Chapter 226

Cao Cao pursued Meng Huo to Yunnan.

The siege of the city was not broken, and he was attacked by Meng Huo's reinforcements, King Mulu. In desperation, Cao Cao had to retreat ten miles before setting up camp.

The next day

King Mulu led his troops to fight again.

Cao Cao sent troops to resist, who would have expected that before the battle started, there was a strange sound coming from King Mulu's formation.

Now that the sky was getting dark, there was a messy sound in the distance.

Cao Cao hurriedly looked around when he heard the sound, and saw countless poisonous snakes and scorpions swarming towards him, and there were bursts of roaring sounds in front of him.

Looking again, the soldiers in the front row of King Mulu gave way, and many barbarians led tigers, leopards and wolves forward.

Before the war started, the Shu army lost morale first.

Seeing this, Cao Cao immediately pulled up his horse and fled, ordering to withdraw his troops.

But how could King Mulu let him escape.

With an order, countless barbarians charged up with screams.

Cao Cao suffered heavy injuries in the first battle, and retreated another [-] miles.

After the defeat, Cao Cao hesitated a lot, and asked about his strategy and his talents.

Xi Zhicai thought for a long time and said, "Whether wolves, tigers, leopards, or poisonous snakes and scorpions are afraid of fire, it is better for the lord to retreat for a while and return to Jianning to build more burning things, and the barbarians will be defeated."

Cao Cao accepted his words, led his troops back to Jianning, and made something to light the fire according to Xi Zhicai's idea.

"His Majesty"

"call my husband"

Zhang Lan looked at Dong Yu and pretended to be angry and said, "Don't call him Your Majesty when there is no one around, it sounds awkward."

Dong Yu smiled slightly, and said, "Husband, Sister Shangxiang has been with him for years, why doesn't he accept her?"

As soon as Zhang Lan heard it, her head grew bigger, and she hesitated and replied, "Well... she is still young, how can I do it at such a young age, wait a minute"

Dong Yu shook his head when he heard this, and said, "My husband hasn't seen Sister Shangxiang for some time, but now my sister is not young, and she has everything she should have."

Speaking of this, Dong Yu's face turned slightly red.

It's not her fault either, Zhang Lan didn't have a decent behavior in front of her, and she felt that she was being led astray by Zhang Lan without knowing it.

But Zhang Lan was a little taken aback after hearing this.

Also, during this period of time, I was busy with official duties and rarely came to the harem.

Even if they come, they will come directly to Dong Yu or Diao Chan, and they don't know how Sun Shangxiang is doing now.

Before, it was because I couldn’t get over it, and I always thought that Sun Shangxiang was a little lolita. Now that I think about it, I’m almost 20 years old, and I can be regarded as a big girl.

The key is that the ministers in the court are urging Zhang Lanna to give birth to his concubine every day.

However, Dong Yu and Diao Chan were not pregnant again.

So this gave Zhang Lan a headache.

Who made this era be like this, if they can come in litters like piglets, the ministers will be happy.

But Zhang Lan is also worried. Now that he is in his 40s and almost [-], can his body still work?
Facing Dong Yu's questioning, it was really difficult for him to answer.

However, Dong Yu seemed to have guessed his difficulties, and said, "Forgive me, my husband is in good health now, but it is not a problem. If it is a few years later, even if he wants to, he will be powerless."

If you let others hear it, you will definitely be accused.

But what Dong Yu said was the truth.

Dong Yu followed Zhang Lan from the beginning, so he didn't have too many scruples in normal times, and Zhang Lan hoped so.

He didn't want his woman to keep hiding from him, that would be too boring, and this is one of the reasons why Dong Yu has always been favored over Diao Chan.

Although Dong Yu was outspoken, she knew when to say what to say. As long as Zhang Lan showed an unhappy expression, she would immediately keep her mouth shut so as not to offend Zhang Lan.

Now that Dong Yu has mentioned this issue, he really needs to think about it.

No matter what Sun Shangxiang said, she was also married to herself. Although it was a nameless relationship, it was also a real relationship.

No matter if they divorced her or what, no one would dare to marry Sun Shangxiang again.

If she has been neglected all the time, it is indeed a little sorry for her.

What's more, Sun Shangxiang is indeed a beautiful woman, and she is heroic and has a special flavor.

This is not the first time Dong Yu persuaded Zhang Lan, but this time it was indeed the right time, and it happened to speak to Zhang Lan's heart.

"Okay, I'll listen to you this time"

Zhang Lan finally made a decision.

That night
Zhang Lan notified Sun Shangxiang of this matter in advance.

She who was fearless before, now that she has a little more panic.

After eating, she hid in the house, not daring to come out.

Until Zhang Lan's arrival.

Zhang Lan ordered the guards and maids to retreat, and walked into the house alone.

Seeing this, Sun Shangxiang became even more nervous, sitting on the bedside and grabbing the corner of her clothes.

"Your Majesty"


Zhang Lan nodded with a smile.

"Why, am I a tiger? Does that scare you?"

"No no, just."

Sun Shangxiang was in a difficult situation and didn't know what to say.

But she faltered for a while, and finally could only say "It's just that I'm not ready yet"

Zhang Lan was obviously taken aback when he heard this.

'Not ready? '

After so many years, since I said something, I am not ready.

"Didn't you look forward to this day?"

Zhang Lan shook her head with a smile, and said jokingly.

Hearing this, Sun Shangxiang's face flushed red, and then he said softly, "Bah, who was looking forward to it?"

Who would have thought that Zhang Lan would stride directly to Sun Shangxiang, hugged her, and whispered in her ear, "I have suffered so much for you these years."

Sun Shangxiang softened all of a sudden, and her eye sockets were slightly moist.

The atmosphere is very good, and everything is developing according to the plot as it should be.

It's just that at night, the guards and maids who had been serving Sun Shangxiang were waiting outside, all of them flushed and bowed their heads in silence.

The guards are better, but those maids suffer.

Apparently it was the first time they had encountered such a situation.

The next morning

Zhang Lan got up early, but Sun Shangxiang was still sleeping.

Maybe it was because I was too tired yesterday, and it was the first time, so I am still very tired and don't want to wake up.

It may also be afraid that it is a dream, and when I wake up, I will return to the original point.

It can be said that Zhang Lan is not old and strong, and her sword is not old. Although she is very brave, she still feels a little tired when she wakes up in the morning.

It's just that he needs to insist on morning exercises to ensure his physical condition.

After all, the world is not unified yet, so there is no time for him to waste.

Most things still need him to deal with.

Not to mention abdicating, his children are still young.

Anyway, it has to be bigger.

After getting up, Zhang Lan first covered Sun Shangxiang with a quilt, then tweeted lightly, ordered the maid to bring water, washed outside, played a set of Wu Qinxi, ordered someone to prepare some food, and left out of the harem.

(End of this chapter)

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