Optimization System of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 206 A Qualified General Relies on Wisdom

Chapter 206 A Qualified General Requires Wisdom
"Si'er, Nian'er is alright. Although they are a bit naughty, they have made a lot of progress. It's just Chen Xi"


Zhang Lan raised her eyebrows and asked, "What happened to Chen Xi?"

"Your Majesty, Chen Xi has been too close to Concubine Shu during this time, and she has been thinking about training the female barracks all day long, so she is very careless about her homework."

Hearing what Dong Yu said, Zhang Lan also felt helpless.

There is some truth in the saying that you can make friends with any kind of people, but Zhang Lan disagrees.

The environment has a great influence on a person. Since ancient times, there has been a story of Meng's mother moving three times.

When Mencius was a child, he lived very close to the cemetery. Mencius learned some things such as offering sacrifices and playing funeral games.His mother said: "This place is not suitable for children to live in." So they moved the family to the market, and Mencius learned some things about doing business and slaughtering.The mother thought again: "This place is still not suitable for children to live in." She moved her family to the side of the school palace.Mencius learned the etiquette of bowing and saluting and advancing and retreating in the court.Mother Meng said: "This is where the child lives." She settled down here.When Mencius grew up, he learned the six arts and gained the reputation of a great Confucian. The gentleman thought that this was the result of Meng's mother's gradual education.

Therefore, it is very important to be with what kind of people, and learn what kind of things with what kind of people.

Sun Shangxiang is a master who is not afraid of anything, and Zhang Lan doesn't want her daughter to become a woman.

Zhang Lan waved to Chenxi, signaling her to come over.

Chen Xi saw it, and walked over obediently.

Sun Shangxiang also pricked up his ears to listen.


"Chen Xi, how is the establishment of the female barracks going?"

When it came to the women's barracks, Chen Xi regained her spirits.

He said cheerfully, "Female barracks, very good. Concubine Shu and I have already adjusted candidates and started training."

Sun Shangxiang unconsciously raised her head, as if to demonstrate to Zhang Lan, as if to say, "Look, let you say that I am young, I can train women to come to the women's barracks"

Zhang Lan turned a blind eye to this, and continued to say to Chen Xi with a smile, "Then do you want to be the No.1 female general of the Republic?"

Chen Xi was overjoyed when she heard the words, and asked excitedly, "Father, is it true? Can I really be a female general?"

Dong Yu on the side hurried forward, "Your Majesty"

Zhang Lan raised her hand and stopped Dong Yu, "That's natural, but your current level is not enough. Come on, go to the study with Father, and Father will teach you a lesson."

"Well, father is the best"

After speaking, he hugged Zhang Lan's arm.

Seeing this, Dong Yu wanted to speak again, but Zhang Lan stopped her again.
"Chenxi, you go to the study and wait for the father, the father wants to say a few words to your mother"

"Well, then I'll wait for my father in the study"

"Well, let's go." Zhang Lan touched Chen Xi's small head with a smile.

After seeing Chen Xi leave, Dong Yu said, "Your Majesty, Chen Xi is a girl, how can she be a general, isn't it?"

Zhang Lan still said with a smile, "It's a good thing for children to have their own ideas. We can't keep suppressing them. Just rest assured. Don't you trust me?"

Dong Yu had some words to say, but finally chose Zhang Lan.

Diao Chan also came over and said, "Sister, can you still believe me? Don't worry."

After listening to Diao Chan's words, Dong Yu nodded, but there was still some worry in his eyes.

Seeing Dong Yu like this, Zhang Lan didn't explain, but shook her head slightly.

Poor parents all over the world, there is no parent who doesn't love their children, it's just to different degrees.

Zhang Lan is naturally unavoidable, and she loves Chen Xi very much.

He is not a person of this era, so naturally he does not have the idea that men are superior to women, and he does not have a preference for men over women. On the contrary, he favors women over men.

Zhang Lan winked at Dong Yu, motioning to reassure her, then turned and walked towards the study.

After coming to the study, Zhang Lan stepped to the chair and sat down, saying "sit"

Chen Xi nodded and sat down.

"Chen Xi, do you know what is the most important thing about being a general?"

Chen Xi thought for a while and said, "Well, it's power, just like the father, who immediately opened up the territory with a sword."

Zhang Lan shook her head and said "No"

Hearing her father's rebuttal, Chen Xi frowned beautifully, pouted her small mouth, thought again and said, "That's command ability, it can wield tens of thousands of people like an arm, and use it freely"

Zhang Lan shook her head again, "It's still wrong."

Chen Xi felt hit, and said dejectedly, "What is that?"

Zhang Lan pointed to her head and said "wisdom"


"Well, wisdom, a qualified general must at least be able to read and write, because the message needs to be conveyed, and the content of the letter is sometimes too important to write clearly, let alone let too many people know the content inside, Prevent traitors from eavesdropping, or being intercepted halfway.

You must also understand the art of war. A battle cannot be won by one person's bravery. It requires the commander of the team to point out the right direction and make the right choice. A general who understands the art of war can use 5000 people to eliminate Get rid of an army that is several times larger than him and has no strategy.

Arranging troops and commanding battles all need to be based on knowing how to use mercenaries.

Just like your Uncle Guo Jia, who was originally a scholar with no power to restrain a chicken, but he is better than a million soldiers, and he can wipe out the strong masturbation in just talking and laughing."

After hearing this passage, Chen Xi was quite touched, and asked quickly, "So to be a qualified general, one only needs to learn the art of war well?"

Zhang Lan shook her head and returned to "The premise of learning the art of war is that you can understand it. How can a person without cultural background understand the mystery of the art of war? If you don't even know the words, how can you learn the art of war? Although this is a bit exaggerated, But the reason is the same. The so-called sharpening a knife does not cost woodcutters. If you use a blunt ax to chop trees, not to mention useless power, the speed is still slow. If you use time to sharpen it in advance and become sharp, then Not only is it easier to cut down trees, but the time spent on sharpening the knife is also made up for, and the same is true for learning the art of war.”

Chen Xi nodded, then made an expression of sudden understanding, and then said with a chuckle, "Father, is the queen suing me again?"

Zhang Lan gave a wry smile, then raised her brows and spread her eyes apart.

"Hmph, it must be, father, you must be trying to get me to read more books."

Zhang Lan chuckled, and raised her eyebrows again, "That's right."

Chen Xi stood up, snorted and said, "Hmph, I'm ignoring you."

After speaking, he made a face at Zhang Lan and was about to leave.

As soon as he walked to the door, he turned around and said, "Even though I know that your purpose is not pure, Father, this princess still decides to follow your advice."

After saying that, he turned and ran away.

(End of this chapter)

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