Optimization System of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 230 The Yamagoe Rebellion

Chapter 230 The Yamagoe Rebellion
Cao Cao frightened away wolves, tigers, leopards, poisonous snakes and vicious scorpions with the fire, and then Xia Houyuan shot King Mulu to death.

Meng Huo was defeated in just one battle.

After Meng Huo fled, Cao Cao stayed in Jianning to recuperate.

By the time the food and grass arrived from the rear, all the affairs in the city had been properly arranged.

So he raised his troops again and marched towards Yunnan.

Meng Huo didn't wait around after returning to Yunnan.

Instead, he went to the country of Ugo and borrowed [-] troops from Wu Tugu, the leader of the country of Ugo.

But he didn't know how Meng Huo borrowed it.

But from this, we can see Meng Huo's ability. He has been defeated and defeated repeatedly, but there are always people who are willing to help him.

Wu Tugu dispatched two leaders under his command, Bingchang Zhang, one Tu'an and one Xi Ni.

Both of them are wearing rattan armor, and the soldiers under their command are all the same.

The whole army looked a bit shabby.

But this rattan armor is not an ordinary rattan armor.

Instead, it is a kind of vine from the Ugo country cave. The vine is soaked in oil and dried in the sun for half a year; it is dried and soaked more than ten times before it can be worn into armor.

One piece of rattan armor is used for the chest and back, two pieces are used for the arms, and five pieces are made into a large skirt. It is a pair in total. When worn on the body, it will not sink when crossing the river, and will not get wet when passing through the water. Can't enter, so it's named 'Tengjia Army'.

Cao Cao pursued to Yunnan, but happened to meet Meng Huo.

The two armies spread out their positions and spoke naturally.

But the words were not speculative, and before he could say a few words, Meng Huo gave an order, and the [-] Tengjia troops rushed towards the Shu army.

Cao Cao was naturally not to be outdone, and with an order, the two armies collided.

Xia Houyuan took the lead, and swung his knife at the soldier in front of him.

Raising the knife and falling with the hand should have split the person in half.

But the soldier raised his arm and used it to resist Xia Houyuan's attack.

Seeing this, Xia Houyuan showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, but the sneer turned into shock in an instant.

Because this soldier was not beheaded as he imagined.

The big knife fell on the soldier's arm, and the soldier's arm just fell to the ground with the great force, but he was not fatally injured.

Seeing this situation, Xia Houyuan was briefly absent-minded.

At the moment when he lost his mind, two more soldiers rushed towards him.

The rattan armored soldiers all used sharp knives and steel forks. Xia Houyuan could only resist in a hurry, and then slashed at one of the rattan armored soldiers with a backhand.

But that rattan armored soldier was the same as the previous one, only because of Xia Houyuan's strength he was sent flying horizontally.

This time Xia Houyuan was really scared.

The barbarians in front of them are invulnerable, and they can't break through the armor with their own abilities, so how can they fight this battle?
Thinking of this, Xia Houyuan tried his best to knock away the rattan armor soldiers around him, and then looked around.

Only after looking at it did they realize that the entire army had already collapsed after just a face-to-face meeting.

Seeing this scene, Xia Houyuan was also afraid.

What Xia Houyuan could see, Cao Cao, who commanded from a distance, could naturally see it too.

At this time, Cao Cao also had a look of astonishment, obviously not believing that such a thing would happen.

In just a moment, the Shu army had already injured more than a thousand people, but the Tengjia army had only a few dozen people.

These ten or so people were still because they didn't defend well the parts without rattan armor.

Some were cut to the ankle, some were directly hit in the head, and there was an unlucky one who was hit in the foot by someone. He couldn't react in time, so he was hit in the neck and died on the spot.

More than ten people are too insignificant for an army of over ten thousand.

Therefore, Cao Cao did not find that the opponent was injured.

But on his own side, there was a large area of ​​death.

After being surprised for a few seconds, Cao Cao finally realized it.

He immediately ordered Ming Jin to withdraw his troops.

Hearing the sound of Jin Ming, the Shu army fled away in a hurry as if they were relieved.

The rattan armored soldiers only chased for a while, and then stopped chasing.

After withdrawing, Cao Cao withdrew his troops for thirty li and set up camp.

Then he ordered people to inquire about the news.

He really wanted to know why this barbarian became so brave.

The so-called abnormality must have a demon. He didn't believe that the barbarians who were defeated by him suddenly became so heroic, and they could even be said to be invulnerable.

Nothing in the night

The next day, Meng Huo led the rattan armored soldiers to challenge again.

Cao Cao did not dare to fight.

Seeing this situation, Meng Huo directly ordered a forced attack.

Anyway, in his heart, rattan armor soldiers are invulnerable, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

When Cao Cao saw the barbarians rushing forward desperately, he immediately ordered his men to resist with all their might.

But the effect is very inconspicuous.

In this case, Cao Cao could only retreat again.

Seeing that Cao Cao retreated again, Meng Huo was overjoyed, his original bad luck was swept away, and he looked very high-spirited.

Seeing that there were rattan armor soldiers at this time, Cao Cao was defeated and left again.

Meng Huo was also determined and did not pursue immediately.

On the contrary, it is after preparing more food and grass that they want to send troops to Jianning.

But Wu Tugu, the leader of the Ugo Kingdom, disagreed with Meng Huo's pursuit.

Meng Huo saw that his most important reinforcements would not follow him to charge and kill, so he gave up the idea of ​​attacking Jianning.

Then he rested and recuperated in Yunnan for a generation, and waited for the soldiers to have enough food before heading to Jianning.

at the same time
The new capital of Yangzhou, Danyang, Poyang, and Kuaiji rebelled.

Zhang He was unable to react in time, and was attacked by several counties, and retreated to the north of the Yangtze River.

Then Zhang He sent a letter to Luoyang to inform Zhang Lan.

Zhang Lan was furious when he heard the news, and then ordered Lei Tong to lead [-] troops from Yanzhou to Yangzhou, and ordered Cao Bao to lead [-] troops from Xuzhou to Yangzhou.

He appointed Zhang Yun as the general and Lu Xun as the deputy general to eliminate Shanyue to ensure the stability of the rear.

Zhang He took the order, raised his troops and marched northward, and fought Fei Zhan, one of the leaders of Shanyue, and Wuhu generation.

Although Fei Zhan captured the first generation of Wuhu, his foundation was indeed not stable.

Before, Zhang He was defeated only because he was caught off guard, but now Zhang He has been slowed down, and Lu Xun is added.

In just over a month, Wuhu was captured, and Fei Zhan fled to Jing County to join Youtu.

Seeing that Fei Zhan was defeated by Zhang Yun so quickly, Youtu knew that he was invincible, so he and Fei Zhan abandoned Jing County and went directly to Xindu to join Huang Luan.

When Huang Luan heard that Fei Zhan and You Tu were leading the army, he was puzzled.

Stand at the head of the city and ask him why he came.

The two told Huang Luan about Zhang Yun's attack on Wuhu.

Only then did Huang Luan understand, but she didn't quite believe it.

Let Fei Zhan and Youtu station troops outside the city, and invite them to enter the city to entertain them.

The two of them naturally knew Huang Luan's intentions, and they didn't mind, they settled down and entered the city.

At the banquet, Fei Zhan told Huang Luan about the Battle of Wuhu, and Huang Luan believed it.

Then he rectified his troops and waited for Zhang Yun's arrival at any time.

In his heart, relying on his more than ten thousand troops, he is enough to contend against Zhang Yun's army.

(End of this chapter)

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