and Zhang Nian also learned in style.

But Sun Shangxiang ignored Zhang Lan.

On the day of their wedding, Zhang Lan did not consummate the marriage with him, which made her very sad, although Zhang Lan and her had been together afterwards, because Sun Shangxiang was too young, consummating the marriage too early would be bad for his health, so we will wait a few years to talk about it.

Who knew that Sun Shangxiang didn't appreciate it, thinking that Zhang Lan and her marriage were just a marriage relationship.

Although there is indeed a little bit of willingness in this regard.

It didn't take long for Zhang Lan to fight with Sun Quan again, and the relationship between the two became more complicated.

On the contrary, Chen Xi and Sun Shangxiang chatted better, because although the two were not of the same generation in name, the difference in age was not much.

Especially in the recent period, Chen Xi was directly led by Sun Shangxiang, since she formed a female barracks with Sun Shangxiang.

Zhang Lan also knows a little about this, because she has the memory of the 21st century and knows that Sun Shangxiang has such a personality, so she doesn't care.

Moreover, Zhang Lan loved Chen Xi very much. After hearing the news, she only mentioned it. Seeing that Chen Xi was very serious and very happy, she did not stop her.

Because of this, Dong Yu had a good meal and complained to Zhang Lan.

"How's their homework these past few days?"

Zhang Lan also ignored Sun Shangxiang, but asked Dong Yu.

Dong Yu knew that Zhang Lan was asking about the study status of Chen Xi, Zhang Si, and Zhang Nian, so he glanced at Chen Xi and said, "Si'er, Nian'er is doing well, although he is a bit naughty, but they have all made great progress. Just Dawn"

(End of this chapter)

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