Optimization System of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 239 Wanting to Enter Hexi

Chapter 239 Wanting to Enter Hexi
Cao Cao is lustful, but he is also a hero.

Although Zhu Rong's beauty aroused his interest, he still wouldn't do anything excessive without understanding Zhu Rong's situation.

When Meng Huo saw Cao Cao looking behind him, he also turned his head and looked over, but he didn't notice Cao Cao's eyes.

After seeing the people behind him, he began to introduce.

From Jinhuan three knots to busy teeth, I have introduced them one by one.

It's just that Zhu Rong was not introduced.

Cao Cao was puzzled why Meng Huo didn't introduce such a brave female general to himself, so he couldn't help asking, "Who is this female general?"

Seeing Cao Cao's question, Meng Huo explained, "This is my wife, Zhu Rong."

"So that's how it is." Cao Cao showed a dazed expression, and then suppressed his interest.

"It turned out to be Mrs. Zhu Rong. The barbarian king is so lucky. Since even his wife is so brave and beautiful, I am really envious of others."

Since he couldn't get it, Cao Cao would not be careful to satirize Meng Huo, and naturally he was not stingy with good words.

Sure enough, after hearing Cao Cao's words, Meng Huo seemed very happy.

The reason why Meng Huo was happy was not just Cao Cao's words, but because when he introduced Zhu Rong, he said that his wife Zhu Rong had no objection, and his wife gave him face, so he finally won in this respect. I am happy that I have surpassed Cao Cao.

After Meng Huo's introduction, Cao Cao introduced his subordinates to Meng Huo.

The two sides got to know each other for a while, then sat down and started the banquet.


"Your Majesty, in recent years, you have practiced wars and developed new types of equipment, and the treasury has been unable to make ends meet. I boldly beg your Majesty to change the strategy and give priority to the production of steam products."

Zhuge Liang knelt down on the ground and told Zhang Lan.

"Get up and talk"

"Thank you Your Majesty"

"Isn't it possible to keep the same level before? Why can't we make ends meet now?"

Zhuge Liang shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "Returning to Your Majesty, it was indeed relatively balanced before, and income and expenditure were equal, but Your Majesty, didn't you order the production of gunpowder with all your strength? Cultivate talents in this area, plus the materials needed for gunpowder." , the current income is no longer enough to make up for these”

After hearing Zhuge Liang's words, Zhang Lan tapped her fingers on the table and fell into deep thought for a while.

Seeing this, Zhuge Liang didn't dare to disturb Zhang Lan, and let Zhang Lan think.

After a while, Zhang Lan said slowly, "The development of gunpowder cannot be stopped, but the steam technology side needs to increase its research and development efforts and continue to recruit talents. I will figure out a way for the funds. You can go down first."


"Huh? Is there any problem?"

Just as Zhuge Liang was about to speak, Zhang Lan stopped him.

But looking back, Zhang Lan does have something magical, maybe he can really conjure silver taels out of thin air.

Thinking of this, Zhuge Liang no longer persisted, but bowed his hands and said, "The humble minister resigns."

So he left.

After Zhuge Liang left, Zhang Lan naturally started the lottery system again to draw materials.

Fortunately, there are more lottery draws left during this period.

After some extractions, a lot of gold and silver were also drawn.

But Zhang Lan didn't hand it over to Zhuge Liang directly, but planned to give it after a few days. After all, Zhuge Liang had just left, and it was like this last time. If he did it again, he would be suspected.

If your subordinates know that they can make money, then who will work hard?Just wait for your master to change the money.

During this time, Zhang Lan directly ordered to make gunpowder with all his strength.

Although the current gunpowder can only be ignited with a fuse, others don't know what it is. They can be dropped from the sky with the help of the air force, and then calculate the time of the fuse, which can temporarily make up for this shortcoming.

The power of gunpowder is undoubtedly huge. Before the war, use the air force to carry out some bombing. In that way, victory will become much easier.

But things didn't go as smoothly as Zhang Lanxiang imagined. No, there was a problem with funds.

And it's not just this one thing.

Lu Bu was in Shangjun, and with the help of Sima Yi, he successfully repelled Pang De.

Although Zhang He won the first generation in Kuaiji, he joined Lu Xun in Yuzhang.

However, Cao Cao's Huang Zu sent Gan Ning to lead the army to Yuzhang to assist Shanyue in the fight.

Zhang Yun was caught off guard by Gan Ning, and was directly defeated. With heavy losses, he could only choose to retreat to Poyang.

Fortunately, Guo Jia's side is going well. They have already reached Longyou generation and are about to take over the entire Liangzhou.

The key is that Cao Cao has quelled the Nanman at this time, and his squadron returned to the court, ready to fight Zhang Lan.

On the whole, things are not looking good.

Therefore, the development of gunpowder is imperative and cannot be postponed any longer.


"King Qiang, now that the rebels have captured most of Liangzhou, and the army has already entered Xiliang, I might as well take this opportunity to attack Hexi. Now there is only Lu Kuang in Hexi. Before that, I have lost troops and generals, so there is nothing to be afraid of."

Sima Yi looked at Lu Bu and expressed his opinion.

And these words really reached Lu Bu's heart.

During this period of time, the battle was really aggrieved.

Now that Cao Cao has pacified the Nanman, he will definitely raise troops to attack Zhang Lan at that time, and Zhang Lan's troops are all out now, and the Bingzhou generation is relatively weak.

If you don't take advantage of this opportunity to make a fortune as capital for a comeback, then when Cao Cao fights Zhang Lan, whether Zhang Lan loses or Cao Cao loses, it will be a bad thing for me .

"Okay, that's it, come on, please come and invite the generals"

Lu Bu thought for a moment before making a decision.

He is not an indecisive person, and he can be regarded as vigorous and resolute when he does things. Now that he has made a decision, he needs to start preparing immediately.

After the generals arrived, Lu Bu ordered Sima Yi to express his opinion.

After Sima Yi finished explaining, everyone agreed.

To be honest, Sima Yi wanted to run away a long time ago. After all, he is also a person who knows the current affairs. He knows that Lu Bu can't do anything, so why would he be loyal to him.

The reason why Sima Yi is still assisting Lu Bu is because Lu Bu takes him too seriously.

He has no military power in his hands, but just follows Lu Bu closely.

Even if he didn't follow Lu Bu, Lu Bu would send his confidants to follow him, so that Sima Yi would not have the chance to rebel or slip away.

And in the previous conversation, although Lu Bu didn't say it clearly, he also revealed in his words that if Sima Yi refused to help him, he would definitely kill him.

After all, if such a smart person can't keep it for his own use, then naturally he can't keep it for the enemy, let him help his enemy deal with him.

Sima Yi had been by Lu Bu's side for so long, and Lu Bu naturally knew Sima Yi's talent. He knew very well how uncomfortable it would be for such a person to help the enemy deal with him.

(End of this chapter)

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