Chapter 229
The hot air balloon that had been flying at high altitude suddenly lowered, which made Lu Bu turn pale with fright.

However, after fighting for many years, he still made a quick decision.

He immediately ordered the shield soldiers to defend, and let the archers get ready.

But it's just a preparation, after all, the hot air balloon has not yet reached the range of the archer.

But the hot air balloon is from top to bottom, and its range is much higher than that of other archers.

So, Air Force 'Commander-in-Chief' Ma Dai ordered.


Bursts of arrows fell from the sky.

The arrows kept hitting Lu Bu's soldiers like rain.

Although the distance is too far and the accuracy is lacking, it is better than many people.

Just like a projectile, the aim is not the most important thing, the most important thing is the salvo.

Although it was the first time for these air forces to use the advantage of high altitude to injure the enemy, they also went through a long period of training. Although the accuracy was a bit poor, it was still very correct in a large area.

Facing the attack of arrows raining down, Lu Bu's army could only rely on the defense of the shield soldiers to resist.

It only took a while, except for most of the shield soldiers, the other soldiers were dead and running.

The city of Chang'an suddenly became chaotic.

Lu Bu originally wanted to use his martial arts to open the city gate and rush out, but when he thought that the generals on the opposite side were all fierce men, he lost his previous domineering aura.

The dignified Lu Bu can no longer say such kind words as "I have a red rabbit and a painted halberd, who can get close to me".

There was chaos in Chang'an City, and Guo Jia immediately ordered to attack from the west gate, south gate, and north gate, leaving the east gate alone and letting Lu Bu escape.

This is also to let Lu Bu's army still have hope, so as not to jump over the wall in a hurry and fight to the death with him.

Although the air force has played a very good role, its single-round lethality is far from enough.

What Lv Bu's army lost was only morale and a small number of men and horses, but the real foundation was not damaged. If it was really urgent, then Lv Bu's army would be united as one, and even if his side won, it would only be a remnant victory, which would only increase casualties.

As for abandoning the east gate and ignoring Lv Bu's escape, one is what I just said, and the other is that it would be very difficult for Lv Bu to escape to the east.

To the east is Tongguan. Lu Bu can't attack Tongguan foolishly, and can only escape from the south.

However, there are many high mountains in the south, and if Lu Bu tried to escape, he would be seriously injured and his vitality would be severely damaged.

At that time, it will be much easier to lead troops to attack everywhere in Liangzhou.

Indeed, as Guo Jia expected, because of the deterrent effect of the hot air balloon, Lu Bu's army was directly distracted.

When the Republican army attacked the city, there were not many defenders on the city wall.

Was attacked in one go.

The city gate was wide open, and Lu Bu knew that the situation was over, so he gathered his troops and rushed out towards the south gate.

When he rushed to the south gate, he happened to meet Gao Shun leading the army to kill him.

Lu Bu and Gao Shun fought, but because of the unstable morale of the army, they retreated directly.

After another defeat, Lu Bu led his troops to the east gate again.

Seeing that there were no siege soldiers at the east gate, he couldn't help being overjoyed, but even more puzzled.

'Why are there soldiers at the west gate and south gate, but not at the east gate? '

Thinking of this, Lu Bu stopped in his tracks.

But before he could think it over, there was a sound of killing shouts behind him, and the pursuers had arrived.

'I can't take care of that much anymore'

Seeing the pursuers coming, Lu Bu sighed inwardly, and led the soldiers to flee outside the city.

Lu Bu's escape was expected by Guo Jia, so instead of chasing him, he immediately rectified the affairs of the city, and then arranged for the generals to set up defenses at various intersections leading to Liangzhou.

Lu Bu didn't know this at all, and just kept running away.

Not long after he walked, he only heard the sound of horseshoes coming forward, and secretly said badly in his heart.

"I should have thought that Guo Jia was not so kind, let me live"

In the current situation, he couldn't help but not think about the ambush that Guo Jia had arranged for a long time ago.

But this time he really wronged Guo Jia.

This team was indeed from Zhang Lan's side, but it was not arranged by Guo Jia in advance, but Ma Chao received the news that Guo Jia led the army to attack Chang'an.

Originally, Ma Chao was beaten by Lu Bu and Xiang Feng before, but now that he knows that Lu Bu is being attacked, how can he calm down.

So he ordered his generals to guard Tongguan, and directly led a team of troops towards Chang'an.

Unexpectedly, he happened to meet Lu Bu who had fled here.

Although it was unexpected, it also met Ma Chao's wishes.

Tan Ma told Ma Chao the news that Lu Bu was in the front, Ma Chao was overjoyed, and directly led his troops to charge over.

Lu Bu saw that there was no way to avoid it, so he set up his position and stood ready.

When Ma Chao rushed over, the two armies began to confront each other without saying a word.

Lu Bu thought it was an ambush, so naturally he didn't say much, but the reason why Ma Chao didn't say anything was because he was too aggrieved when he fought with Lu Bu and Xiang Feng before.

Although the morale of Lu Bu's soldiers was low, they thought that there was no way to escape, so they were extraordinarily desperate.

Although Ma Chao's soldiers were physically strong, and seeing that Lu Bu's side had fled from the defeat, their morale was also extremely fierce.

Hand-to-hand combat relies on morale. Although the morale of the two armies is very strong, Lu Bu's army is fighting to the death.

The so-called barefoot people are not afraid of wearing shoes, and the so-called poor people are afraid of being stupid, and those who are stupid are afraid of dying.

If this sentence is used to explain, it means that Ma Chao's side is horizontal.

But Lu Bu's side is poor and desperate.

The key point is that Ma Chao left in a hurry, leading only ten thousand troops, while Lu Bu was defeated, but still had fifty to sixty thousand troops.

Therefore, Ma Chao is destined to be aggrieved again in this battle.

Besides, Lu Bu still has several fierce generals leading the way, so Ma Chao can't beat him alone.

After fighting for a while, Ma Chao finally discovered the truth, and reluctantly sent a signal to retreat.

However, Lu Bu was afraid of deceit and did not dare to pursue him, which allowed Ma Chao to escape.

Ma Chao was defeated and directly led his troops back to Tongguan.

However, Lu Bu did not dare to go further to the east, but planned to escape from the south.

But Sima Yi embraced him and said, "Guo Jia is called a ghost by Zhang Lan. He must have expected that we will travel from the south. There must be ambushes on the way. Why not do the opposite and go from the north?" It is the best policy to advance and take advantage of the unpreparedness to attack the Northland."

For Sima Yi, Lu Bu still had a lot of trust, so he adopted his opinion and led the troops to march north.

It was peaceful all the way, so he believed in this decision even more, and admired Sima Yi even more.

Zhang Liao had already received the news when he arrived in the north.

At the gate of Beidi, Zhang Liao couldn't defend himself, waiting for Guo Jia's rescue.

(End of this chapter)

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