Chapter 225

In terms of fighting generals, Zhang Lan's side has never lost.

This time, Lu Bu thought that he was strong enough to fight against Zhang Lan, and the final outcome was naturally a defeat.

After fighting for a while, Dian Wei's state of bloody battle began to weaken. In desperation, Huang Zhong could only shoot cold arrows to attack Lu Bu.

Lu Bu was caught off guard and tried his best to dodge the cold arrow, but he was still shot in the arm, and Dian Wei's attack almost fell off his horse.

Lü Bu was defeated, and Guo Jia took the opportunity to order the whole army to charge.

Originally, Lu Bu was defeated and his morale was low. Naturally, he was defeated for a while, and retreated thirty miles, unable to hold out.

Guo Jia immediately dispatched an air force. Seeing this, Lu Bu had no choice but to abandon the camp and flee, returning to the north.

News of Lu Bu's defeat spread to Luoyang.

Zhang Lan himself ordered Guo Jia to take advantage of the victory to pursue and destroy Lu Bu in one go.

Guo Jia took the order and led the army to the north.

Jian'an 18th year, AD 213, winter

Heavy snow fell all over the sky, and the snow-white silver outfit wrapped the whole earth, making it look extraordinarily dazzling.

"See Your Majesty"

After the construction of Xuan Medical College during this period, it already has a shape.

Later, Zhang Lan asked Chen Xi, Zhang Si, and Zhang Nian to follow Hua Tuo to learn Wu Qin Xi to achieve the effect of strengthening their bodies.

Hua Tuo was still instructing the three of them to practice, but when he saw Zhang Lan coming, he hurried forward to salute and say hello.

"Free of ceremony" Zhang Lan smiled faintly, seeing that the three children were still playing Wuqinxi in a decent manner in this cold weather, and felt a burst of relief in her heart.

"Thank you Your Majesty"

"Mr. Hua worked hard"

Before the two could talk, Chen Xi, Zhang Si, and Zhang Nian also ran over.


"Well." Zhang Lan nodded, "How is it?"

Chen Xi naturally knew what her father was asking, she smiled sweetly and said, "Of course it's very good."

Speaking of this, she couldn't help but sneak a glance at Hua Tuo, seeing that Hua Tuo was only smiling slightly, she became confident.

"I'm going to be a female general, how can I not bear this bit of suffering?"

After finishing speaking, she puffed up her chest, she really had the dignity of a female general.

"Hehe, how about the two of you?"

Zhang Lan chuckled, then turned around and asked about Zhang Si and Zhang Nian.

"Father, my son will call you."

It was Zhang Si who was more cheerful, and started Wu Qin Xi directly on the spot.

After finishing one set, it looked a little bit better, Zhang Lan praised a few words, and said no more.

He turned around again, and said to Hua Tuo, "Mr. Hua has worked hard during this period, and the assessment is coming at the end of the year, right? How is the situation?"

Hua Tuo bowed slightly, and replied, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your concern. I don't work hard. This batch of students is pretty good. Judging from the current situation, they should graduate successfully by the end of next year."

"En." Zhang Lan nodded.

"Are there any deficiencies in the academy?"

"Return to Your Majesty, no more, all facilities are complete"

Zhang Lan nodded again.

"I want to spread this five-animal play to the whole army for practice, but I don't know what you want, sir?"

Hua Tuo was taken aback for a moment, Zhang Lan said such a sentence so suddenly that he couldn't react.

However, he originally hoped to pass on his bachelor's degree and let the whole army learn Wu Qinxi. This is naturally the best, so why would he object?

"Everything is according to His Majesty's will"

Zhang Lan nodded again, "Then I will trouble you sir, select ten people who are proficient in Wuqinxi from among the students and send them to the army to teach."


Following this decree, the defenders in Luoyang City began to study Wu Qin Xi.

But the beginning is not very harmonious.

These soldiers are all people who have been on the battlefield. When they heard that they were going to learn this set of boxing skills from a doctor, or even a doctor who had not yet been trained, they were naturally very repulsive in their hearts, and their voices of opposition were also loud.

It's just that Zhang Lan came to the barracks in person and practiced with him, which temporarily suppressed the voice of opposition.

After a period of practice, some people in the army began to feel that their bodies became much lighter.

After these people's words, more people discovered this, which made the whole army agree with this boxing method.

Zhang Lan also stopped practicing with her.

Since then, Wu Qin Xi has become one of the compulsory courses in the training of personal soldiers.

Of course, this is another story.

Now Zhang Lan returned to the study and entered the optimization space after giving the order.

Seeing Lao Wang, he didn't speak, but slumped onto the sofa.

"Hey, the sofa is still comfortable"

Old Wang ignored Zhang Lan, but also sat down.

"Hey, I said Old Wang, I've always been curious, you don't look like a system elf at all, you're more like a human with your own life, what's going on?"

Hearing this, Lao Wang trembled slightly, and then said with a smile, "Really? Why don't I think so?"

Zhang Lan glanced at Pharaoh, and after a moment of silence, she said, "It's not convenient to talk about it. If you want to talk about our relationship, if you want to talk about it, you will tell me if I don't ask. If you don't want to talk about it, it's no use asking."

Old Wang nodded, then shook his head again, "Anyway, it's the current stage, so it doesn't matter if I tell you at all."

Zhang Lan's eyes burst out instantly after hearing this, and she stared at Pharaoh firmly.

When Lao Wang saw Zhang Lan like this, he moved his body back, put his hands on his chest and said, "What are you doing, I'm not good at this, you can't beat me"

A white eye drifted past and landed directly on Lao Wang's body.

"I said, Lao Wang, don't do this kind of thing, say it quickly"

"All right"

Lao Wang sat up straight, organized his thoughts, and slowly said, "You have already felt some things, but I can't tell you, but I can tell you that most of your guesses are right. Your current authority It’s not enough, when you unify the whole country, the authority will be unlocked automatically, then you will understand without me telling you.”

Zhang Lan rolled her eyes again.

"What's the difference between what you said and what you didn't say?"

"Hey hey" Pharaoh smiled and stopped talking.

"Forget it, bring a bottle of 82-year-old Lafite, let's have a good drink."

This time it was Lao Wang's turn to roll his eyes. After he gave Zhang Lan a roll of his eyes, he stood up and said, "No, you can find it yourself. I have something to do, so I will withdraw first."

After speaking, the figure disappeared directly in front of Zhang Lan.

What Zhang Lan said just now was also a joke. Although there are some drinks in this optimization space, they are all ordinary varieties, and they are all illusory things. They can only be tasted, and have no practical significance. There is no reaction to the 51-degree liquor.

Seeing Lao Wang leaving, Zhang Lan did not leave in a hurry, but found a bottle of red wine, poured it out, lay down on the sofa and had a drink.

After a while, since I fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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